Dear Customer:
Please find full text of the regulation of Mainstreaming Education Program, published in the Official Journal yesterday, March 30, 2011.
This program aims to "ensure the full implementation of the curriculum in the education levels of preschool, primary and secondary, for which will generate directions and strategies necessary and appropriate to fulfill that purpose. "And to do so, you must create and implement a comprehensive training policy to ensure the development of learning personal and social education of students in preschool, primary and secondary and modalities.
I suggest visiting my Blog and follow my twitter @ aselex
; Nelson Lobos Zamorano
; ; Advocate
Conception March 31, 2011
Twitter: @ aslegal A. Pinto 372, Of. 61
Fono (41) 2254326 Concepción
; Official Journal of 30 March 2011
Ministry of Education
No. 31 .- Santiago, January 20, 2011 .-
That, pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 18,956, published in the Official Journal on March 8, 1990, which restructures the Ministry of Education, is for the Secretary of State among other things, promote development of education at all levels is a function of the Portfolio, propose and evaluate policies and plans educational and cultural development;
That the Law of Public Sector Budget for 2011, No. 20,481, Item 09, Chapter 01, Agenda 03, Subtitle 24, Item 03, Assign 612, Gloss N ° 08, available resources intended to cover any costs, including personnel, that demands the support of the management curriculum of educational mainstreaming, to ensure the full implementation of the curriculum in the education levels of preschool, primary and secondary, and its modalities.
That the Budget Act itself provides that a decree of the Ministry of Education, endorsed by the Budget Office, shall be determined how they will be held to support the curriculum management of mainstreaming education in educational institutions;
The provisions of Articles 32 N º 6 and 35 of the Constitution of the Republic of Chile The text consolidated, coordinated and was set by Presidential Decree No. 100 of 2005, the General Secretariat of the Presidency, in the Law No. 18,956 on restructuring the Ministry of Public Education in the Law No. 20,481, National Budget Public Sector in 2011, and Resolution No. 1,600, 2008, the Comptroller General of the Republic;
Article 1 .- The aim of Mainstreaming Education Program is to ensure the full implementation of the curriculum in the education levels of preschool, primary and secondary, for which will generate directions and strategies necessary and appropriate to fulfill that purpose.
Article 2 .- The Ministry of Education through the Educational Mainstreaming Programme, hereinafter the Program, you must create and implement a comprehensive training policy to ensure the development of learning personal and social education of students early childhood education, and primary and secondary modes. Must also generate strategies and guidance for the full implementation of the curriculum across all educational activities and with the participation of all stakeholders in the education community, and conduct studies to improve the implementation of the curriculum to the personal and social development students.
Article 3 .- The program includes the following course of action: a.
- Dissemination and implementation of comprehensive training policy, understood as a set of guidelines and strategies aimed at personal and social development students, agreed with the entire education system. To this will be carried out a series of actions to reach a consensus and articulate the demand for comprehensive training at the level of education. The implementation of this line of action covers the following activities:
1. promotion, dissemination and awareness of content and practices of educational mainstreaming.
2. The development, design, printing and procurement of materials to support the implementation of the Comprehensive Education Policy.
3. The generation of guidelines to support, develop and implement education environmental, education issues related to sustainable development, civic education, participation of actors, motor and psychomotor skills in the educational system, to contribute to the integral formation of students.
Article 4 .- To implement the line of action defined in the preceding article may be used those contained in the budget allocation in the following specific actions:
1. Days with various actors of the education system throughout the country, for advocacy, dissemination and full implementation of the curriculum.
2. working meetings with institutions, public and private agencies that relate to the Integrated Training Policy.
3. acquisition, development, design and printing of educational resources to enable the full implementation of the curriculum.
4. distribute, transport, warehousing and contract packaging of educational resources to enable the full implementation of the curriculum.
5. Hiring services for the preparation of studies to natural persons or legal entities in order to comply with the line of action defined in Article 3.
6. Hiring advisory services, technical assistance and services necessary for development and program management.
Article 5 .- development Prograrna activities comprise all those legal acts necessary for proper implementation, may sign, with natural and / or legal agreements necessary for the fulfillment of the objectives.
Article 6 .- The expenses incurred for the implementation referred to in this decree is entered in Item 09, Chapter 01, Agenda 03, Subtitle 24, Item 03, Assign 612, Gloss N ° 08, of Law No. 20,481, Public Sector Budget for the year 2011. Enter
, take right and published .- Sebastian Pinera Echenique, President of the Republic .- Joaquin Lavin Infante, Minister of Education. Transcribed
you for your understanding .- Sincerely yours, Fernando Rojas Ochagavía, Secretary of Education
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
How Much Is A Partial Plate Cost
Dear Customer:
I attach the full text of the following resolutions exempt, both published in the Saturday Gazette March 19, 2011, signed by the Under-Secretary and Minister Education:
a) Resolution No. 6754, free, from December 31, 2010 , which provides the functions of National and Regional Head of Unit Subsidies and delegates authority to states of the latter.
b) Resolution No. 6755, free, from December 31, 2010, delegating powers to the heads pointing Regional Grants Unit
The importance of the documents that I refer is that these bodies compete knowledge of the matters relating to subsidies, as well as the control of educational institutions and training of administrative processes.
Visit mi Blog y follow me @ twitter aselex
; ; Nelson Lobos Zamorano
; ; Advocate
Concepción, March 2011
Twitter : @ aselex
A. Pinto 372, Of. 61
Fono (41) 2254326 Concepción
Official Journal Saturday March 19, 2011
Ministerio de Educación
free No. 6,754 .- Santiago December 31, 2010 .-
The provisions of DFL N ° 1 Fixed text consolidated, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 18,575, the Constitutional Organic Law on General Bases of the State Administration; DFL N º 29 2004, consolidated text setting, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 18,834, the Administrative Statute, Articles 1, 2 and 5 of Law No. 18,956, which restructured the Ministry of Public Education, Law No. 19,880 established bases of administrative procedures governing the actions of the State Administration; DFL N º 2, 1998 on State Grant Educational Establishments, Item 09, Chapter 01, Agenda 21, gloss 02, Law No. 20,481, Public Sector Budget for the year 2011 and Resolution No. 1,600, 2008, the Comptroller General of the Republic.
That is a function of the Ministry of Education to adopt measures and create conditions necessary for an effective compliance for the purposes of its own.
that in this framework, strengthening the inspection and supervision of subsidized educational establishments of the country and the payment of state subsidies and optimize human and material resources to carry out these functions, creating for this purpose the National Grants by Law No. 20,314 on Public Sector Budget for the year 2009 and continuing its existence in Law No. 20,407 on Public Sector Budget for the year 2010 and Law No. 20,481, of public sector budgets for 2011.
That pursuant to the provisions of Part 9, Chapter 1, Agenda 21, the 02 gloss Law No. 20,481 on Public Sector Budget for the year 2011, the Minister of Education, the Secretary of Education, the Regional Ministerial Secretaries of Education and Heads provincial education delegate, as appropriate, the heads of the national, regional and Provincial National Unity Grant technical faculties and administrative measures necessary for its proper functioning,
Article 1: allocate to the National Unit Grants, the following management functions:
1. Direct Unit of the Ministry of Education Grants nationwide.
2. advise higher authorities of the Ministry of Education on matters within its competence.
3. propose to the higher authorities of the Ministry of Education initiatives which are necessary to define the policy on subsidies, especially in technical and operational.
4. propose the updating and modification of existing legislation, necessary for the effective and efficient system of subsidies.
5. Participate in meetings, committees, events and others, related to matters within its competence, representing the Ministry, when the authorities have warrants or office.
6. Interact with external institutions, where necessary, to develop the functions of the National Grants.
7. propose policies on subsidies to the authorities of the Ministry and the guidelines and instructions issued by this policy, implemented and enforced at all levels.
8. Direct the operation and development of payment system of national grants and monitor their performance on an ongoing basis so that the payment is made efficiently and in accordance with current legislation.
9. Directing operation and development of the national inspection and monitoring their performance on an ongoing basis so that this function is efficient, with common criteria and is conducted in accordance with current legislation.
10. monitor the operation and handling of administrative processes to be made to educational establishments for violations of DFL N º 2 of 1998 on State grants to schools and the DFL N º 2, the Ministry of Education, 2009 fixing recast coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 20,370 with no rules repealed the DFL N º 1, 2005, and their respective regulations, as that would have been directed by breaches of DFL N º 1, 2005, consolidated text setting, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 18,962, Organic Constitutional Education.
11. Sections Instruct all Unit Grant and Grant Regional Units and provincial levels which developed the system of subsidies, to provide criteria and instructions that guide its operation.
12. Permanently monitoring the activities payment of grants, subsidies inspection and administrative processes that follow through management indicators in place to verify compliance with goals and objectives at national, regional and provincial levels.
13. Submit periodic reports to senior Ministry officials on the activities and results of the voucher system at all levels.
14. know, analyze and study the rules in order to maintain updated the different units that are part of the subsidy system at all levels.
15. Train officials of the subsidy system, National, Regional and Provincial.
16. maintain databases with statistical information necessary for decision-making and to meet the information needs to inside and outside the Ministry of Education.
17. Answer inquiries received by the Ministry of Education to be the scope of its competence in matters of subsidies.
18. Make field visits, the team of officials necessary to the regional, provincial or educational institutions, when the situation warrants.
19. Perform regular activities such as meetings, trainings, workshops and similar to coordinate grant activities at all levels where the system develops, in order to unify criteria in fulfilling the tasks, update knowledge and address matters that are of general interest to have an efficient, effective and common criteria.
20. Analyze background information and assessment on the activity and its results, which periodically delivers the information system in order to take appropriate action to improve management within the scope of the subsidy system.
21. Manage Official Recognition system, coordinated at the territory, and implement improvements to enable the Ministry of Education to manage and control the efficient and timely manner all activities linked to this process.
article 2: allocated to each Regional Chief Grants will exist one in each administrative region of the country, leadership, related to the area of \u200b\u200bGrant and the administrative and personnel necessary to perform their functions and implementing the budget assigned. Managerial functions of these headquarters will be:
a) General Features:
1. Direct Grants Unit at the regional level, coordinate the activities of the Provincial Heads of Inspection and Payment of Grants and Regional Managers Payment and Legal Section.
