Monday, April 4, 2011

Anatomy For Beginners Iso


Dear Customer:

We have estimated the case send the full text of each Bonus (*) 50 years of marriage, attended the novelty the nature and the profoundly human and social, in time to subtract or expected significance assuming perpetual bonds of nature ..

In terms of amount, for many will be attractive and desirable, while others will have the symbolic effect of social recognition.

Whatever the case, it seemed necessary to help bring this symbol to those who still have faith in traditional institutions that underpin our society.

I suggest you visit my Blog and follow my twitter @ aselex

(*) (Joke)


; ; Nelson Lobos Zamorano
; ; Advocate

Conception April 2, 2011
Twitter: @ aslegal
A. Pinto 372, Of. 61
Fono (41) 2254326 Concepción


ACT NO. 20,506


H. Bearing in mind that Congress has approved the following bill,


''Article 1 .- Concédese, for once, an extraordinary bonus to all spouses who meet the following requirements:

a) age 50 double from January 1, 2010. The marriage may have been held in Chile or in a foreign country, in which case it should have been entered in the register indicated in the second paragraph of Article 135 of the Civil Code;

b) That marriage had not ended by any legal cause;

c) that spouses can not be found separated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter III of Law No. 19,947, Civil Marriage,

d) that spouses can not be found divorced under with the Civil Marriage Act of January 10, 1884;

e) Integrate a home belonging to the first four quintiles, according to the threshold of focus resulting from the implementation of the Social Protection tab or instrument replacement. The spouses must belong to the same home or residence proof, both or either of them, a long-stay facility for older adults recognized by competent authority, and

f) Accrediting residence in the territory of the Republic of Chile a period of not less than four years in the past five years immediately preceding the date of filing to qualify for the benefits conferred by this law.

A regulation issued by the Ministry of Finance and also signed by the Minister of Planning indicate how to prove residency in common. Those rules also determine the threshold of focus which will determine who meet the requirement set out in the letter e), and set other rules for the implementation of this law.

The provisions of the previous letter is without prejudice to beneficiaries of the bond may be spouses, in a second or subsequent marriage, held under current law, comply with the requirements indicated above.

Article 2 .- The provisions of this Act bond amount to $ 250,000, by marriage, and paid in equal shares to each of the spouses.

The bonus will be no compensation or rent for any legal effect and, therefore, not be taxed or taxable and is not subject to discount.

The bonus amount will be adjusted on 1 October each year at 100% of the variation to experience the Consumer Price Index determined by the National Statistics Institute, or the body that replaces it, between the month of September previous year and the month of August in the respective operating adjustment.

Article 3 .- To implore the right to the bonus provisions of this Act, spouses, either in person or duly represented, from the date of compliance with the requirement of point a) of Article 1 and to twelve months following the verification of this requirement, must jointly file an application to the Social Security Institute. Means that they waive the voucher recipients who did not request
the time limit set.

However, if either spouse dies within the period specified in the preceding paragraph, the widow or widower may implore the bond that corresponds, on the same occasion referred to in the preceding paragraph, provided it is within the focusing threshold established by the letter e) Item 1 and meets the requirement of the letter f) of that Article.

Article 4 .- The Social Security Institute shall verify compliance with the requirements to access the payment voucher and order, with all the background information available to the system contained in Article 56 of Law No. 20,255. The Institute is entitled to apply to the Civil Registry and Identification, the Ministry of Planning, the Police Department in Chile and other public bodies, personal data and information necessary to verify compliance with the requirements to qualify
Article 5 .- The bonus will be paid by tax and paid by the Social Security Institute, for once, in the part corresponding to each spouse. In effect, the Social Security Institute will hold direct payment agreements with one or more entities to ensure national coverage. The deadline for payment of the bonus will be six months from the date payment was ordered by the said Institute.

Article 6 .- The Social Security Institute shall hear and settle claims related to the bonus materials in accordance with the provisions of law No. 19,880, according to the rules be provided by the Superintendencia Social Security, without prejudice to the powers of the latter.

