Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Abiotic Factors In Marine Ecosystems


Ministry of Education

No. 561 .- Santiago, December 24, 2010 .-


That Law No. 19,873, created a grant pro-retention of students in educational establishments, modifying the decree with force of Law No. 2 of 1998 on State subsidies to educational institutions.

The grant will be paid to accredited educational holders have registered and managed to stay in the classroom or the regular discharge of them, where appropriate, of students who are studying 7 th year of basic education and 4 years of high school, belonging to families classified as poor, according to the results obtained by applying the Ficha CAS.

That Article 45 of Decree with Force of Law No. 2 of 1998, states that from the year 2005, the figures in pesos on the amount of the subsidy pro-retaining students who will be reset in January of each year in the same percentage that is reset School Subsidy Unit (USE) in the preceding year and shall be fixed by supreme decree issue the Ministry of Education and to be signed also by the Ministry of Finance.

That in order to comply with the statute referred to this Ministry is to issue in this administrative act, and


The provisions of Law No. 18,956 , which restructures the Ministry of Education in Law No. 19,873, which creates educational grant Pro-Retention, in the decree with force of Law No. 2, 1998 in Education, which sets the consolidated, coordinated and DFL N º 2, 1996 on State Grant formal education; in Law No. 20,486, 2010, which grants a salary adjustment to the Public Employees, granted bonuses to states, and provides other benefits that states, in Law No. 20,481, 2010, Budget Public Sector for the year 2011, in the Education Decree No. 216 of 2003 and Resolution No. 1,600, 2008, the Comptroller General of the Republic.


Article I: Fíjanse the values \u200b\u200bof the annual subsidy pro-retaining, for the year 2011, payable to holders and administrators of educational institutions in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8 of Part III of the decree with force of Law No. 2 of 1998, Education and Decree Law No. 3,166 of 1980, according to the detail contained in following:

a) First Stage: Students 7 and 8 years of basic education) $ 73,149

b) Second Tranche: Students of 1 st and 2 nd year high school $ 117,109

c) Third Tranche : Students of 3 rd and 4 th year of education (repetition) $ 146,385

d) Fourth Section: Students graduating from 4 th year high school $ 175,663

Article two: Impútese spending demanded by the present decree allocation "Grant Educational Pro-retention Law No. 19,873 ", of Law No. 20,481, 2010, Public Sector Budget for the year 2011.

Enter, take right and published .- Sebastian Pinera Echenique, President of the Republic .- Joaquin Lavin Infante, Minister of Education .- Felipe Larraín Bascuñan, Minister of Finance.

Transcribed for information .- Ochagavía Fernando Rojas, Assistant Secretary of Education.


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