2. Report to the Regional Ministerial Secretary on matters within its competence.
3. participate on behalf of the Regional Secretariat of Education meetings, committees and other bodies, matters related to their field of competence.
4. Interacting with units of the Regional Ministerial or external, when necessary for the development of the functions of Grants.
b) Specific Functions:
1. receive, implement and monitor the proper implementation of the guidelines and instructions issued by the central level on the development of the subsidy system, study, analyze and implemented in accordance with the conditions of the region.
2. Lead the development and projection of the system of subsidies to regional level in the areas of payment, inspection and administrative processes carried out to schools through regular and ongoing delivery of guidelines and instructions to the provincial levels, according to the guidelines received .
3. permanently monitor and control the activities of payment of grants, subsidies inspection and administrative processes that follow the establishments in their jurisdiction through the performance indicators established to monitor compliance goals and objectives in regional and provincial levels.
4. Submit periodic reports to the national, regional and provincial activities of the subsidy system in the region.
5. know, analyze and study the rules to keep updated on the various units and Provincial Departments of Education of the Region as the Regional Ministerial Secretariat of Education, legislation governing the inspection and payment.
6. propose the necessary skills for officials of the subsidy system in the Region, in areas necessary to perform their functions effectively and efficiently.
7. maintain databases with statistical information necessary for decision-making on the role of inspection and payment of subsidy to meet the needs of information into and outside the Ministry of Education.
8. Answer inquiries received by the Regional Ministerial Secretary of Education or directly to the Regional Unit for Grants, which are the scope of its competence.
9. Make field visits to the provincial or the educational establishments together with the staff necessary when the situation warrants it or when required.
10. Perform regular activities for officials of the subsidy system in the region such as meetings, conferences and others to coordinate grant activities in the region, in order to unify criteria in fulfilling the tasks, updating knowledge and address matters that are general interest in order to have a regional and provincial efficient management.
11. Analyze background information and assessment on the activity of subsidies that periodically delivered or made available to the central level the Ministry of Education to take appropriate action to improve the regional management in the area of \u200b\u200bthe subsidy system.
12. Update data educational establishments and maintain records relating to contributions to the municipalities, benefits and performance facilities difficult, discounts for advance grants to districts, teachers in charge, among others.
Section 3: Delegates, each Regional Head of Grants, the power to appoint a Minister of Faith, under the terms of Article 57 of Decree Law N º 2, 1998 on State subsidies to schools.
Administrative acts concluded under the previous delegation shall be signed under the formula''By order of the Secretary of Education.''
Article 4: is understood that the above functions and powers are on the staff of the unit of the territories under the jurisdiction of the Regional Heads of Grant, comprising the Regional Unit for Grants and Inspection Unit and the respective payment.
Article 5: The powers referred to in this resolution involving expenditure, may be exercised only when there is available budget. Enter
and published .- Matías Lira Aviles, Assistant Secretary Education (S).
No. - 6755 exempt .- Santiago, December 31, 2010 .-
Views: The provisions of DFL N ° 1 Fixed text consolidated, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 18,575, the Constitutional Organic Law on General Bases of the State Administration, Articles 1, 2 and 4 of Law No. 18,956, which restructured the Ministry of Public Education, Law No. 19,880 established bases of Administrative procedures governing the actions of the State Administration; DFL No. 2 of 2009 fixing consolidated text coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 20,370 with the rules are not repealed the decree with force of Law No. 1 of 2005, the Item 09, Chapter 01, Agenda 21, gloss 02, Law No. 20,481, the Budget for the Public Sector 2011, and Resolution No. 1,600, 2008, the Comptroller General of the Republic,
1 .- What is the function of the Ministry of Education take action and create the conditions necessary to ensure effective implementation of the goals of its own.
2 .- That, in this context, strengthening the inspection and supervision of educational institutions subsidized in the country and the payment of state subsidies and optimize human and material resources to carry out these functions, creating for this purpose the National Grants by Law No. 20,314 of Budgets for 2009, continuing its existence in Law No. 20,407 Public Sector Budget for the year 2010 and Law No. 20,481, Public Sector Budget for the year 2011.
3 .- That on September 12, 2009, Law No. 20,370, establishing the General Education Act, contained in the current DFL N º 2, 2009, consolidated text setting, coordinated and systematized Law No. 20,370 with no rules repealed Decree with force of Law No. 1 of 2005, the Ministry of Education, provides in Article 50 that the Superintendent of Education will be the body responsible for overseeing the maintenance of the conditions that led to official recognition of the state and instruction processes administrative and educational establishments sanction in case of loss of any of the requirements to be officially recognized, in breach of the provisions of Articles 32 or 34 and in the standards listed in Article 16, or in the case of outcome poor educational repeatedly on national standards, according to what the law provides for such purposes.
4 .- turn, the second paragraph of the letter a) of Article 46 of the same body of law, indicates that all holders who receive state resources should be accountable over the use of public resources and are subject to control and audit of the same be made by the Superintendent of Education.
5 .- That the transitional Article 10 of Law No. 20,370 provides that, pending the rules go into effect that create the Superintendent of Education, the powers corresponding to it are exercised by the Ministry of Education.
6 .- That Article 4 of Law No. 18,956, which restructured the Ministry of Education, states that the Minister of Education is the Chief Executive of the Ministry and in this vein, he is called by law to exercise temporarily the powers that correspond to the Superintendent of Schools in his capacity as Chief Executive of Service.
7 .- That, in accordance with the provisions of Part 9, Chapter 1, Agenda 21, gloss 02, Law No. 20,481 Public Sector Budget for the year 2011, the ministerial authorities delegated, as appropriate in the heads of the national, regional and provincial National Grants Unit, technical and administrative powers necessary to its good performance, therefore, Resolved
Article 1: delegated to the Heads of Regional Units Grant the following powers: 1 .-
instruct, substantiate and resolve administrative processes first instance for violation of the laws and regulations to obtain and maintain official recognition and apply sanctions to educational institutions in accordance with Article 50 of Decree Law No. 2 of 2009 fixing the consolidated text, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 20. 370 with no rules repealed the decree with force of Law No. 1, 2005.
2 .- Have and run through the respective units inspection oversight of public accountability, as noted in the second paragraph of the letter a) of Article 46 of Decree Law No. 2 of 2009 fixing the consolidated text, coordinated and systematized Law No. 20,370 with no rules repealed the decree with force of Law No. 1 of 2005, which establishes the General Law of Education.
Article 2: The administrative procedures for violation of DFL N º 2, 2009, which sets text consolidated, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 20,370 with the rules are not repealed the decree with force of Law No. 1, they are pending on the date This administrative act, known and continue to be processed by the respective Regional Grants.
Section 3: The administrative actions taken under this delegation must be signed under the formula''By order of the Minister of Education.'' Enter
and published .- Joaquin Lavin Infante, Minister of Education.
Transcribed for information .- Matías Lira Aviles, Assistant Secretary of Education (S).
Dear Customer:
I attach the full text of the following resolutions exempt, both published in the Saturday Gazette March 19, 2011, signed by the Under-Secretary and Minister Education:
a) Resolution No. 6754, free, from December 31, 2010 , which provides the functions of National and Regional Head of Unit Subsidies and delegates authority to states of the latter.
b) Resolution No. 6755, free, from December 31, 2010, delegating powers to the heads pointing Regional Grants Unit
The importance of the documents that I refer is that these bodies compete knowledge of the matters relating to subsidies, as well as the control of educational institutions and training of administrative processes.
Visit mi Blog y follow me @ twitter aselex
; ; Nelson Lobos Zamorano
; ; Advocate
Concepción, March 2011
Twitter : @ aselex
A. Pinto 372, Of. 61
Fono (41) 2254326 Concepción
Official Journal Saturday March 19, 2011
Ministerio de Educación
free No. 6,754 .- Santiago December 31, 2010 .-
The provisions of DFL N ° 1 Fixed text consolidated, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 18,575, the Constitutional Organic Law on General Bases of the State Administration; DFL N º 29 2004, consolidated text setting, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 18,834, the Administrative Statute, Articles 1, 2 and 5 of Law No. 18,956, which restructured the Ministry of Public Education, Law No. 19,880 established bases of administrative procedures governing the actions of the State Administration; DFL N º 2, 1998 on State Grant Educational Establishments, Item 09, Chapter 01, Agenda 21, gloss 02, Law No. 20,481, Public Sector Budget for the year 2011 and Resolution No. 1,600, 2008, the Comptroller General of the Republic.
That is a function of the Ministry of Education to adopt measures and create conditions necessary for an effective compliance for the purposes of its own.
that in this framework, strengthening the inspection and supervision of subsidized educational establishments of the country and the payment of state subsidies and optimize human and material resources to carry out these functions, creating for this purpose the National Grants by Law No. 20,314 on Public Sector Budget for the year 2009 and continuing its existence in Law No. 20,407 on Public Sector Budget for the year 2010 and Law No. 20,481, of public sector budgets for 2011.
That pursuant to the provisions of Part 9, Chapter 1, Agenda 21, the 02 gloss Law No. 20,481 on Public Sector Budget for the year 2011, the Minister of Education, the Secretary of Education, the Regional Ministerial Secretaries of Education and Heads provincial education delegate, as appropriate, the heads of the national, regional and Provincial National Unity Grant technical faculties and administrative measures necessary for its proper functioning,
Article 1: allocate to the National Unit Grants, the following management functions:
1. Direct Unit of the Ministry of Education Grants nationwide.
2. advise higher authorities of the Ministry of Education on matters within its competence.
3. propose to the higher authorities of the Ministry of Education initiatives which are necessary to define the policy on subsidies, especially in technical and operational.
4. propose the updating and modification of existing legislation, necessary for the effective and efficient system of subsidies.
5. Participate in meetings, committees, events and others, related to matters within its competence, representing the Ministry, when the authorities have warrants or office.
6. Interact with external institutions, where necessary, to develop the functions of the National Grants.
7. propose policies on subsidies to the authorities of the Ministry and the guidelines and instructions issued by this policy, implemented and enforced at all levels.
8. Direct the operation and development of payment system of national grants and monitor their performance on an ongoing basis so that the payment is made efficiently and in accordance with current legislation.
9. Directing operation and development of the national inspection and monitoring their performance on an ongoing basis so that this function is efficient, with common criteria and is conducted in accordance with current legislation.
