Monday, February 28, 2011

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National, regional and local authorities are aware of concerted efforts to combat the scourge of insecurity, which is the main concern of the population. In fact, that was the issue addressed by the Federal Council of Government, which was attended by Vice President Elias Jaua, the Minister of Interior and Justice, Tarek El Aissami, and state governors, both revolutionary and opposition.

In the conclave, held at the headquarters of the Universidad Nacional Experimental Safety (UNESCO), based in the populous area of \u200b\u200bCaracas Catia, each authority had the opportunity to raise the experience in your organization, its achievements and the events more frequent, including lack of budget, law enforcement personnel and equipment to fight against crime and policy articulation between the various security agencies in the country. Attendees were in agreement to increase the number of police and devise a national strategy that has as crime prevention order, the security for whistleblowers and respect for human rights of those who commit offenses, before applying the technique failed repression that marked the Fourth Republic. Bicentennial

Device Security and Operational "Madrugonazo the Underworld", implemented by the security forces for coordinated by the Ministry of Interior and Justice as the Attorney General's Office, were cheered up by the State Authority anti-government leaders Nacional, who advocated for these measures to be applied more in states like Zulia, Miranda, Táchira, Carabobo and Nueva Esparta, among other entities governed by leaders the political right. This recognition had the approval of President Hugo Chavez, who expressed it in his account @ chavezcandanga, social network Twitter.

The security issue affects all citizens and, as such, calls for more effective actions to reduce the crime rate in the country and preserve the right to life. It is also the Achilles heel of the Bolivarian Government, that is, the biggest issue has affected in these 12 years, even beyond national emergencies such as the trough, the energy crisis, the banking crisis or real estate scams, to name joints of the recent past. But this controversial issue not only affect the Executive, but also for governors and mayors, more direct responsibility for security in every region across the country.

For these purposes, since this week will meet the heads of police and public safety of the various federal agencies with the authority of the Ministry of Interior and Justice to find ways together in order to lower the incidence of crime and provide greater shelter for the general population. Obviously, one of the points of discussion should be the cleaning of the various police officers, many of which have officers incur in criminal or until they were discharged for other agencies similar. Another point of action should be the proper administration of justice and to humanize the prisons, which have become overcrowded spaces, distribution and consumption of drugs, prostitution, crime and planning violent deaths, counting even with the collaboration of the custodians in what is a perverted values \u200b\u200band a loss of unproductive spending to the country.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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27 - F

Recently a politician Incredibly inefficient, corrupt and bloodthirsty as Carlos Andrés Pérez (CAP), is exalted as a martyr of democracy, even leftist leaders, of course this is only possible in the minds of those nostalgic for the IV republishing or those with a blind Chavez opponents, politicians want to recover the bodies of so-called representative democracy. The gocho has over the dead of the tango, the carupanazo and caracazo, says a new adage coined in years after the slaughter of 27-F in the deaths of thousands of Venezuelans, many of them buried in mass graves, at least of which are known.

Perez was the former interior minister in the government of Rómulo Betancourt (1959-64), when he called the "police." He became one of the main protagonists and promoters of the policy of "shoot first and find out later" that would last a greater or lesser degree depending on the historical conjuncture, during the era of AD-COPEI domain. The repression that was unleashed against supporters of the Left in the sixties, seventies and beyond, both civil and military sector, brought a lot of dead and missing, are victims of so-called democracy.

When CAP reaches its second presidency in l988 for the period (1989-1994) with a resounding election victory, is believed to be the leader called to change forever the course of the country's economy, to this end he surrounded himself with a team of technocrats which highlighted the great economist "Package Miguel Rodriguez, infamous for be one of the principal brains of the package that sought to impose neoliberal economic adviser in this new adventure carlosandresista.

A humble adeco activist, wife of the sensitive and dreamy people excited told the wife of a senior leader of Democratic Action, who knew about, after the act of proclamation of Perez as president: "Now if we are on track companion", to which the aforementioned said, not be a fool girl, these people what is coming escoñetar the country. The answer could not be more true frankly, by the wife of one of the current members of the MUD.

