Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Broken Eyeclops Projector


Dear Customer:

On Saturday 30 April, was published Decree 109, the Ministry of Education, which was amended by Decree 312/2002, which determines activities to be implemented and funded by the Media Education program. "

The amendments consisted in replacing the letter b) of article 1, add a letter l) new article 2 and article 4 sustiruir.

To clarify the meaning and scope of the changes, then transcribe Decree 109/2011, and then, Decree 312/2002, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS MADE IN IT.

the same purpose, the amended provisions are stained blue in the text of D. 312/2002, updated to which I referred.

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Nelson Lobos Zamorano
Conception May 2, 2011
Anibal Pinto 372 Of. 61

Ministry of Education


No. 109 .- Santiago, February 23 , 2011 .-


The Ministry of Education is the Secretariat of State responsible for promoting the development of education at all levels;

That Presidential Decree No. 312 of 2002, identified the activities to be implemented and financed by the Education Media, under the provisions of Law No. 19,842 of public sector budgets for 2003;

That law No. 20,481 Public Sector Budget for the year 2011, allocating 09 - 01-03-24-03-512, gloss 07, which provides financing for Media Education Program, amendments were made in regard to its financial in 2011, and


The provisions of Law No. 18,956, restructuring the Ministry of Education in the Law No. 20,481, Public Sector Budget for the year 2011, in the Education Decree No. 312 of 2002, regulating the Media Education Program, as amended, and Articles 32 N ° 6 and 35 of the Constitution Policy of the Republic of Chile,


Sole Article .- amend Presidential Decree No. 312 of 2002, the Ministry of Education, which regulated the activities to be implemented and financed by the Education Program Media, under the terms stated below:

1 .- Article 1, replace the letter b) with the following:

Line''strengthening the opportunities for participation and expression for young people in educational institutions, should promote the direct participation of students in building their educational careers, to keep young people complete their education and accessing media and, increasingly, to offer quality education..''

2 .- In article 2, add the next letter l) new:

''Support for students in subsidized schools high schools that participate in events or activities to promote their careers education, such as scientific, literary, historical, cultural, fairs, conferences, contests, samples and / or exhibitions.''

3 .- Replace Article 4, by the following:''

Article 4 .- The expenses incurred in the implementation of Media Education Program for 2011 will be charged to the allocation 03/01/1909 -24 to 03 - 512, gloss 07 of Law No. 20,481, Public Sector Budget for the year 2011. .'' Enter

, take right and published .- Sebastian Pinera Echenique, President of the Republic .- Joaquín Lavin Infante, Minister of Education .- Felipe Larraín Bascuñan, Minister of Finance.

Transcribed for information .- Sincerely yours, Matias Lira Aviles, Assistant Secretary of Education (S).

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&


No. 312 .- Santiago, December 30, 2002 .-


That is the duty of the state through the Ministry of Education to promote the development of education in all levels;

That the Budget Act in the public sector for 2003 includes the item 09-01-01-25-33-512, gloss 16, whose purpose is to support educational institutions of secondary education governed by the DFL N º 2, 1998 in Education, focusing on those that need to develop processes and activities that allow the retention of students with higher social vulnerability and education;

standards to be adopted governing the implementation of the activities that will develop this program, and


The provisions of law N ° s. 18,956, 18,962, Organic Constitutional Education, and 19,842 09-01-01-25-33-512 item, gloss 16, and Article 22 and Articles 32 N ° 8 and 35 of the Constitution
of the Republic of Chile,

D ecret:

Article 1: Execution Media Education Program is regulated in accordance with the provisions prescribed in this Decree.
Media Education Program seeks to improve the supply, retention and educational outcomes and institutional educational institutions subsidized by the state to teach Media Education, and includes the following lines of action:

a) Line building skills teachers in curriculum implementation, teaching technical processes and institutional management practices, intended to raise learning achievements of students in the field of general education and differentiated training, thus ensuring the availability of resources and quality educational services.

b) Line strengthening opportunities for participation and expression for young people in educational institutions, should promote the direct participation of students in building their educational careers, to keep young people and complete their secondary education and access, increasingly, to offer quality education.

c) Hotline technical educational colleges of high vulnerability, aimed at providing specialized consulting skills to install, according to the needs and special educational establishments, through the recruitment of higher education institutions and other appropriate bodies in the area of \u200b\u200bcounseling education.

d) Line strengthening school management to promote the leadership of the management, development of a system of continuous improvement and skills in management teams to enable the drive for greater autonomy within establishments educational.

e) Line support the development and implementation of educational improvement plans, designed to promote the establishment of a model of continuous improvement in educational institutions, focused on learning.

