Dear Customer:
Please find full text of the regulation of Mainstreaming Education Program, published in the Official Journal yesterday, March 30, 2011.
This program aims to "ensure the full implementation of the curriculum in the education levels of preschool, primary and secondary, for which will generate directions and strategies necessary and appropriate to fulfill that purpose. "And to do so, you must create and implement a comprehensive training policy to ensure the development of learning personal and social education of students in preschool, primary and secondary and modalities.
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; Nelson Lobos Zamorano
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Conception March 31, 2011
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; Official Journal of 30 March 2011
Ministry of Education
No. 31 .- Santiago, January 20, 2011 .-
That, pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 18,956, published in the Official Journal on March 8, 1990, which restructures the Ministry of Education, is for the Secretary of State among other things, promote development of education at all levels is a function of the Portfolio, propose and evaluate policies and plans educational and cultural development;
That the Law of Public Sector Budget for 2011, No. 20,481, Item 09, Chapter 01, Agenda 03, Subtitle 24, Item 03, Assign 612, Gloss N ° 08, available resources intended to cover any costs, including personnel, that demands the support of the management curriculum of educational mainstreaming, to ensure the full implementation of the curriculum in the education levels of preschool, primary and secondary, and its modalities.
That the Budget Act itself provides that a decree of the Ministry of Education, endorsed by the Budget Office, shall be determined how they will be held to support the curriculum management of mainstreaming education in educational institutions;
The provisions of Articles 32 N º 6 and 35 of the Constitution of the Republic of Chile The text consolidated, coordinated and was set by Presidential Decree No. 100 of 2005, the General Secretariat of the Presidency, in the Law No. 18,956 on restructuring the Ministry of Public Education in the Law No. 20,481, National Budget Public Sector in 2011, and Resolution No. 1,600, 2008, the Comptroller General of the Republic;
Article 1 .- The aim of Mainstreaming Education Program is to ensure the full implementation of the curriculum in the education levels of preschool, primary and secondary, for which will generate directions and strategies necessary and appropriate to fulfill that purpose.
Article 2 .- The Ministry of Education through the Educational Mainstreaming Programme, hereinafter the Program, you must create and implement a comprehensive training policy to ensure the development of learning personal and social education of students early childhood education, and primary and secondary modes. Must also generate strategies and guidance for the full implementation of the curriculum across all educational activities and with the participation of all stakeholders in the education community, and conduct studies to improve the implementation of the curriculum to the personal and social development students.
Article 3 .- The program includes the following course of action: a.
- Dissemination and implementation of comprehensive training policy, understood as a set of guidelines and strategies aimed at personal and social development students, agreed with the entire education system. To this will be carried out a series of actions to reach a consensus and articulate the demand for comprehensive training at the level of education. The implementation of this line of action covers the following activities:
1. promotion, dissemination and awareness of content and practices of educational mainstreaming.
2. The development, design, printing and procurement of materials to support the implementation of the Comprehensive Education Policy.
3. The generation of guidelines to support, develop and implement education environmental, education issues related to sustainable development, civic education, participation of actors, motor and psychomotor skills in the educational system, to contribute to the integral formation of students.
Article 4 .- To implement the line of action defined in the preceding article may be used those contained in the budget allocation in the following specific actions:
1. Days with various actors of the education system throughout the country, for advocacy, dissemination and full implementation of the curriculum.
2. working meetings with institutions, public and private agencies that relate to the Integrated Training Policy.
3. acquisition, development, design and printing of educational resources to enable the full implementation of the curriculum.
4. distribute, transport, warehousing and contract packaging of educational resources to enable the full implementation of the curriculum.
5. Hiring services for the preparation of studies to natural persons or legal entities in order to comply with the line of action defined in Article 3.
6. Hiring advisory services, technical assistance and services necessary for development and program management.
Article 5 .- development Prograrna activities comprise all those legal acts necessary for proper implementation, may sign, with natural and / or legal agreements necessary for the fulfillment of the objectives.
Article 6 .- The expenses incurred for the implementation referred to in this decree is entered in Item 09, Chapter 01, Agenda 03, Subtitle 24, Item 03, Assign 612, Gloss N ° 08, of Law No. 20,481, Public Sector Budget for the year 2011. Enter
, take right and published .- Sebastian Pinera Echenique, President of the Republic .- Joaquin Lavin Infante, Minister of Education. Transcribed
you for your understanding .- Sincerely yours, Fernando Rojas Ochagavía, Secretary of Education
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