10. monitor the operation and handling of administrative processes to be made to educational establishments for violations of DFL N º 2 of 1998 on State grants to schools and the DFL N º 2, the Ministry of Education, 2009 fixing recast coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 20,370 with no rules repealed the DFL N º 1, 2005, and their respective regulations, as that would have been directed by breaches of DFL N º 1, 2005, consolidated text setting, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 18,962, Organic Constitutional Education.
11. Sections Instruct all Unit Grant and Grant Regional Units and provincial levels which developed the system of subsidies, to provide criteria and instructions that guide its operation.
12. Permanently monitoring the activities payment of grants, subsidies inspection and administrative processes that follow through management indicators in place to verify compliance with goals and objectives at national, regional and provincial levels.
13. Submit periodic reports to senior Ministry officials on the activities and results of the voucher system at all levels.
14. know, analyze and study the rules in order to maintain updated the different units that are part of the subsidy system at all levels.
15. Train officials of the subsidy system, National, Regional and Provincial.
16. maintain databases with statistical information necessary for decision-making and to meet the information needs to inside and outside the Ministry of Education.
17. Answer inquiries received by the Ministry of Education to be the scope of its competence in matters of subsidies.
18. Make field visits, the team of officials necessary to the regional, provincial or educational institutions, when the situation warrants.
19. Perform regular activities such as meetings, trainings, workshops and similar to coordinate grant activities at all levels where the system develops, in order to unify criteria in fulfilling the tasks, update knowledge and address matters that are of general interest to have an efficient, effective and common criteria.
20. Analyze background information and assessment on the activity and its results, which periodically delivers the information system in order to take appropriate action to improve management within the scope of the subsidy system.
21. Manage Official Recognition system, coordinated at the territory, and implement improvements to enable the Ministry of Education to manage and control the efficient and timely manner all activities linked to this process.
article 2: allocated to each Regional Chief Grants will exist one in each administrative region of the country, leadership, related to the area of \u200b\u200bGrant and the administrative and personnel necessary to perform their functions and implementing the budget assigned. Managerial functions of these headquarters will be:
a) General Features:
1. Direct Grants Unit at the regional level, coordinate the activities of the Provincial Heads of Inspection and Payment of Grants and Regional Managers Payment and Legal Section.
2. Report to the Regional Ministerial Secretary on matters within its competence.
3. participate on behalf of the Regional Secretariat of Education meetings, committees and other bodies, matters related to their field of competence.
4. Interacting with units of the Regional Ministerial or external, when necessary for the development of the functions of Grants.
b) Specific Functions:
1. receive, implement and monitor the proper implementation of the guidelines and instructions issued by the central level on the development of the subsidy system, study, analyze and implemented in accordance with the conditions of the region.
2. Lead the development and projection of the system of subsidies to regional level in the areas of payment, inspection and administrative processes carried out to schools through regular and ongoing delivery of guidelines and instructions to the provincial levels, according to the guidelines received .
3. permanently monitor and control the activities of payment of grants, subsidies inspection and administrative processes that follow the establishments in their jurisdiction through the performance indicators established to monitor compliance goals and objectives in regional and provincial levels.
4. Submit periodic reports to the national, regional and provincial activities of the subsidy system in the region.
5. know, analyze and study the rules to keep updated on the various units and Provincial Departments of Education of the Region as the Regional Ministerial Secretariat of Education, legislation governing the inspection and payment.
6. propose the necessary skills for officials of the subsidy system in the Region, in areas necessary to perform their functions effectively and efficiently.
7. maintain databases with statistical information necessary for decision-making on the role of inspection and payment of subsidy to meet the needs of information into and outside the Ministry of Education.
8. Answer inquiries received by the Regional Ministerial Secretary of Education or directly to the Regional Unit for Grants, which are the scope of its competence.
9. Make field visits to the provincial or the educational establishments together with the staff necessary when the situation warrants it or when required.
10. Perform regular activities for officials of the subsidy system in the region such as meetings, conferences and others to coordinate grant activities in the region, in order to unify criteria in fulfilling the tasks, updating knowledge and address matters that are general interest in order to have a regional and provincial efficient management.
11. Analyze background information and assessment on the activity of subsidies that periodically delivered or made available to the central level the Ministry of Education to take appropriate action to improve the regional management in the area of \u200b\u200bthe subsidy system.
12. Update data educational establishments and maintain records relating to contributions to the municipalities, benefits and performance facilities difficult, discounts for advance grants to districts, teachers in charge, among others.
Section 3: Delegates, each Regional Head of Grants, the power to appoint a Minister of Faith, under the terms of Article 57 of Decree Law N º 2, 1998 on State subsidies to schools.
Administrative acts concluded under the previous delegation shall be signed under the formula''By order of the Secretary of Education.''
Article 4: is understood that the above functions and powers are on the staff of the unit of the territories under the jurisdiction of the Regional Heads of Grant, comprising the Regional Unit for Grants and Inspection Unit and the respective payment.
Article 5: The powers referred to in this resolution involving expenditure, may be exercised only when there is available budget. Enter
and published .- Matías Lira Aviles, Assistant Secretary Education (S).
No. - 6755 exempt .- Santiago, December 31, 2010 .-
Views: The provisions of DFL N ° 1 Fixed text consolidated, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 18,575, the Constitutional Organic Law on General Bases of the State Administration, Articles 1, 2 and 4 of Law No. 18,956, which restructured the Ministry of Public Education, Law No. 19,880 established bases of Administrative procedures governing the actions of the State Administration; DFL No. 2 of 2009 fixing consolidated text coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 20,370 with the rules are not repealed the decree with force of Law No. 1 of 2005, the Item 09, Chapter 01, Agenda 21, gloss 02, Law No. 20,481, the Budget for the Public Sector 2011, and Resolution No. 1,600, 2008, the Comptroller General of the Republic,
1 .- What is the function of the Ministry of Education take action and create the conditions necessary to ensure effective implementation of the goals of its own.
2 .- That, in this context, strengthening the inspection and supervision of educational institutions subsidized in the country and the payment of state subsidies and optimize human and material resources to carry out these functions, creating for this purpose the National Grants by Law No. 20,314 of Budgets for 2009, continuing its existence in Law No. 20,407 Public Sector Budget for the year 2010 and Law No. 20,481, Public Sector Budget for the year 2011.
3 .- That on September 12, 2009, Law No. 20,370, establishing the General Education Act, contained in the current DFL N º 2, 2009, consolidated text setting, coordinated and systematized Law No. 20,370 with no rules repealed Decree with force of Law No. 1 of 2005, the Ministry of Education, provides in Article 50 that the Superintendent of Education will be the body responsible for overseeing the maintenance of the conditions that led to official recognition of the state and instruction processes administrative and educational establishments sanction in case of loss of any of the requirements to be officially recognized, in breach of the provisions of Articles 32 or 34 and in the standards listed in Article 16, or in the case of outcome poor educational repeatedly on national standards, according to what the law provides for such purposes.
4 .- turn, the second paragraph of the letter a) of Article 46 of the same body of law, indicates that all holders who receive state resources should be accountable over the use of public resources and are subject to control and audit of the same be made by the Superintendent of Education.
5 .- That the transitional Article 10 of Law No. 20,370 provides that, pending the rules go into effect that create the Superintendent of Education, the powers corresponding to it are exercised by the Ministry of Education.
6 .- That Article 4 of Law No. 18,956, which restructured the Ministry of Education, states that the Minister of Education is the Chief Executive of the Ministry and in this vein, he is called by law to exercise temporarily the powers that correspond to the Superintendent of Schools in his capacity as Chief Executive of Service.
7 .- That, in accordance with the provisions of Part 9, Chapter 1, Agenda 21, gloss 02, Law No. 20,481 Public Sector Budget for the year 2011, the ministerial authorities delegated, as appropriate in the heads of the national, regional and provincial National Grants Unit, technical and administrative powers necessary to its good performance, therefore, Resolved
Article 1: delegated to the Heads of Regional Units Grant the following powers: 1 .-
instruct, substantiate and resolve administrative processes first instance for violation of the laws and regulations to obtain and maintain official recognition and apply sanctions to educational institutions in accordance with Article 50 of Decree Law No. 2 of 2009 fixing the consolidated text, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 20. 370 with no rules repealed the decree with force of Law No. 1, 2005.
2 .- Have and run through the respective units inspection oversight of public accountability, as noted in the second paragraph of the letter a) of Article 46 of Decree Law No. 2 of 2009 fixing the consolidated text, coordinated and systematized Law No. 20,370 with no rules repealed the decree with force of Law No. 1 of 2005, which establishes the General Law of Education.
Article 2: The administrative procedures for violation of DFL N º 2, 2009, which sets text consolidated, coordinated and systematized text of the Law No. 20,370 with the rules are not repealed the decree with force of Law No. 1, they are pending on the date This administrative act, known and continue to be processed by the respective Regional Grants.
Section 3: The administrative actions taken under this delegation must be signed under the formula''By order of the Minister of Education.'' Enter
and published .- Joaquin Lavin Infante, Minister of Education.
Transcribed for information .- Matías Lira Aviles, Assistant Secretary of Education (S).
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Cream Color Cm After 5 Dpo
Exercising the right to speak before the Standing Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change Report Delivery
• The Diversion of Lake Valencia to Pao-Cachinche has not prevented the continued level rise water in it, but it has caused serious damage to the reservoir's water quality, so we encourage cessation and dismantling of the transfer.
• Set a deadline to the National Executive no longer than 60 days to comply with the compensation to the inhabitants of the estates La Punta y Mata Redonda which waiting since 2005 for this claim.
• Apply to the College of Engineers of Venezuela its recommendations on sanitation in the Valencia Lake Basin and Rio Pao.
• AN are encouraged to fill before the National Executive to replace the garbage dumps and open landfills operated by trained and certified.
• We believe it is time to implement national classification of waste and solid waste from its place of origin.
• Regulate the production and marketing of detergents non-biodegradable.
• Regulate the marketing and disposal of CFLs.
• Regulate the marketing and disposal of rechargeable and alkaline batteries.
• Promote the replacement of chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizer produced from the fermentation of organic waste residential and commercial.
• Promote pest control by biological means in place of the chemical means.
• Through the Standing Committee on Environment, apply to the Ministry of Environment's environmental impact study of Lake Valencia to the Pao-Cachinche and from the Laguna de Taiguaguay the Camatagua reservoir.
• Environmental education within and outside the classroom.