Article 2: The lines of action and activities whose implementation involves the development of the program to which this decree, for establishments affects the regime of Decree with Force of Law No. 2 of 1998, the Ministry of Education, and regulated by Decree Law No. 3166, 1980, are as follows

a) Allocation of annual scholarships retention of middle school students with higher levels socio vulnerability, rated as highly vulnerable condition of pregnancy, maternity, paternity and those beneficiaries of Chile Solidario program, enrolled in the first, second or third year of Secondary Education.
Retention Scholarship is the allocation of financial resources to encourage their students to stay in the educational establishment in order to achieve the twelve years of compulsory schooling, the provisions of Article 19 N ° 10 of the Constitution of the Republic de Chile.
From year 2009 to allocate a total of 19,110 school retention grants, including those students who have the benefit for years earlier, in an amount equal to $ 162,000 .- (one hundred sixty-two thousand dollars), provided that they consult the respective resources in the Budget Law for the Public Sector. The amount of the scholarship will be adjusted annually according to the change in the Consumer Price Index, the year preceding the budget year concerned.
The grant will be administered directly by the National Board of Student Aid and Scholarships.

b) Improving living conditions and boarding equipment establishments governed by the DFL Education No. 2 of 1998 and Decree Law No. 3,166 of 1980, around the country that serve students secondary education establishments targeted and priority through the provision of equipment for heating, sanitation and implementation of educational programs, recreational and social, among other similar

c) Advisory Development Plans aimed at reducing the rate of removal and repetition and improve educational outcomes for targeted high schools and priority, the design and implementation is the responsibility of Institutions External Advisory hired especially for a differentiated service to each facility, the plan should strengthen the areas of executive management, curriculum management and educational management of coexistence and inclusion school in each of them.

For these purposes means:

Focused High Schools: high school educational establishments that according to the criteria of population served (students and / or low-income students and low educational level of parents) and the level of educational attainment present (low scores and high school failure Simce measured withdrawal and repetition) are radically different from other establishments of the country that receive state grants or contributions by the educational risk they present, and therefore require a special strategy that enables them to improve learning outcomes. Lincei

Priority: high school educational establishments targeted segment representing more educational risk, and therefore require external technical assistance, comprehensive and intensive, at least three years.

d) Conducting pedagogical supervision visits, conferences, workshops, meetings, training seminars and courses for senior teachers, classroom teachers, students, tutors, assistants, coordinators and supervisors of secondary schools and professional secondary education differentiated work in Technical and Vocational Training.

e) Processing, Printing and distribution of booklets, manuals, guides, booklets, posters and fact sheets for teachers, instructors and supervisors involved in the various training establishments of secondary education.

f) Conducting outreach events Media Education Program, such as seminars, public events and seminars to exchange experiences with professionals from higher education and academic and productive sectors.

g) development studies and projects in areas of educational, social and cultural integration of psychosocial and advocacy in general, comprehensive care quality lives of students in secondary schools, designed to set a better understanding of the problem of school dropouts as well as monitoring of the actions identified for this program.

h) Training and fees for teachers and specialists engaged in work coordination and technical support for the Improvement of Secondary Education.

i) Recruitment fees teaching professionals in sectors and subsectors of learning to support the management and implementation of curricular and pedagogical. The number of professionals to hire and fees shall be set according to the funds available corresponding year.

j) Performing projects developed by educational institutions on joint school youth initiatives and guidelines to strengthen processes of inclusion and development of educational paths and develop action plans aimed at reducing the rates of withdrawal and repetition and improve educational outcomes for secondary schools.

k) Development and Implementation of Educational Improvement Plans, which correspond to proposals developed independently by teachers, aimed at improving educational outcomes and institutional educational institutions subsidized by the state, governed by the DFL N ° 2, 1998 and Decree No. 3166 of 1980.
l) Support for students in subsidized schools high schools that participate in events or activities that further their educational careers, such as scientific, literary, historical, cultural, fairs, conferences, competitions, exhibitions and or exhibits.

for 2007 will be hired more than 60 professionals with a unique and total fee of up to $ 480,000 per person. This amount is paid in two installments: the first, against the presentation of project work and the second installment, upon presentation and approval reports to demonstrate the implementation of planned activities.

Section 3: Development Education Program Media includes the conclusion, with the natural or legal persons concerned, in all those legal acts necessary for the implementation of activities, including those associated with the operation of this program.

Article 4 .- The expenses incurred in the implementation of Media Education Program for 2011 will be charged to the allocation 09-01-03-24-03-512, gloss 07 of Law No. 20,481 , Public Sector Budget for the year 2011. Enter

, refréndese, take right and published .-

By order of the President, Mariana Aylwin Oyarzun, Minister of Education .- María Eugenia Wagner Brizzi, Minister of Finance (S). Transcribed
you for your understanding .- Yours, Maria Ariadna Hornkohl Venegas, Secretary of Education.


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