The February 27, 1989 just 25 days after taking power in a takeover as sumptuous to be known to posterity as the "crowning of the Teresa Carreño", a protest that began in Guarenas, by rise in public transport fare to Caracas was gradually extended to become a social explosion in which the liberated people of rabies contained over thirty years of dismal democratic governments.

When CAP announced his firm and cautious economic package consists of the classic recipes of the International Monetary Fund and designed by his team of technocrats, national business immediately reacted as usual, to get rich through usury and speculation, especially traders . In a first phase the main food was hoarded and then sold to more than double the price, getting virtually no coffee, sugar and milk powder, laundry soap not even toilet paper, but more unusual was the lack of bread, which appeared as if by magic, two days after the outbreak of the protests. Later in a second phase speculation were also increased to double, triple or more the cost, given the impotence of the authorities: medicines, cosmetics, clothing, footwear, household appliances, furniture and other staples.

repression against the masses who took to the streets in a wave of looting was widespread brutal and bloody, the state security forces acted against civilians disproportionate mostly unarmed and defenseless. Although official figures were below the 300 dead, you never know how many were actually killed the 27-F, but estimates are more than 2000 deaths, human rights for which, incidentally, there were no students making false hunger strikes in turn, held with energy drinks and food "encaletada."

Constitutional guarantees were suspended for the state security bodies, including the Metropolitan Police, the DISIP, National Guard and the army massacred the people with impunity, many law enforcement officers took advantage of this to take out personal vendettas. The award received Venezuelan police and military to repress, torture and murder their fellow citizens was the booty the goods were in multiple raids, which were not made to punish a crime, but that men called to impose law and order, was devoted to just steal under the protection of the laws and the government of CAP.

There was a scary scene happened in a supermarket in Catia where several metropolitan police dropped the "Santamaria" of the premises, after launching several tear gas against a large group of people who were inside participating in a sack, this Machiavellian action no matter who committed it were condemned to death by asphyxiation of elderly, adolescents and children.

The 27-F is a remembrance perennial injustices that prevailed during four decades of representative democracy, a political model that failed miserably and that the bourgeoisie, the far right and the church, they strive to defend and impose again the only formula for progress for the country.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Again offenders Globovisión media try to manipulate international public opinion by giving wide coverage, beyond normal, to a hunger strike students with four cats outside the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Caracas and other diplomatic missions in the country. CNN in English, English TV, television stations in Miami and other resources allocated to the reactionary thoughts of the squalid being broadcast which is broadcasting the Venezuelan television station Globovision and becomes co-responsible for this to happen because the right is an aphorism that says: "Whoever is the cause of the cause is the cause of the harm caused."


stab This new information channel the anxiety, exacerbating misrepresenting the facts and lies, does not cause major impact on national public opinion and to the people of this age, of the fifth republic, not be duped as easily as they did adecos and when they ruled the country copeyanos disastrously and merciless in the fourth republic. It was discovered that these students in addition to a hunger strike in shifts, ie are relieved from time to time, they would eat normally, for no particularly the leaders of the show does not present a significant weight loss, as well as we have seen that in such situations as Gaterade calorie drinks consumed and others considered hdroeléctricos repositories that contain water, saline, salts, minerals and sugar, and everyone is hungry striker. Prohibited


The scourge of the information known popularly as Globoterror has a wide syllabus of media manipulation and thicker than a telephone directory of Caracas. In its list of induction the chaos and crime are dead, wounded, psychological trauma, and inducements blind to the destabilization and guarimbas. Globovisión

besides always have on your screen to subjects insulting and bad-mouthing President Hugo Chavez and partners of the team accompanying him on his administration and its supporters, is sad and unfortunate spot of occurred on December 6, 2002 in Plaza Francia de Altamira when a Portuguese Joao Gouveia name that nobody knows where it came, stopped, what a coincidence!, where they were placed in front of television cameras and began shooting at close range into the crowd and killed three people and wounded at least 19. This happened in the context of opposition rally promoted by Globovisión. From the October 22, 2002 began to meet religious leaders of a rebellion, the military led by General Enrique Medina Gomez, and Nestor Gonzalez Gonzalez, along with 135 officers. They had vowed not to leave the square until Chavez resigned the presidency of the republic.