• Manage the environmental health problems from the spatial scope of the watershed, effectively and efficiently to strictly comply with the provisions of water law in force since 2007.
After making the formal request on February 14, 2011 to exercise the right to speak before the Standing Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, we were awarded for Wednesday, March 23, 2011.
Request the right to speak. Granting the right to speak.
Movement Foundation Water Quality represented by Padoan Fabio Delgado, Mr. Manuel Pérez Rodríguez, Abg. Lucio Herrera Gubaira, Mr. Andrés Baffigo Sources and Lucio Alejandro Herrera Arcay, developed a presentation which highlighted the source of water pollution in Carabobo, health and environmental situation of the Valencia Lake Basin and its consequences in the Pao-Cachinche.
The presentation ended with the following recommendations:
• AN are encouraged to fill before the National Executive the emergency exit of surplus Water from Lake Valencia, preferably made of the Caribbean basin, being the least environmental impact.
• The Diversion of Lake Valencia to Pao-Cachinche has not prevented the continued level rise water in it, but it has caused serious damage to the reservoir's water quality, so we encourage cessation and dismantling of the transfer.
• Set a deadline to the National Executive no longer than 60 days to comply with the compensation to the inhabitants of the estates La Punta y Mata Redonda which waiting since 2005 for this claim.
• Apply to the College of Engineers of Venezuela its recommendations on sanitation in the Valencia Lake Basin and Rio Pao.
• AN are encouraged to fill before the National Executive to replace the garbage dumps and open landfills operated by trained and certified.
• We believe it is time to implement national classification of waste and solid waste from its place of origin.
• Regulate the production and marketing of detergents non-biodegradable.
• Regulate the marketing and disposal of CFLs.
• Regulate the marketing and disposal of rechargeable and alkaline batteries.
• Promote the replacement of chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizer produced from the fermentation of organic waste residential and commercial.
• Promote pest control by biological means in place of the chemical means.
• Through the Standing Committee on Environment, apply to the Ministry of Environment's environmental impact study of Lake Valencia to the Pao-Cachinche and from the Laguna de Taiguaguay the Camatagua reservoir.
• Environmental education within and outside the classroom.
• Manage the environmental health problems from the spatial scope of the watershed, effectively and efficiently to strictly comply with the provisions of water law in force since 2007.
Following the presentation the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Rep. Julio Cesar Montoya Medero commended the work that has been doing the Foundation Movement for Water Quality in environmental matters and advised that all material submitted will be taken to consideration, and also confirmed the creation of a working group be created in the Carabobo State to assess the health and environmental situation, which invited the Movement to join .
the right to be concluded by delivery of the material word for proposals to all Members present with a letter to the Standing Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change:
Letter to the Standing Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
Other NGOs, Hidrocentro Ex-Workers and representatives of the Government of Carabobo also had requested a right to speak to discuss water all were granted during the course of the day, it fortified the serious message that is present in Carabobo and Aragua states, showing that the allegations do not correspond to any social or political bias and merit-partisan solutions short, medium and long term.
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On Water Pollution Carabobo Deputies Maria Corina Machado, Michele Cocchiola and José Manuel González
On Friday February 25 was presented to Deputies: Maria Corina Machado, and José Manuel Michele Cocchiola Gonzálezel the report by the Movement for Quality Foundation Water over 100 pages which explain the situation and Environmental Health of the Valencia Lake basin.
They were also briefly discussed the water situation in Carabobo and how the eschatological cycle of non-functioning water and wastewater treatment plants are the cause of poor water quality. Edison Durán, Fabio Padoan, Mary Isaac, Lucio Herrera and Aquiles Gonzalez explained the most important aspects of the aforementioned report in order that the deputies from their roles of Assemblymen to make the good offices may be appropriate to begin to solve these problems.
They were also briefly discussed the water situation in Carabobo and how the eschatological cycle of non-functioning water and wastewater treatment plants are the cause of poor water quality. Edison Durán, Fabio Padoan, Mary Isaac, Lucio Herrera and Aquiles Gonzalez explained the most important aspects of the aforementioned report in order that the deputies from their roles of Assemblymen to make the good offices may be appropriate to begin to solve these problems.
report delivered to Parliament.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
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The opposition media mob strikes again with the hackneyed theme of freedom of expression in the country and for It leverages the 141st session of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which this year debate on this issue and its limitations in Haiti, Nicaragua, Honduras and presumably Venezuela, from 25 March to 1 April. Leaders of the National Association of Journalists (CNP), El Nacional and Globovision, as always, want to promote an end to protests transmissions Stereo Carabobo station of that regional body, but do not tell the public at large why Conatel decided to take legal action against the radio fully justified.

Stereo Carabobo was unlawful and did not have the permits of the governing body for telecommunications in Venezuela to operate, which made it an illegal or pirate radio . The same situation occurs with several stations in different states against which Conatel has not yet taken the necessary corrective, but CNP directive and corporate misrepresentation information previously mentioned actions have threatened to "radical", including hunger strikes and road closures, if the illegal issuing of Cabriales not return to air.
However, major broadcasters have expressed total agreement with the measurement of the National Telecommunications Commission, as it tries to put a stop to the proliferation of private companies engaged in the field of communication that do not meet the legal requirements for operate and less to pay taxes to the national treasury, fostering unfair competition against established channels or stations that if they meet all legal parameters. Those who have endorsed the suspension of activities of Carabobo Stereo have been Antonio Serfaty, Union Radio Circuit; Peter Taffin, Rumbera Circuit Network, Oswaldo Yepes, KYS Circuit, and Rodolfo Miranda Rodriguez AM and FM Circuits Center.
press release in which the newspaper reproduced Latest News on Sunday 20/3/1911, on page 14, we read that "Oswaldo Yepes, KYS Circuit said that" there is an attack on freedom of expression " while Peter Taffin, of Rumbera Network, said that "the clandestine radio is bad for telecommunications." Rodolfo Rodríguez Miranda, FM Circuit Center, said "we do not support the illegal" while Freddie Contreras, authorized dealer Conatel and affected by the frequency of Carabobo Stereo, welcomed the measure. " As shown, major employers in the radio, who pay their taxes and are current with their documentation, support government action and have not joined the chorus of voices that want to heat the streets under the vaunted threat to freedom of expression .
extremist opposition, visceral, which controls major media, want to turn this flame, causing the stand, that Venezuela is condemned in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS, which has its tentacles. It is, therefore, to open another front, amounting to alleged hunger strike by students of the right or "white little hands" and asked to go unpunished for political crimes brought to justice in Venezuela. It is also fertile ground for a possible foreign intervention in our country, taking advantage of the situation that has occurred in Tunisia, Egypt and more recently in Libya.
The opposition again wants to see that Venezuela is experiencing a situation similar to those of these countries, which are close to civil war, which does not respect fundamental human rights and there is no rule of law and which is therefore Mr. Obama makes it necessary to have mercy on us and intervene, invade or send us to bomb out of this dictatorial rrrrrrégimen Chavez. Still wandering the opposition whenever he wants to destabilize the country when in fact you have to present is an alternative plan of government, if it has enough votes to return to power.
However, major broadcasters have expressed total agreement with the measurement of the National Telecommunications Commission, as it tries to put a stop to the proliferation of private companies engaged in the field of communication that do not meet the legal requirements for operate and less to pay taxes to the national treasury, fostering unfair competition against established channels or stations that if they meet all legal parameters. Those who have endorsed the suspension of activities of Carabobo Stereo have been Antonio Serfaty, Union Radio Circuit; Peter Taffin, Rumbera Circuit Network, Oswaldo Yepes, KYS Circuit, and Rodolfo Miranda Rodriguez AM and FM Circuits Center.
press release in which the newspaper reproduced Latest News on Sunday 20/3/1911, on page 14, we read that "Oswaldo Yepes, KYS Circuit said that" there is an attack on freedom of expression " while Peter Taffin, of Rumbera Network, said that "the clandestine radio is bad for telecommunications." Rodolfo Rodríguez Miranda, FM Circuit Center, said "we do not support the illegal" while Freddie Contreras, authorized dealer Conatel and affected by the frequency of Carabobo Stereo, welcomed the measure. " As shown, major employers in the radio, who pay their taxes and are current with their documentation, support government action and have not joined the chorus of voices that want to heat the streets under the vaunted threat to freedom of expression .
extremist opposition, visceral, which controls major media, want to turn this flame, causing the stand, that Venezuela is condemned in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS, which has its tentacles. It is, therefore, to open another front, amounting to alleged hunger strike by students of the right or "white little hands" and asked to go unpunished for political crimes brought to justice in Venezuela. It is also fertile ground for a possible foreign intervention in our country, taking advantage of the situation that has occurred in Tunisia, Egypt and more recently in Libya.
The opposition again wants to see that Venezuela is experiencing a situation similar to those of these countries, which are close to civil war, which does not respect fundamental human rights and there is no rule of law and which is therefore Mr. Obama makes it necessary to have mercy on us and intervene, invade or send us to bomb out of this dictatorial rrrrrrégimen Chavez. Still wandering the opposition whenever he wants to destabilize the country when in fact you have to present is an alternative plan of government, if it has enough votes to return to power.
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military intervention in Libya is an assurance that the masters of the world, or better said the United States and his band of countries, can attack any nation that does not abide to guidelines established by geopolitical international imperialism, particularly in the case of oil-rich territories light as Iraq and Libya.

journalist Walter Martinez said in a broadcast of his program Dossier that when U.S. and European powers realized that the Libyan army was making progress against Rebel forces trying to overthrow President Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, they decided to make a military attack on the oil rich country in North Africa.
discussions within the UN between the usual brass and the rest of the world's nations were only a diplomatic circus and the media to justify an attack military was already preparing against an Arab-African nation, defenseless against the power arms of the world's major military powers.
The president of the new Rome pseudo Barack Obama, tragicomic Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, is the ruler over this new conflict in that the U.S. decides not to take a step without the unconditional support of their European partners, especially after the lessons from the bitter defeat in the Vietnam War where they were overcome by fatigue, despite its macabre achievements in the field or said more clearly, the loss of thousands of lives, war that had to fight all alone, without the direct support of other important armies.
