Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Catoon Big Booty Gallery

TABLE DARK right-wing (MUD)

The Venezuelan opposition is showing contempt for the institutions that, although the view of some compatriots and international organizations want to wear a cloak of democracy and respect for the rule of right. After five years away for a parliamentary forum, retiring in 2005 legislative elections to play a possible foreign intervention from the many options to destabilize the country in 2010, decided to run the 2010 and scored more than 60 members, some of whom had been disqualified on acts of corruption, closed state channels in the 2002 coup and even murders.

bonded Opposition in the colorful Bureau of the Ultra Right (MUD, heir to the notorious anti-democratic conspirators, with which promoted sabotage guarimbas, strikes and riots coup with the private media support) has not ceased in its desire to seize power through violent means, read, no electoral or institutional. The opposing forces are the Bolivarian government lobbying in Washington to force the abrupt departure of President Hugo Chavez, including assassination, perhaps by one popular saying goes "dead dog rabies is over," or what is the same as saying without Chávez no revolutionary process.

The ultra-patriotic bourgeois right and moves its tentacles in Spain, Peru, Chile and the U.S. (they ran out of bread beak in Colombia) to see that Venezuela is experiencing a situation of chaos and restriction of freedoms and the people in the streets demanding that Chavez is going. Tout image what happens in the Arab political world today convulsed with riots in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and other oil rich nations.

Leaders of the Bureau of ultra right, with Rep. William Davila Barrios adeco (former governor of Merida) to the head, met in Miami with the cream of the top anti-Castro to promote our country to be listed nations that promote and support terrorism and drug trafficking. This was done to the Barack Obama put Venezuela on its blacklist and give more funding to opposition groups for violent acts, among which is considered a coup.

Among the "prominent figures "who met with the opposition leader were Creoles Castro Diaz Balart and Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who have promoted forgiveness for the real terrorists Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, accused of blowing up the Cubana Aviation in 1973, which killed 73 people, and other criminal acts that involve kidnapping, murder and attempted murder in the United States, Spain, the Caribbean and South America.

be recalled that Mrs. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, apart from being the strong supporter of former CIA operative, Posada Carriles, he advocated the legalization of mayamero kidnapping of Cuban rafter Elian Gonzalez, the late 90's, defended to the hilt the war in Iraq and the death of Saddam Hussein, has asked the White House bomb Cuba and even to revise flights between Caracas and Tehran "to see if they move terrorist elements. " With these jewels have been meeting the opposition leaders flamboyant Creole and banal intention is to support Congressman Connie Mack in order to include Venezuela in the list of terrorist countries.

must remember that this meeting takes place in the context of the so-called hunger strike that made young right-wingers, financed from the outside and grouped in the so-called Active Youth Venezuela Unida (Javu, “manitos blancas”) y de la estrategia de la MUD para lanzar precandidatos presidenciales (potenciales “Frijolitos”).

También sucede en el marco de la gira internacional que realiza el “neocachorro del imperio”, el presidente de Chile, Sebastián Piñera, quien ha declarado seguida y constantemente en contra del gobierno venezolano; y de la reunión cuasi secreta entre los ex presidentes de Estados Unidos, George Bush padre e hijo, con Álvaro Uribe, José María Aznar y el golpista Pedro Carmona Estanga, en República Dominicana. Sobre la participación de éste último, el presidente de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, declaró que no permitirá to interfere in actions that undermine the renewed bilateral relationship with Venezuela, for, otherwise he risks being expelled from the neighboring country, where asylum cowardly for not accountable to the Venezuelan justice system for their active participation in the coup of April 11, 2002.

It is, therefore, planned actions and concatenated as part of a series of escalations and aggression against our revolution and our democratic system. The Venezuelan people is not as stupid as before and is alert to face any alteration of constitutional order that could take away their achievements in these 12 years. With the sword of Bolivar, the Liberator Father, high, as was the glorious April 13, 2002, we will shout: Venceremos!


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