This effort disorder of the offender Globovisión media generated replicas of terror throughout the country. The social and psychological damage to people was invaluable.

The station was also responsible for other media shows such as The Firmazo, The Trancazo, The Making of the West, The Negotiation and the lamentable oil strike.

Another crime resulting from the opportunity they have had the opposition of using almost exclusively Globovisión Mephistopheles waves were the bomb attacks that occurred the morning of February 25, 2003 at the Consulate General of Colombia in Chacaíto at the Office Technical Cooperation of the Embassy of Spain in the Castellana and the Caracas Teleport building. Another major crimes Globovisión was the promotion of all that had to do with the overthrow of Hugo Chavez on April 11, 2002.

The head of the actions of this scourge media Globovision is named president of the channel, Guillermo Zuloaga, who was involved in a scandal over a car hidden in one of his properties to fatten the price to hyperinflationary levels. He himself said that all he did was sell the car of one of his companies to another of his companies, after the company first, then the sell and buy again, then sold them to himself and bought . That happened in half a year. He stated that this case still does not know why you say speculator. A Zuloaga also been accused of being a bloody murderer of many helpless animals to dissect and expose ostentatiously in their homes as hunting trophies, in an attitude typical of a sadistic beings without feelings about that at some time formed part of the sacred planet's biodiversity. But this pseudoempresario elmayor crime is that the channel is always ready to burn the country, regardless of sending the country to the precipice, so to remove Chavez from power. However, there is no threat, media campaign or conspiracy that the Bolivarian government can divert the path towards a just and democratic society deeply. The Venezuelan people is the best guarantee.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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The colorful Venezuelan right wing opposition and media, responding to national and foreign interests to overthrow President Hugo Chavez has gone so far as to promote a hunger strike and it uses young people students as cannon fodder. That is the main objective, although the strikers be anxious to point out that defending the rights of corrupt politicians, fugitives and murderers who should be brought to justice for their actions outside the law.

The strike group is any group. They are members of the "Active Youth, Venezuela Unida" (Javu), which focuses on Venezuelan government opponents who want the violent way (but not voting) to leave President Chavez. This organization has the financial backing of the Department of State, United States, which has created different facades to overthrow governments or attack by the technique of soft coup, using different methods of protest have also with the coverage and financing companies private media, such as El Nacional outlets.

Javu is affiliated to the international organization Otpor (funded NED, USAID and other facades gringo who claim to be "inspired by peace and democracy" but in fact are aimed at the promotion of abrupt changes in governments that are not related to the White House. The strategy is to use young people, students and labor mass protest actions that will have media coverage paid and menial, that will create matrices of opinion, together with its affiliated networks overseas, to give the impression that a country is in a situation of lawlessness and that warrants military intervention bought by Washington or direct U.S. intervention to establish order, peace and democracy.

addition to this, it requires that those shares are coming to the realization of an electoral process, which continuously exist in Venezuela. Remember that the opposition, with his arrival in the National Assembly, will try to show that their actions are legal, but its aim is get rid of Chavez by any means, without waiting for the 2012 elections, where you know you will be swept again by forces of the revolutionary people ..

worth mentioning that among the strikers is Roderick Navarro, former president of the Federation of University Centers of the Central University of Venezuela, who last year toured the United States (funded by the Department of State) to join an international campaign against the Venezuelan government. It's the same State Department that acts with two faces: on one hand and funded destabilizing forces on the other hand, uses diplomacy to interfere in the internal affairs of a country, using his puppet, his principal fool to the clown, the notorious OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza.