The unfortunate UN Resolution 1973 was adopted on Thursday 18 March by the Security Council multinational organization with 10 votes in favor of its members and only five abstentions, the countries that saved his vote were Brazil, Germany, India, China and Russia. In the particular case of the latter two whose vote has power of veto by permanent membership, the question is, why not vote against?. It is obvious that the United States was going to go over, but the most worthy was that both China and Russia oppose, however, a weak and compliant position is a clear sign that the Yankees are still the powers that period. Y which sends commands captain sailor popular saying goes.
So far as reports by U.S. government spokespersons have launched 112 cruise missiles against Libyan air defenses and other targets, in a mega joint military action in which they have participated directly in its initial phase, U.S., France and Great Britain with the support of Greece, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Canada among the countries that have been explicitly allowed to see on stage.
pro-imperialist media of the right have used the euphemism brazen attacks against armed forces or against Gaddafi Gaddafi, but we know that they will pay the highest price are the nation and the people, because the missiles do not distinguish infallibly Army facility, a hospital, school or residential area, is the typical story of all the bombings. So far with conservative estimates there are about 64 dead and 150 wounded, the death toll increases accordingly with the number of wounded, many of whom eventually die.
Hospitals are overcrowded and the morgues are perhaps very soon if the rain of missiles intensifies, all is to end a ruthless dictator with 42 years in power, which was recently trading partner and great friend different presidents of European countries, including Italy and France.
The cynical pretext for military intervention "is supposed to .... Is that even laugh da!, Protect the civilian population of the constant attacks of the troops under Qaddafi, but the truth is that the president of Libya sum fans against a traditional enemy (USA) and continue to defend on two fronts, against the rebels trying to overthrow him and to foreign powers to attack the country and worst of all, the slaughter will be much higher. The material destruction complete an unnecessary disaster, what the kids call in NATO now, "collateral damage"
President Chavez upon learning of the bombing said:
... .. that irresponsibility and behind that the U.S. hand, the rule is imposed at the end ... they want is to own oil from Libya .... It is regrettable that the UN will pay for endorse the war, in contravention of its principles "(Noticiero de VTV, 03/19/1911)
oil wealth to Libya condemned because otherwise there would be no such concern for destroying the country, ending the Kadafi and seize all Oil your wonderful chest, available in a strategic position with respect to European markets.
"Libya has an estimated GDP for 2010 of about 76.557 billion dollars, with annual increase of 6.7%. Currently its annual exports of about U.S. $ 63,050 million compared with imports of 11,500 million give a broadly favorable trade balance and allow you to accumulate reserves by about 200,000 million dollars, supporting a negligible foreign debt of $ 5.521 million. This will report the highest GDP per capita ($ 14,534) and the best Human Development Index in Africa. Life expectancy is 74 years, infant mortality from 18 per l, 000 and illiteracy of 5.5%, expenditure on education is 2.7% of GDP while the defense does not exceed 1.1 % of GDP. "(When you see Burn Libya, Luis Brito Garcia, published in O OUTRO SIDE OF THE NEWS, 03/07/1911) What will these gains if the military campaign lasts too long and out of control as usual?
NATO does not officially involved in the conflict but the U.S. leader and key members of the organization such as France and Great Britain trailing in turn to other members in this military adventure in which an equation that arises is always repeated where "pandillita imperialist" arrives:
discussions within the UN between the usual brass and the rest of the world's nations were only a diplomatic circus and the media to justify an attack military was already preparing against an Arab-African nation, defenseless against the power arms of the world's major military powers.
The president of the new Rome pseudo Barack Obama, tragicomic Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, is the ruler over this new conflict in that the U.S. decides not to take a step without the unconditional support of their European partners, especially after the lessons from the bitter defeat in the Vietnam War where they were overcome by fatigue, despite its macabre achievements in the field or said more clearly, the loss of thousands of lives, war that had to fight all alone, without the direct support of other important armies.
The unfortunate UN Resolution 1973 was adopted on Thursday 18 March by the Security Council multinational organization with 10 votes in favor of its members and only five abstentions, the countries that saved his vote were Brazil, Germany, India, China and Russia. In the particular case of the latter two whose vote has power of veto by permanent membership, the question is, why not vote against?. It is obvious that the United States was going to go over, but the most worthy was that both China and Russia oppose, however, a weak and compliant position is a clear sign that the Yankees are still the powers that period. Y which sends commands captain sailor popular saying goes.
So far as reports by U.S. government spokespersons have launched 112 cruise missiles against Libyan air defenses and other targets, in a mega joint military action in which they have participated directly in its initial phase, U.S., France and Great Britain with the support of Greece, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Canada among the countries that have been explicitly allowed to see on stage.
pro-imperialist media of the right have used the euphemism brazen attacks against armed forces or against Gaddafi Gaddafi, but we know that they will pay the highest price are the nation and the people, because the missiles do not distinguish infallibly Army facility, a hospital, school or residential area, is the typical story of all the bombings. So far with conservative estimates there are about 64 dead and 150 wounded, the death toll increases accordingly with the number of wounded, many of whom eventually die.
Hospitals are overcrowded and the morgues are perhaps very soon if the rain of missiles intensifies, all is to end a ruthless dictator with 42 years in power, which was recently trading partner and great friend different presidents of European countries, including Italy and France.
The cynical pretext for military intervention "is supposed to .... Is that even laugh da!, Protect the civilian population of the constant attacks of the troops under Qaddafi, but the truth is that the president of Libya sum fans against a traditional enemy (USA) and continue to defend on two fronts, against the rebels trying to overthrow him and to foreign powers to attack the country and worst of all, the slaughter will be much higher. The material destruction complete an unnecessary disaster, what the kids call in NATO now, "collateral damage"
President Chavez upon learning of the bombing said:
... .. that irresponsibility and behind that the U.S. hand, the rule is imposed at the end ... they want is to own oil from Libya .... It is regrettable that the UN will pay for endorse the war, in contravention of its principles "(Noticiero de VTV, 03/19/1911)
oil wealth to Libya condemned because otherwise there would be no such concern for destroying the country, ending the Kadafi and seize all Oil your wonderful chest, available in a strategic position with respect to European markets.
"Libya has an estimated GDP for 2010 of about 76.557 billion dollars, with annual increase of 6.7%. Currently its annual exports of about U.S. $ 63,050 million compared with imports of 11,500 million give a broadly favorable trade balance and allow you to accumulate reserves by about 200,000 million dollars, supporting a negligible foreign debt of $ 5.521 million. This will report the highest GDP per capita ($ 14,534) and the best Human Development Index in Africa. Life expectancy is 74 years, infant mortality from 18 per l, 000 and illiteracy of 5.5%, expenditure on education is 2.7% of GDP while the defense does not exceed 1.1 % of GDP. "(When you see Burn Libya, Luis Brito Garcia, published in O OUTRO SIDE OF THE NEWS, 03/07/1911) What will these gains if the military campaign lasts too long and out of control as usual?
NATO does not officially involved in the conflict but the U.S. leader and key members of the organization such as France and Great Britain trailing in turn to other members in this military adventure in which an equation that arises is always repeated where "pandillita imperialist" arrives:
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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The opposition is lashing back against the Bolivarian government is paying for it is the future generation, the students, who are used as cannon fodder for their more nefarious purposes. On this occasion, and under the banal excuse of lack of budget of the autonomous national universities, young people from different houses of study of the country maintained a hunger strike, risking their lives for a cause that, for them, is not entirely clear .

higher education students, grouped in the right and destabilizing Youth Active Venezuela Unida (Javu), popularly known as "white little hands, and receives direct funding from the Department of State United States have decided to draw national and international attention with its fast course, but what really lies behind This protest forced the defense and request for release of political prosecution for various crimes, including corruption and murder is counted. These opponents also students, champions of the oligarchy, they want malponer the administration of President Hugo Chávez on the outside, for the world to imagine that here in Venezuela the government is lazy with the pain of the hunger strikers and that human rights are respected.
macabre That's the game that is mounted and backed by Washington, Spain, Peru, Chile and El Salvador, mainly, in addition to the perennial media misrepresentation, such as newspapers, radio, television and websites, controlled exalted representatives of the bourgeoisie. In his first strike, the opposition students were able to blackmail the government and the release of political trial for the alleged commission of various crimes, but this time its goal is to delegitimize the election legitimately elected authorities in universal, secret and direct and guaranteed worldwide by country and recognized organizations.
For all these reasons diaphanous, the student leaders of the opposition, which responds to the mandates of the Bureau of the Ultra Right (MUD) and the elite of teachers grouped in the Federation of University Teachers Associations of Venezuela (FAPUV) has not sincerely want to position the country in general and avoid the confrontation of ideas with students Bolivarian. This pseudo leadership of the Federation of University Centers (FCU) was very bad off to dodge a nationally televised debate, in which each party would be new spokesperson with equal time to express their ideas before the public opinion. It is what is known in saying native of "wanting to kill the tiger and be afraid of the leather." Refusing
mano a mano, face to face, as the saying goes, or a "face to face," as it celebrated philosophical and miss, with students defending the process of peaceful democratic changes, the " white little hands "no longer have to hide their dark purposes. It's a lie all that preach in their means of misrepresentation of that struggle for university autonomy and a fair budget, as the National Government through the Ministry of Higher Education, has shifted resources to each university to meet its goals of teaching , research and extension. Furthermore, the autonomy of public universities has not been compromised ever since the government has been friendly with each deciding alma mater.
Another reason is that the Universities Act, exactly as was conceived, was vetoed by President Chavez, in a gesture of goodwill, and let out the university community (students, teachers and workers) to open a forum for ideas to reach a consensus on reforms in the sector. What really happened is that these autonomous national public universities were kidnapped by the bourgeoisie who have their children studying in them and having class selection mechanisms, in which even the CNU and has interference. Those are the real reasons why the "white little hands" run and do not want to discuss with the progressive students. However, as is the motto of the magnanimous Central University of Venezuela, we hope that soon, for the good of the country, and the formation of the next generation of citizens, universities are home to overcome the shadows.
macabre That's the game that is mounted and backed by Washington, Spain, Peru, Chile and El Salvador, mainly, in addition to the perennial media misrepresentation, such as newspapers, radio, television and websites, controlled exalted representatives of the bourgeoisie. In his first strike, the opposition students were able to blackmail the government and the release of political trial for the alleged commission of various crimes, but this time its goal is to delegitimize the election legitimately elected authorities in universal, secret and direct and guaranteed worldwide by country and recognized organizations.
