Lino Rodríguez Arias, in his book Law, Justice and the Common Good, said that it "is the set of values, goods and experiences that contribute to preservation and progress of communities and material welfare, moral and intellectual people living in them. " For his part, Pope John XXIII in the encyclical Mater et Magistra, calls the common good as "a set of social conditions that allow citizens to speedy and full development of his own perfection."
The common good has excellent prerequisites for progress of the revolution. These are public, collective prosperity, higher intellectual and moral order and a proper use of the common good citizens.
This leads us to conclude that the characteristics of the common good are universal, and progressive supra-individual.
The revolution is transforming our society to advance man. Liberty, equality and human dignity and undeniable part of a social group are its precepts.
Al propel a true brotherhood of the majority or masses, the revolution is successful in implementing strategies for the improvement and development of the communities.
Socialism, led and promoted by President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, is inextricably linked to the concepts of common good and social equality. "This is the big key to the development of socialism vigorous and vital, important and militant, be aware that the flags historical revolutionary patriotism today we add the banners of socialism, we're in "the very long battle" of the historic Bolivar. "
journalist Fernando Ramón Bossi said that "our twenty-first century socialism is walking to the rhythm of consciousness of the people, carrying out a profound ideological battle against the dominant capitalist thinking, continuing the historic struggles for unity, freedom and justice of the Latin American, Caribbean, fraternizing with all peoples of the world without losing sight of the central objective of their happiness and our own. "
revolution to achieve goals and objectives, has the best men and women of this country, namely the great Venezuelan people, citizens with noble spirits in seeking the common good.
The common good has excellent prerequisites for progress of the revolution. These are public, collective prosperity, higher intellectual and moral order and a proper use of the common good citizens.
This leads us to conclude that the characteristics of the common good are universal, and progressive supra-individual.
The revolution is transforming our society to advance man. Liberty, equality and human dignity and undeniable part of a social group are its precepts.
Al propel a true brotherhood of the majority or masses, the revolution is successful in implementing strategies for the improvement and development of the communities.
Socialism, led and promoted by President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, is inextricably linked to the concepts of common good and social equality. "This is the big key to the development of socialism vigorous and vital, important and militant, be aware that the flags historical revolutionary patriotism today we add the banners of socialism, we're in "the very long battle" of the historic Bolivar. "
journalist Fernando Ramón Bossi said that "our twenty-first century socialism is walking to the rhythm of consciousness of the people, carrying out a profound ideological battle against the dominant capitalist thinking, continuing the historic struggles for unity, freedom and justice of the Latin American, Caribbean, fraternizing with all peoples of the world without losing sight of the central objective of their happiness and our own. "
revolution to achieve goals and objectives, has the best men and women of this country, namely the great Venezuelan people, citizens with noble spirits in seeking the common good.
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