This strike is used by the opposition, by the bourgeoisie and the imperialist interests bastards to try to create a parallel between what happened in Egypt, with the forced departure of Hosni Mubarak, after 30 years in power, and deep-rooted government democratic and popular election of President Chávez. Is there an extreme situation in Venezuela for some people, many of which say "students" to risk their lives to cover the sinvergüenzura of politicians in office, widows and widowers of the Fourth Republic, or fugitives from justice, or murderers to justice using the drop to entrepreneurs who appropriated the money from their customers. " Obviously

in Venezuela there is no reason for a protest of this magnitude, which is now used as an excuse for anything and every time and not for worthy causes. This hunger strike is a lot like he did a few years ago the current metropolitan mayor, Antonio Ledezma. The only thing that this, apart from having the popular "cold shot" cove or Gatorade on duty without relief guard.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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The worst mistake she has made the opposition in Venezuela is Chavez underestimate the thought that money, plots of power, whiskey and women could handle it at will as a others, but flatly wrong. Barin has established itself in power for twelve years and to the surprise of both domestic and foreign enemies and overcome obstacles that seemed insurmountable, has imposed a style of politics.

Oppositionists knowledgeable leadership of national president, have become his followers with more or less successful according to the circumstances and methods used. The widespread use of slang words, go directly to communities, taking into account the most humble people, give them the opportunity to express their problems on television, the frank talk, typical of men of humble origin, his ability to travel throughout the country, are just some of the qualities a disguised escualidismo copy is popular.

People with class bias claim boasting heavyweight expressions disqualified, that the people who attend political actions of President Chavez or the PSUV, is the last or are about tierruos, but what escualidines not understand is that these "tierruos" are the majority of the population of the country yet. However, they are starting to become aware of this reality, therefore, are now trying to channel all his strength to this large segment of the population.

Now after realizing the success and social achievements of the president, many of the new leaders are emerging from the ranks of the MUD, slightly closer look at some of their strategies, it is no coincidence that Leopoldo Lopez tried to introduce the concept of networks to appear as popular or El Salvador in the nation with a party called People's Will.

The presidents of the Fourth Republic did not come near the poor communities to talk for hours about their needs and even raise them in a national network, none had the courage to defend your criteria above factors to set in and outside the borders of the country. Hugo Chavez has shown enough with his actions as governor, not a slave of U.S. Empire, or the bourgeoisie, or the church or military elite, making it very uncomfortable at the very accommodating and hypocritical world of traditional politics, this is perhaps one of the characteristics that best distinguished from its adversaries.

The gift of persuasion, the extraordinary powers of persuasion that only humans have counted, is another notable qualities of President Chavez, his speech has a unique strength to reach the people and his enemies even though it costs them publicly acknowledge this virtue, not deny, rather, they want to counter it at all costs because they know that is its main shortcoming.

The rights and wrongs of Chavez like any president, will pass through the implacable view of history, but what is also clear is that "Chávez effect" or his own way of doing politics, has already left an indelible mark on our country.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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The MINJUS hinders access to remedies for victims of sexual violence

The MINJUS hinders access to remedies for victims of sexual violence

Author (s): Silvia Romero Borda

is widely known that sexual violence as a recurring phenomenon during armed conflict scenarios was not outside our country during the period of political violence. During his tenure the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) acknowledged the existence of various forms of sexual violence (forced prostitution, forced marriage, sexual slavery, forced abortion, forced pregnancy, rape, forced marriage) covered by the Statute of the International Criminal Court. This so identified 538 cases of rape occurred during this period, a figure that at 31 January this year tripled according to the Register of Victims (UVR) [1].

why it has caused deep concern the recent report by the Ministry of Justice (No. 551-2010-JUS/AT) acting in an unfavorable light on Bill No. 2906/2008-CR, which proposes to amend the Law No. 28592, which creates Comprehensive Reparations Plan, to include other forms of sexual violence, other than the rape-as part of the damages to be repaired to the victims of political violence. This report argues that not provided for other forms of sexual violence under the legal framework of a crime against humanity, as envisaged at the International Criminal Court in our domestic legislation, it would be incorporating criminal conduct that our legislation does not, and notes that this could be understood as a "gap", "there would connectedness" (sic).