For all these reasons diaphanous, the student leaders of the opposition, which responds to the mandates of the Bureau of the Ultra Right (MUD) and the elite of teachers grouped in the Federation of University Teachers Associations of Venezuela (FAPUV) has not sincerely want to position the country in general and avoid the confrontation of ideas with students Bolivarian. This pseudo leadership of the Federation of University Centers (FCU) was very bad off to dodge a nationally televised debate, in which each party would be new spokesperson with equal time to express their ideas before the public opinion. It is what is known in saying native of "wanting to kill the tiger and be afraid of the leather." Refusing
mano a mano, face to face, as the saying goes, or a "face to face," as it celebrated philosophical and miss, with students defending the process of peaceful democratic changes, the " white little hands "no longer have to hide their dark purposes. It's a lie all that preach in their means of misrepresentation of that struggle for university autonomy and a fair budget, as the National Government through the Ministry of Higher Education, has shifted resources to each university to meet its goals of teaching , research and extension. Furthermore, the autonomy of public universities has not been compromised ever since the government has been friendly with each deciding alma mater.
Another reason is that the Universities Act, exactly as was conceived, was vetoed by President Chavez, in a gesture of goodwill, and let out the university community (students, teachers and workers) to open a forum for ideas to reach a consensus on reforms in the sector. What really happened is that these autonomous national public universities were kidnapped by the bourgeoisie who have their children studying in them and having class selection mechanisms, in which even the CNU and has interference. Those are the real reasons why the "white little hands" run and do not want to discuss with the progressive students. However, as is the motto of the magnanimous Central University of Venezuela, we hope that soon, for the good of the country, and the formation of the next generation of citizens, universities are home to overcome the shadows.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Georgia Plantation 1860
Who complains to the expensive drugs? quien-se-queja-ante-los-medicamentos-caros/4042 "
over a month ago it was revealed that several pharmaceutical companies had raised the price of some medicines for cancer in more than 300%, even though they pay less tax. Still, nothing happened.
Health Minister Oscar Ugarte, ruled against the state but said no-can-even if he wants to regulate the price.
However, a group called Civil Emergency Collective has decided to deal with this abuse and has announced future marches and demonstrations so that drugs do not rise in price for no reason.
Health Minister Oscar Ugarte, ruled against the state but said no-can-even if he wants to regulate the price.
However, a group called Civil Emergency Collective has decided to deal with this abuse and has announced future marches and demonstrations so that drugs do not rise in price for no reason. quien-se-queja-ante-los-medicamentos-caros/4042 "
Monday, March 14, 2011
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The Bureau of the Ultra Right (MUD) is a knife fight between candidates to be "Bean", that is, they want to know who the candidate defeated in the 2012 presidential election, when measuring forces against the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez.
Many are those who have scored in this race, some more premature than others, but without hiding their greed and their desire to get to Miraflores to return to the past cuartorrepublicano, although futuristic dress up. The opposition dreams of their former days of glory, doing business in benefiting bourgeois elites to the detriment of the majority people and gave our wealth to the world powers, specifically the United States, not only turning Venezuela into a colony, but toadies in a nation of the empire.

Many are those who have scored in this race, some more premature than others, but without hiding their greed and their desire to get to Miraflores to return to the past cuartorrepublicano, although futuristic dress up. The opposition dreams of their former days of glory, doing business in benefiting bourgeois elites to the detriment of the majority people and gave our wealth to the world powers, specifically the United States, not only turning Venezuela into a colony, but toadies in a nation of the empire.
Bean Aspiring for the coming year are Henrique Capriles Radonski, his "boss", Julio Borges, Pablo Pérez (hidden behind that governs the oil-rich state of Zulia ), and also "chief" and ex Bean, the fugitive Manuel Rosales, who if unable to compete for legal reasons rather throw his wife, the current mayor of Maracaibo, Eveling Trejo, before he could blow the steak and let out as the guayabera. Pure jewelry, in this first diagnosis. Other
they want (most do not know if they can) are staunch advocate for Polar and traitor of the Revolution, Henry Falcón, Enrique Mendoza, a former boss of the predecessor of the MUD, the democratic conspirators, with which the march to Miraflores sent to cause a slaughter and closed the channel 8; Leopoldito Lopez disqualified from holding public office for administrative and legal matters, and the "good girl" Mary Corinita Machado, exalted representative of the oligarchy and who really does want to give the country as quickly as possible, but the genocidal pregúntenselo George W, Bush , who came out smiling in a photograph taken in the Oval Office, remembered, among other things, the mischief he did Monica Lewinsky.
Bean The list of potential still to Teodoro Petkoff, who is campaigning through his rag and Globoterror, Henry Ramos Allup, who still has not presented evidence of "fraud" in the 2004 presidential referendum, and Antonio Ledezma, who is reeling from the leader Luis Alfaro Ucero adeco what has been set aside in 1998. She also dreams of the bid from a trio coup channels, ie, Alberto Federico Ravell, Globovisión missed by Guillermo Zuloaga himself, another fugitive, Marcel Granier, who with his bitter hatred and political maneuvering led to the bankruptcy a company more than 50 years, and Miguel Angel Rodriguez, "Granielito" who may be the card up the sleeve of the bourgeoisie.
In all there in the village and many want to be swept away by the Bolivarian hurricane in 2012 when the town plays his tenure as a government to continue making history and achieving peaceful change and democracy. These "potential", most certainly, will happen the same thing happened with Bean I, Henrique Salas Romer, Bean II, Francisco Arias Cardenas, who came to his senses and returned to the red lines, and Bean III, Manuel Rosales, who is in his golden exile in Peru.
As soon as the Bureau Ultra Right (MUD) are throwing knife to see who is supposedly the "single candidate." Ramon Guillermo Aveledo, coordinator of this motley mixture, has left the ring to say they held primaries in the last quarter of this year with all applicants and there is no consensus decision of course. That is, the fight will be fighting and, as goes the popular saying: "In war as in love, anything goes." Among themselves come calling, screaming, biting, hair halons, pain in the ass and various other vulgarities. The table is set and Frijolitos career is about to start. It will be fun for sure.
they want (most do not know if they can) are staunch advocate for Polar and traitor of the Revolution, Henry Falcón, Enrique Mendoza, a former boss of the predecessor of the MUD, the democratic conspirators, with which the march to Miraflores sent to cause a slaughter and closed the channel 8; Leopoldito Lopez disqualified from holding public office for administrative and legal matters, and the "good girl" Mary Corinita Machado, exalted representative of the oligarchy and who really does want to give the country as quickly as possible, but the genocidal pregúntenselo George W, Bush , who came out smiling in a photograph taken in the Oval Office, remembered, among other things, the mischief he did Monica Lewinsky.
Bean The list of potential still to Teodoro Petkoff, who is campaigning through his rag and Globoterror, Henry Ramos Allup, who still has not presented evidence of "fraud" in the 2004 presidential referendum, and Antonio Ledezma, who is reeling from the leader Luis Alfaro Ucero adeco what has been set aside in 1998. She also dreams of the bid from a trio coup channels, ie, Alberto Federico Ravell, Globovisión missed by Guillermo Zuloaga himself, another fugitive, Marcel Granier, who with his bitter hatred and political maneuvering led to the bankruptcy a company more than 50 years, and Miguel Angel Rodriguez, "Granielito" who may be the card up the sleeve of the bourgeoisie.
In all there in the village and many want to be swept away by the Bolivarian hurricane in 2012 when the town plays his tenure as a government to continue making history and achieving peaceful change and democracy. These "potential", most certainly, will happen the same thing happened with Bean I, Henrique Salas Romer, Bean II, Francisco Arias Cardenas, who came to his senses and returned to the red lines, and Bean III, Manuel Rosales, who is in his golden exile in Peru.
As soon as the Bureau Ultra Right (MUD) are throwing knife to see who is supposedly the "single candidate." Ramon Guillermo Aveledo, coordinator of this motley mixture, has left the ring to say they held primaries in the last quarter of this year with all applicants and there is no consensus decision of course. That is, the fight will be fighting and, as goes the popular saying: "In war as in love, anything goes." Among themselves come calling, screaming, biting, hair halons, pain in the ass and various other vulgarities. The table is set and Frijolitos career is about to start. It will be fun for sure.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tummy Pressure Fetish
usually means that the common good is several. This is revolution, the collective interest above the particular. The common good is a result from both laws, agreements, ethical foundations, mass culture and progress of communities.

Lino Rodríguez Arias, in his book Law, Justice and the Common Good, said that it "is the set of values, goods and experiences that contribute to preservation and progress of communities and material welfare, moral and intellectual people living in them. " For his part, Pope John XXIII in the encyclical Mater et Magistra, calls the common good as "a set of social conditions that allow citizens to speedy and full development of his own perfection."
The common good has excellent prerequisites for progress of the revolution. These are public, collective prosperity, higher intellectual and moral order and a proper use of the common good citizens.
This leads us to conclude that the characteristics of the common good are universal, and progressive supra-individual.
The revolution is transforming our society to advance man. Liberty, equality and human dignity and undeniable part of a social group are its precepts.
Al propel a true brotherhood of the majority or masses, the revolution is successful in implementing strategies for the improvement and development of the communities.
Socialism, led and promoted by President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, is inextricably linked to the concepts of common good and social equality. "This is the big key to the development of socialism vigorous and vital, important and militant, be aware that the flags historical revolutionary patriotism today we add the banners of socialism, we're in "the very long battle" of the historic Bolivar. "
journalist Fernando Ramón Bossi said that "our twenty-first century socialism is walking to the rhythm of consciousness of the people, carrying out a profound ideological battle against the dominant capitalist thinking, continuing the historic struggles for unity, freedom and justice of the Latin American, Caribbean, fraternizing with all peoples of the world without losing sight of the central objective of their happiness and our own. "
revolution to achieve goals and objectives, has the best men and women of this country, namely the great Venezuelan people, citizens with noble spirits in seeking the common good.
The common good has excellent prerequisites for progress of the revolution. These are public, collective prosperity, higher intellectual and moral order and a proper use of the common good citizens.
This leads us to conclude that the characteristics of the common good are universal, and progressive supra-individual.
The revolution is transforming our society to advance man. Liberty, equality and human dignity and undeniable part of a social group are its precepts.
Al propel a true brotherhood of the majority or masses, the revolution is successful in implementing strategies for the improvement and development of the communities.
