Tuberculosis Tuberculosis is a contagious infection, potentially fatal disease caused by a bacteria found in the air called Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis or M. africanum. The term refers to TB disease most frequently caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but sometimes may also be due to the action of M. bovis or M. africanum.
Although other mycobacteria cause disease similar to tuberculosis, these infections are not contagious and most of them do not respond to drugs that change are very effective against tuberculosis. History
human beings suffering from tuberculosis since antiquity. This became a major scourge in Europe during the Industrial Revolution, when cities were filled with an exaggerated, representing more than 30 percent of the deaths. With the development of the antibiotic streptomycin in the 40's, the 50 isoniazid, ethambutol at 60 and rifampin in 70, the battle against tuberculosis seemed won.
However, in the mid 80's, the number of cases in some countries began to increase again. AIDS, with over-population and poor sanitation in many urban areas, homeless shelters and prisons, has led to once again become a major public health problem.
It is especially troubling that some strains causing bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics used to treat the disease. However, in some of these countries, the incidence of tuberculosis is beginning to decline again.
Tuberculosis Tuberculosis is a contagious infection, potentially fatal disease caused by a bacteria found in the air called Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis or M. africanum. The term refers to TB disease most frequently caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but sometimes may also be due to the action of M. bovis or M. africanum.
Although other mycobacteria cause disease similar to tuberculosis, these infections are not contagious and most of them do not respond to drugs that change are very effective against tuberculosis. History
human beings suffering from tuberculosis since antiquity. This became a major scourge in Europe during the Industrial Revolution, when cities were filled with an exaggerated, representing more than 30 percent of the deaths. With the development of the antibiotic streptomycin in the 40's, the 50 isoniazid, ethambutol at 60 and rifampin in 70, the battle against tuberculosis seemed won.
However, in the mid 80's, the number of cases in some countries began to increase again. AIDS, with over-population and poor sanitation in many urban areas, homeless shelters and prisons, has led to once again become a major public health problem.
It is especially troubling that some strains causing bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics used to treat the disease. However, in some of these countries, the incidence of tuberculosis is beginning to decline again.
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