However, the above proposal for amending the law is positive [2], and has nothing to do with the prosecution process is underway, and stagnated for the past acquittals for military National Criminal Court, which, economically, is reversing Supreme Court Justice. The spirit of the rule was somehow compensate the damage suffered by victims of violence in our country in the period 1980-2000, and thus build bridges that could help rebuild the fractured social fabric (Conclusions - Final Report of the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation). Reparations to victims of gross human rights violations is an obligation of the State as reflected in various international treaties to which Peru is a party and which obliges it to adapt its domestic laws and not vice versa, as claimed by the Ministry of Justice.

"Principles and guidelines on the rights of victims of gross violations of international human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law to a Remedy and Reparation approved by the United Nations in 2005 is clear in establishing the state's obligations for reparations to the victims [3] .

repair The Council took action on a comprehensive concept of sexual violence

The bill for consideration by the Ministry of Justice responds to a problem presented during the registration process victims in the National Register. Cases of sexual violence had not only restricted to acts of rape, but the many forms it can take. The Council therefore Repairs made internal changes in the procedures for registration in the UV, incorporating the forms of sexual violence recognized by the Statute of the International Criminal Court, as affected should also be taken into account to qualify for the victims.

However, it was noted that new forms of sexual violence had been incorporated for purposes of qualification and registration put aside other forms of sexual violence suffered by victims. This brought it in late 2010 a new amendment was made to expand the budget, so was included torture on sexual organs, forced nudity as a result of arbitrary detention, torture in pregnant women and attempt or threat of sexual violation - improper touching.

The last amendment adopted by the Council for Reparations, in December 2010, was the incorporation of sexual violence victims as beneficiaries of reparations in health, this being the only program of repairs that can be accessed. Definitely, given the serious cases of violence committed during the internal armed conflict, falls short of amending (Article 3) the law creating the Comprehensive Plan for Reparations.

So that Article states that "are people as victims or groups of persons who have suffered acts or omissions that violate human rights standards, such as forced disappearance, kidnapping, extrajudicial execution, murder, forced displacement, arbitrary detention, forced conscription, torture, rape or death ... during the period included in this law "(emphasis added).

words, the crimes listed there are merely declarative, and there are other crimes, which also violate human rights standards, produced within the statutory period that may be considered for repairs, as is the case of sexual violence all its forms.

Consequently, there is no lag or lack of connection between the definition provided by the Integral Plan of Reparations for the victims and the bill to also include those who have been victims of sexual violence other than rape. What exists is a lack of political will to repair a whole those who suffered these types of serious human rights violations based on "technical" issues, which is consistent with the policy adopted by this government stagnation in relation to processes prosecution and he wanted to settle with the enactment of Legislative Decree repealed 1097. And

the question is obvious, what good you have been qualified and registered as a victim if you will only receive a certificate that certifies you as such. Sexual violence is perhaps a minor fact, collateral damage or one of the most common serious human rights violations suffered by women and that is being repeated in each of the scenarios of conflict and war that have been around the world.

The Convention of Belém do Pará has argued that violence against women is not only a human rights violation, but is "an affront to human dignity and a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between women and men " that "transcends all sectors of society regardless of class, race / ethnicity, income, culture, educational level, age or religion and strikes at its very foundations" [4].

American Court of Human Rights, following the international law and taking into account the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights, has argued that sexual violence is configured with actions of a sexual nature committed against a person without their consent, also to understand the physical invasion of the human body, may include acts which do not involve penetration or even physical contact [5]. Only amending

Article 3 of the Act establishing the Comprehensive Reparations Plan will allow victims who suffered sexual violence, other than the traditional concept of sexual violation, recorded in the UV-and that up to January 31, 2011, after progress in the UV and add 347 people [6] - can access the programs that the law provides for compensation and who have been waiting over twenty years to be compensated. Is it the Ministry of Justice, which last longer than waiting for victims?