Socialism, led and promoted by President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, is inextricably linked to the concepts of common good and social equality. "This is the big key to the development of socialism vigorous and vital, important and militant, be aware that the flags historical revolutionary patriotism today we add the banners of socialism, we're in "the very long battle" of the historic Bolivar. "
journalist Fernando Ramón Bossi said that "our twenty-first century socialism is walking to the rhythm of consciousness of the people, carrying out a profound ideological battle against the dominant capitalist thinking, continuing the historic struggles for unity, freedom and justice of the Latin American, Caribbean, fraternizing with all peoples of the world without losing sight of the central objective of their happiness and our own. "
revolution to achieve goals and objectives, has the best men and women of this country, namely the great Venezuelan people, citizens with noble spirits in seeking the common good.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Catoon Big Booty Gallery
TABLE DARK right-wing (MUD)
The Venezuelan opposition is showing contempt for the institutions that, although the view of some compatriots and international organizations want to wear a cloak of democracy and respect for the rule of right. After five years away for a parliamentary forum, retiring in 2005 legislative elections to play a possible foreign intervention from the many options to destabilize the country in 2010, decided to run the 2010 and scored more than 60 members, some of whom had been disqualified on acts of corruption, closed state channels in the 2002 coup and even murders.

bonded Opposition in the colorful Bureau of the Ultra Right (MUD, heir to the notorious anti-democratic conspirators, with which promoted sabotage guarimbas, strikes and riots coup with the private media support) has not ceased in its desire to seize power through violent means, read, no electoral or institutional. The opposing forces are the Bolivarian government lobbying in Washington to force the abrupt departure of President Hugo Chavez, including assassination, perhaps by one popular saying goes "dead dog rabies is over," or what is the same as saying without Chávez no revolutionary process.
The ultra-patriotic bourgeois right and moves its tentacles in Spain, Peru, Chile and the U.S. (they ran out of bread beak in Colombia) to see that Venezuela is experiencing a situation of chaos and restriction of freedoms and the people in the streets demanding that Chavez is going. Tout image what happens in the Arab political world today convulsed with riots in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and other oil rich nations.
Leaders of the Bureau of ultra right, with Rep. William Davila Barrios adeco (former governor of Merida) to the head, met in Miami with the cream of the top anti-Castro to promote our country to be listed nations that promote and support terrorism and drug trafficking. This was done to the Barack Obama put Venezuela on its blacklist and give more funding to opposition groups for violent acts, among which is considered a coup.
Among the "prominent figures "who met with the opposition leader were Creoles Castro Diaz Balart and Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who have promoted forgiveness for the real terrorists Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, accused of blowing up the Cubana Aviation in 1973, which killed 73 people, and other criminal acts that involve kidnapping, murder and attempted murder in the United States, Spain, the Caribbean and South America.
be recalled that Mrs. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, apart from being the strong supporter of former CIA operative, Posada Carriles, he advocated the legalization of mayamero kidnapping of Cuban rafter Elian Gonzalez, the late 90's, defended to the hilt the war in Iraq and the death of Saddam Hussein, has asked the White House bomb Cuba and even to revise flights between Caracas and Tehran "to see if they move terrorist elements. " With these jewels have been meeting the opposition leaders flamboyant Creole and banal intention is to support Congressman Connie Mack in order to include Venezuela in the list of terrorist countries.
must remember that this meeting takes place in the context of the so-called hunger strike that made young right-wingers, financed from the outside and grouped in the so-called Active Youth Venezuela Unida (Javu, “manitos blancas”) y de la estrategia de la MUD para lanzar precandidatos presidenciales (potenciales “Frijolitos”).
También sucede en el marco de la gira internacional que realiza el “neocachorro del imperio”, el presidente de Chile, Sebastián Piñera, quien ha declarado seguida y constantemente en contra del gobierno venezolano; y de la reunión cuasi secreta entre los ex presidentes de Estados Unidos, George Bush padre e hijo, con Álvaro Uribe, José María Aznar y el golpista Pedro Carmona Estanga, en República Dominicana. Sobre la participación de éste último, el presidente de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, declaró que no permitirá to interfere in actions that undermine the renewed bilateral relationship with Venezuela, for, otherwise he risks being expelled from the neighboring country, where asylum cowardly for not accountable to the Venezuelan justice system for their active participation in the coup of April 11, 2002.
It is, therefore, planned actions and concatenated as part of a series of escalations and aggression against our revolution and our democratic system. The Venezuelan people is not as stupid as before and is alert to face any alteration of constitutional order that could take away their achievements in these 12 years. With the sword of Bolivar, the Liberator Father, high, as was the glorious April 13, 2002, we will shout: Venceremos!
The ultra-patriotic bourgeois right and moves its tentacles in Spain, Peru, Chile and the U.S. (they ran out of bread beak in Colombia) to see that Venezuela is experiencing a situation of chaos and restriction of freedoms and the people in the streets demanding that Chavez is going. Tout image what happens in the Arab political world today convulsed with riots in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and other oil rich nations.
Leaders of the Bureau of ultra right, with Rep. William Davila Barrios adeco (former governor of Merida) to the head, met in Miami with the cream of the top anti-Castro to promote our country to be listed nations that promote and support terrorism and drug trafficking. This was done to the Barack Obama put Venezuela on its blacklist and give more funding to opposition groups for violent acts, among which is considered a coup.
Among the "prominent figures "who met with the opposition leader were Creoles Castro Diaz Balart and Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who have promoted forgiveness for the real terrorists Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, accused of blowing up the Cubana Aviation in 1973, which killed 73 people, and other criminal acts that involve kidnapping, murder and attempted murder in the United States, Spain, the Caribbean and South America.
be recalled that Mrs. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, apart from being the strong supporter of former CIA operative, Posada Carriles, he advocated the legalization of mayamero kidnapping of Cuban rafter Elian Gonzalez, the late 90's, defended to the hilt the war in Iraq and the death of Saddam Hussein, has asked the White House bomb Cuba and even to revise flights between Caracas and Tehran "to see if they move terrorist elements. " With these jewels have been meeting the opposition leaders flamboyant Creole and banal intention is to support Congressman Connie Mack in order to include Venezuela in the list of terrorist countries.
must remember that this meeting takes place in the context of the so-called hunger strike that made young right-wingers, financed from the outside and grouped in the so-called Active Youth Venezuela Unida (Javu, “manitos blancas”) y de la estrategia de la MUD para lanzar precandidatos presidenciales (potenciales “Frijolitos”).
También sucede en el marco de la gira internacional que realiza el “neocachorro del imperio”, el presidente de Chile, Sebastián Piñera, quien ha declarado seguida y constantemente en contra del gobierno venezolano; y de la reunión cuasi secreta entre los ex presidentes de Estados Unidos, George Bush padre e hijo, con Álvaro Uribe, José María Aznar y el golpista Pedro Carmona Estanga, en República Dominicana. Sobre la participación de éste último, el presidente de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, declaró que no permitirá to interfere in actions that undermine the renewed bilateral relationship with Venezuela, for, otherwise he risks being expelled from the neighboring country, where asylum cowardly for not accountable to the Venezuelan justice system for their active participation in the coup of April 11, 2002.
It is, therefore, planned actions and concatenated as part of a series of escalations and aggression against our revolution and our democratic system. The Venezuelan people is not as stupid as before and is alert to face any alteration of constitutional order that could take away their achievements in these 12 years. With the sword of Bolivar, the Liberator Father, high, as was the glorious April 13, 2002, we will shout: Venceremos!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Silver Access Violation
What is the "right way" to the president of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, after criticizing again, and as expected for a long time, the Bolivarian Government Venezuela?.
wealthy businessman Under this right, the richest man in Chile (to be exact), our country is not a role model and has decreased the intention "to export the socialist revolution. Forget this technocrat, descending and defender of the most egregious policies of the late dictator Augusto Pinochet, in the country that saw the birth of Simón Bolívar, the government acts to benefit the majority of the population, majority for over four decades was excluded by right-wing politicians today are in opposition and who yearn, like hyenas, returning the power to take your gains to the people, plunder the nation and delivered to the American boot.

wealthy businessman Under this right, the richest man in Chile (to be exact), our country is not a role model and has decreased the intention "to export the socialist revolution. Forget this technocrat, descending and defender of the most egregious policies of the late dictator Augusto Pinochet, in the country that saw the birth of Simón Bolívar, the government acts to benefit the majority of the population, majority for over four decades was excluded by right-wing politicians today are in opposition and who yearn, like hyenas, returning the power to take your gains to the people, plunder the nation and delivered to the American boot.
is not the first time the occupant of the Palace of La Moneda directed their batteries against the Chavez administration. Already in December 2010 told the newspaper "El Mercurio", the same that the CIA funded the early 70's to publish information contrary to the socialist government of Salvador Allende, who was "worried" because (in their view ) in Venezuela were beginning to "restrict human rights and freedoms." This chick Alvaro Uribe, Vicente Fox and Jose Maria Aznar, (which incidentally turned into cosmic dust), has stated that he applies the model in Chile is very good and Venezuela, obviously, "are not on the right track. "
So what is the "right way"? "Deliver the capitalist countries to not think about the needs of the people, but personal gain? "Mortgaging this generation and future generations to the owners of capital? Do not let its option to achieve true independence because their riches were given to the world economic powers, specifically the United States? Is the "right way" is the enrichment of a small oligarchic minority to the detriment of most popular?.
A Piñera, bourgeois whose imperial panacea to its north, must be told that his counterpart, Hugo Chavez, to whom he owes respect, is a selfless person he feels the people in its essence because it comes from poor people themselves, tainted, and even without opportunities left before the Venezuelan countryside. The owner of TV and the airline LAN Chile Chile (to name two of their companies) will remember that Venezuela is a territory free of illiteracy, low levels of extreme poverty (I wish it was zero index) and with potential for any kind of activity trade, all these indicators certified by international bodies like the United Nations itself (UN).
magnate Lord Piñera, Venezuela is positive reference in the world. It is a valiant people who struggle for a big future with real independence, not being a colony of anybody.
Our country, far from being anonymous, has a progressive government that is an active player who advocates a multipolar world. Venezuela is a major actor in the concert of nations seeking a new democratic model of government that consider the citizen and not blindly in the macroeconomic prescriptions of the capitalist market.