Article 7 .- Those who improperly receive special bonus granted by this law, concealing information or providing false information, will apply dministrativas and criminal penalties that may be applicable. In addition, the offender must make restitution of the sums unduly received, adjusted in accordance with the changes experience the Consumer Price Index determined by the National Institute of Statistics, between the month preceding that in which it was perceived and its return above .

Article 8 .- It shall be the Superintendent Social Security the supervision and control of the award and payment of bonus. To this end, the provisions of the SVS and organic Act. In addition, the Superintendent may request the bodies mentioned in Article 4 of personal data and information as may be necessary for the exercise of the functions listed above.

The staff of the Institute of Social Welfare and the Superintendency of Social Security should maintain confidentiality and secrecy of the information which it has knowledge by virtue of Article 4, without prejudice to the information and certifications to be provided pursuant to law. Also staff shall refrain from using the data collected for the benefit of oneself or others. For purposes of the second paragraph of Article 125 of Law No. 18,834, which recast, coordinated and was fixed by the decree with force of Law No. 29 of 2005, the Ministry of Finance, estimates that the facts to configure violations seriously violate this provision
the principle of administrative probity, without prejudice to other penalties and liabilities as appropriate. Transitional provisions

Article One .- Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph a) of Article 1, spouses who from the first of January 2010 had served more than 50 years of marriage and meet the other requirements of this law shall be entitled to bonus only once, according to the following rules:

a) Spouses who during 2010 had reached 60 or more years of marriage may implore the right to a bond within twelve months from the date of publication of this law.

b) Spouses who in 2011 at 60 years of marriage may implore the right to a bond within twelve months from the date that had reached the years of marriage marked or the date of publication of the law, whichever is later than the former.

c) Spouses who meet during the year 2012 58, 59 and 60 years of marriage may implore the right to a bond within twelve months from the date that had reached the years of marriage mentioned.

d) Spouses who meet during the year 2013 57 and 58 years of marriage may implore the right to a bond within twelve months from the date that had reached the years of marriage mentioned.

e) Spouses who meet during the year 2014 55, 56 and 57 years of marriage may implore the right to a bond within twelve months from the date that had reached the years of marriage mentioned.

Those spouses who have attained 50 years of marriage between 1 January 2010 and the date of publication of this law may implore the right to a bond within twelve months from the date of such publication, provided they meet the requirements to qualify for it.

In no event shall be entitled to bond those spouses who had been beneficiaries of it to be 50 years of marriage or having been entitled to entreat the said profit in that time, they have not requested within prescribed therein.

Article Two .- If, in any of the situations described in the first article transitional one spouse dies, having completed 50 years of marriage, but before reaching the number of years that entitles collect the bonus set forth in this law, the widow or widower shall be entitled, at one time, half the bonus and will implore within twelve months from the date of cash it would have been entitled under article first transitional provided it is within the threshold established targeting point e) of Article 1 and complying with the letter f) of that Article.

Furthermore, following the years of marriage are entitled to a bond, either spouse dies after that date and before the expiration of 12 months referred to implore the right to bond, the widow or widower will remain right to request and collect the equivalent of half the bonus, provided it complies with the requirements set out in points e), as the threshold of focus, f) of Article 1.

be deemed to waive the voucher recipients who do not apply in the respective period.

Article Three .- The largest tax expenditure that represents the application of this law, will be funded the current budget of the Social Security Institute, and as wanting, with resources being transferred from the Treasury Budget Item Budget Law Public Sector.

Article Four .- The first adjustment to the amount of the bond will be held on October 1, 2011..''

And because I have been pleased to approve and sanction and therefore enacted and take effect as a law of the Republic.

Santiago, March 18, 2011 .- Sebastian Pinera Echenique, President of the Republic .- Felipe Larraín Bascuñán, Minister of Finance .- Evelyn Matthei Fornet, Minister of Labour and Social Security .- Felipe Bulnes Serrano, Minister of Justice.

Transcribed you for your understanding .- Saluda Atte. you, Rodrigo Alvarez Zenteno, Undersecretary of the Treasury.


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