Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where To Donate Blood Plasma In Orange County

Early Education Development Bank Women

Banmujer communicated to the recipient (or) in the Municipality Pedro Maria Urena on the delivery of micro credit of five thousand Bolivars each (o), through the meeting points organized in Associative Economic Units (UEA) by the Institute Women's municipal Ureña ceremony scheduled for this Thursday May 5 this year at the facilities of the Casa de la Cultura "Don Andres Bello" de Ureña, Time: 10:00 am, with the presence of Regional Directorate Banmujer and the Mayor of Pedro Maria Ureña is effective the opening and delivery of resources for the promotion of productive projects granted by the Ministry of Popular Power for Women and Gender Equality, the Bank BANMUJER Different ....

Name Last
Sandra Sanabria Quintana
Ana Mireya Ortiz
Vidalia Ligia Fonseca Godoy
Zaydelix Alejandra Jaime Correa
Gladys Teresa Suarez
Bautista Claudia Estella Jaimez
Evy Ghitza Aillon
Barbara Cecilia Muñoz Zapata
Heydy Carolina Calderon Fuentes
Milagros Santos Suarez Leidy
Yefred David Perez Leal
Kelys Gamboa Nataly Perez
Brenda Viviana Puentes Bridges
Jaimes Bencomo Valley Nacary
Solanyi Nakary Cardenas Leal
Arcelia Romero Vivas
Jose Jesus Jaimes Moreno Mile
Yelitza Escalona Mejia
Belkys Xiomara Parra Fuentes
Miriam Muñoz Fernanda Torres
Johana Quintana Isabel Escalona
Alexander Rojas Javier Meneses
Elvira Gamboa Pinilla
Carmen Pedroza Suescum
Raimundo Carrero Villamizar
Linay Yuderkys Garcia Carrillo
Lighay Bigott Carolina Caicedo
Valley Betsy Ramirez Fonseca
Cheyla Maria Leal Parada
Emilia Jimenez Milagros Ponce
Mritza Jimenez Puentes
Mildrey Betsy Barrera Ramirez
Blanca Lizbeth Perez Mora
Mora Lopez Yrayda Yoleth

punctual attendance is appreciated, "Building Socialism from small ...."


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