Mr Piñera, in Venezuela we know in which direction we go and we are convinced that our north are not only bulky macroeconomic indicators in contrast to broad sectors of the population impoverished and disreputable billionaire capitalists before the law, or better said as oligarchs you. When the revolutionary government President Chavez is concerned with providing food, health, education and housing, especially for the poor, it is obvious that we are at least much closer to the correct path that other nations where everything is based on the profits of a few the neglect of the majority.
So what is the "right way"? "Deliver the capitalist countries to not think about the needs of the people, but personal gain? "Mortgaging this generation and future generations to the owners of capital? Do not let its option to achieve true independence because their riches were given to the world economic powers, specifically the United States? Is the "right way" is the enrichment of a small oligarchic minority to the detriment of most popular?.
A Piñera, bourgeois whose imperial panacea to its north, must be told that his counterpart, Hugo Chavez, to whom he owes respect, is a selfless person he feels the people in its essence because it comes from poor people themselves, tainted, and even without opportunities left before the Venezuelan countryside. The owner of TV and the airline LAN Chile Chile (to name two of their companies) will remember that Venezuela is a territory free of illiteracy, low levels of extreme poverty (I wish it was zero index) and with potential for any kind of activity trade, all these indicators certified by international bodies like the United Nations itself (UN).
magnate Lord Piñera, Venezuela is positive reference in the world. It is a valiant people who struggle for a big future with real independence, not being a colony of anybody.
Our country, far from being anonymous, has a progressive government that is an active player who advocates a multipolar world. Venezuela is a major actor in the concert of nations seeking a new democratic model of government that consider the citizen and not blindly in the macroeconomic prescriptions of the capitalist market.
Mr Piñera, in Venezuela we know in which direction we go and we are convinced that our north are not only bulky macroeconomic indicators in contrast to broad sectors of the population impoverished and disreputable billionaire capitalists before the law, or better said as oligarchs you. When the revolutionary government President Chavez is concerned with providing food, health, education and housing, especially for the poor, it is obvious that we are at least much closer to the correct path that other nations where everything is based on the profits of a few the neglect of the majority.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
How Do I Care For My Rainbow Play System?
oppositional Members of the Board called Unit (MUD) have said in the National Assembly that the government of Hugo Chavez has failed in regard to construction housing for the people, but numbers in hand, public officials have denial expressed by these blind defenders of the oligarchy.

oppositional MP Antonio Barreto Sira said that among the questions raised are emphasizing the number of housing solutions that are building the national government and request that information be provided by specific geographic location.
Before questioning, the Minister of State for the Transformation of Caracas, Francisco Sesto, said that for example, victims in Caracas by heavy rains in late 2010 will be delivered, before culminating in 2011, eight thousand 500 of the 23 000 69 scheduled. The rest will be built between now and 2012.
dwellings, the lot of those eight thousand 500, shall be constructed in Altagracia, Santa Teresa, Cathedral, San Bernardino, Avenida Sucre, El Paraiso and Caricuao.
The works are being built on land recovered by the State and also provide for an urban renewal because in its vicinity will plazas, boulevards and other recreation sites.
For his part, Minister of Popular Power for Housing, Ricardo Molina, said that in 2011 the government is promoting the construction, apart from those mentioned, 150 000 new housing units, of which 40 000 will be built with the support of community councils.
He clarified that the construction of housing complexes in Venezuela has been plagued by a traditional component that must be eradicated, for it views positively the signing of agreements with China, Belarus, Iran and Brazil because they allow the transfer of technology.
Also, with the aim of improving the quality of life of Venezuelans in housing, the Venezuelan government is carrying out the Comprehensive Plan Habitat Transformation through which the Ministry of Popular Power for Community and Social Protection is building , For example, in Guarico state thousand 623 homes with an investment of 154 000 000 344 000 960 bolivars involving 61 community councils in 15 municipalities of the federal agency with the substitution of appropriate housing solutions ranches. These actions are performed within the program of self and self, essential to the development of organized communities. It should be noted that thanks to the direct transfer of financial resources to these communities is realizing the dream of many families to live in a decent home, and the creation of jobs in different locations, with the construction of up to 30 houses per Community Council.
is important to remind the opposition and the people in general that President Hugo Chávez Frías and launched the Great Mission Housing Venezuela's five strategic apex:
1 º) Census of homeless families to meet the housing needs the Venezuelan people.
2 º) Census of land where it may be possible to build housing solutions.
3 º) Accounting for the number of construction firms willing to work in the construction of housing as well as those that will be responsible for training workers to effectively implement the projects established.
4 º) Evaluation financing from private banks.
5 º) Knowing what materials and construction technology and which has additionally needed.
Before questioning, the Minister of State for the Transformation of Caracas, Francisco Sesto, said that for example, victims in Caracas by heavy rains in late 2010 will be delivered, before culminating in 2011, eight thousand 500 of the 23 000 69 scheduled. The rest will be built between now and 2012.
dwellings, the lot of those eight thousand 500, shall be constructed in Altagracia, Santa Teresa, Cathedral, San Bernardino, Avenida Sucre, El Paraiso and Caricuao.
The works are being built on land recovered by the State and also provide for an urban renewal because in its vicinity will plazas, boulevards and other recreation sites.
For his part, Minister of Popular Power for Housing, Ricardo Molina, said that in 2011 the government is promoting the construction, apart from those mentioned, 150 000 new housing units, of which 40 000 will be built with the support of community councils.
He clarified that the construction of housing complexes in Venezuela has been plagued by a traditional component that must be eradicated, for it views positively the signing of agreements with China, Belarus, Iran and Brazil because they allow the transfer of technology.
Also, with the aim of improving the quality of life of Venezuelans in housing, the Venezuelan government is carrying out the Comprehensive Plan Habitat Transformation through which the Ministry of Popular Power for Community and Social Protection is building , For example, in Guarico state thousand 623 homes with an investment of 154 000 000 344 000 960 bolivars involving 61 community councils in 15 municipalities of the federal agency with the substitution of appropriate housing solutions ranches. These actions are performed within the program of self and self, essential to the development of organized communities. It should be noted that thanks to the direct transfer of financial resources to these communities is realizing the dream of many families to live in a decent home, and the creation of jobs in different locations, with the construction of up to 30 houses per Community Council.
is important to remind the opposition and the people in general that President Hugo Chávez Frías and launched the Great Mission Housing Venezuela's five strategic apex:
1 º) Census of homeless families to meet the housing needs the Venezuelan people.
2 º) Census of land where it may be possible to build housing solutions.
3 º) Accounting for the number of construction firms willing to work in the construction of housing as well as those that will be responsible for training workers to effectively implement the projects established.
4 º) Evaluation financing from private banks.
5 º) Knowing what materials and construction technology and which has additionally needed.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Does Alcohol Contribute To Tendonitis
"Critical thinking is a process which uses the knowledge and intelligence to effectively reach the most reasonable and justified position on an issue and the which seeks to identify and overcome the many barriers or obstacles
introduce prejudice or bias. " (Good Ideas Organization, 2011).
"Critical thinking is an important element life success (Huitt, 1993; Thomas and Smoot, 1994), and vital for the XXI century revolutionary. This should be contrasted with the non-judgmental, habitual or routine.

introduce prejudice or bias. " (Good Ideas Organization, 2011).
"Critical thinking is an important element life success (Huitt, 1993; Thomas and Smoot, 1994), and vital for the XXI century revolutionary. This should be contrasted with the non-judgmental, habitual or routine.
We must not let the facts or details available to prevent us from arduous travel the road to truth. Today's opponents used too much media attention manipulation to attack President Hugo Chavez.
However, in times of revolution the people have learned to handle the tools of critical thinking, therefore, no longer is influenced mainly by the lies fabricated by the oppositional in their labs for information.
Hugo Chavez has said that critical thinking points to the root of the problems and that is why the Bolivarian Revolution requires critical awareness to grow, to expand.
In his view, is to refine all the guns of thought, from the smallest to the largest and shoot and shoot around ideas liberating critical thinking, thinking that will save the human species from another using both distorted oppositionists as the rule and that has caused such harm.
Rules for critical thinking:
Gather all the information.
depths. Learn as much as possible before making a decision.
objectively understand all concepts.
wary of anecdotal information. Implementing brainstorming.
Analyze the source. To determine whether the conclusions are supported by the facts.
Analyze causes and effects that may be hidden. Avoid thoughts
Academic, professional, worker, student, housewife or worker, the true revolutionary must use critical thinking in the development of strategies to solve problems for the benefit of the collective. It will only be revolutionary if indeed for conduct in life who act having as a major change to become truly human man. Good critical thinkers are better equipped ideologically to make decisions and solve problems compared with those who lack this ability.
The revolutionary, critical thinking, is a fighter, a defender of justice and pioneer of science and virtue.
will always be inevitable, despite the tripping of the bourgeoisie and of its eternal right partner, promoting the integration with those people that like Venezuela and other Latin Americans have decided to take an active part in constructing their own destinies, inspiring you the legacy of one of the men with more critical thinking in history, the Liberator Simón Bolívar.
However, in times of revolution the people have learned to handle the tools of critical thinking, therefore, no longer is influenced mainly by the lies fabricated by the oppositional in their labs for information.
Hugo Chavez has said that critical thinking points to the root of the problems and that is why the Bolivarian Revolution requires critical awareness to grow, to expand.
In his view, is to refine all the guns of thought, from the smallest to the largest and shoot and shoot around ideas liberating critical thinking, thinking that will save the human species from another using both distorted oppositionists as the rule and that has caused such harm.
Rules for critical thinking:
Gather all the information.
depths. Learn as much as possible before making a decision.
objectively understand all concepts.
wary of anecdotal information. Implementing brainstorming.
Analyze the source. To determine whether the conclusions are supported by the facts.
Analyze causes and effects that may be hidden. Avoid thoughts
Academic, professional, worker, student, housewife or worker, the true revolutionary must use critical thinking in the development of strategies to solve problems for the benefit of the collective. It will only be revolutionary if indeed for conduct in life who act having as a major change to become truly human man. Good critical thinkers are better equipped ideologically to make decisions and solve problems compared with those who lack this ability.
The revolutionary, critical thinking, is a fighter, a defender of justice and pioneer of science and virtue.
will always be inevitable, despite the tripping of the bourgeoisie and of its eternal right partner, promoting the integration with those people that like Venezuela and other Latin Americans have decided to take an active part in constructing their own destinies, inspiring you the legacy of one of the men with more critical thinking in history, the Liberator Simón Bolívar.
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