-------------------------------- [1] According to the Register of Victims at 31 January, 2011, 1555 are victims of rape and 357 cases in the rating process.
[2] See also the opinions of the Ombudsman and the Ministry of Women and Social Development in this regard.
[3] See:
[4] Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women. Preamble.
[5] Case of the Miguel Castro Castro vs. Peru. Reparations and Costs. Judgement of November 25, 2006. Series C No. 160, para.
306 [6] According to the Register of Victims to January 31, 2011, 127 others are in the process of qualification.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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The National Assembly (AN), were on the agenda was held Tuesday February 15, 2011, a special parliamentary session street in Ciudad Bolivar Square Bolivar on the occasion of 192 years of the Congress of Angostura, but the oppositional deputies did not attend the argument that questioned the appointment of Strategic Operational Commander, General Henry Rangel Silva chief speaker in order:

"We are not abandoning our work in the National Assembly," said the deputy president of A New Time, Omar Barboza, who should not be parliamentary because it ignores the provisions of the laws in the country, the Labour Organization (LOT).

not go to work without good cause, is a foul and the opposition and is involved in several deputies to be expelled from the legislature.

In Venezuela there, by law, citizens first, second or third, so we all know that if we can disrespect respective sanctions as a result of such action and the first to set the example should these gentlemen.

Some of the faults in which oppositional deputies incurred as outlined in Article 102 of the LOT are:
C) Insult or serious lack of respect and consideration due to the employer, their representatives and the deputy Marquina when tried to attack the president of the National Assembly, Fernando Soto Rojas.

D) Made intentional or grossly negligent that affects safety.

F) Absence unjustified to work, as not being in the special meeting held in Ciudad Bolivar.

I) serious breach of obligations under the employment relationship.

J) Neglect of work.

Not being in the special session of the National Assembly in Ciudad Bolivar oppositional deputies they "came the backfire" and that affection, even his supporters have questioned the situaciónhasta by the program "Alo Ciudadano "transmitting Globovisión:" María Corina I voted for you. I am disappointed that you have not attended there. A cat, a dog, which he had placed there had to have heard because that's picked to represent us, not to flee, "said Pastor Leon telephone. Even the space Leopoldo Castillo in Hello Citizen, criticized the decision the day before, considering it a political mistake.

The absence of oppositional deputies is unjustified boycott the commemoration of 192 years of the installation of the Congress of Angostura, and was listed by the National Assembly president, Fernando Soto Rojas, as a disrespect to the memory of father Homeland, the Liberator, Simón Bolívar.

The decision not to attend the special session of the day today also reflects a strategy to create a permanent climate of disagreements and clashes in the AN, that at the national and international public opinion, the Venezuelan parliament appear to be a chaotic body, unable to perform its functions and therefore So apparently illegitimate, only that in matters of policy (and that is precisely one of the achievements of the revolution), and this people is not as stupid as before and will not fall into this game, much less the Members of the coalition PSUV-PCV, which also will not allow sabotage on the parliamentary agenda.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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buy medicines for cancer and HIV

Digemid reported that the first corporate purchase of state will also acquire FARMC against diabetes more than S/.2.7 million. Such purchases
has earned a 30% saving on prices. (USI)
In order to ensure access to low priced medicines for people with cancer and HIV, the State will invest S/.20 million soles to buy these products, and more than 2.7 million suns for diabetes drugs. These three diseases are chronic and incurable.
This is possible thanks to the first corporate purchase in 2011 by the State, which also permit a reduction in prices of up to 30%, the Digemid.
"S/.11 be allocated '959, 000 to buy oncology treatment S/.8 '007, 000 to treat HIV, and S/.2 '790, 000 for diabetes. In total is more than S/.22 million, "said the executive director of Access and Use of Drugs in the Digemid, Pedro Yarasca.
is estimated to be purchased together about 70 million units of these medicines, which will be distributed in a timely public health facilities to meet needs of patients.
in these purchases include the Ministry of Health, Essalud, healings of the Armed Forces and National Police (Fospoli), INPE, and the Municipal Hospital of Los Olivos.
"Thanks to corporate purchases, the State has achieved savings of 300 million soles. In addition, this process helps to lower the final price of drugs up to 30%, as pharmaceutical companies competing in the shopping offer their products to lower prices, "he said. Among
oncology products to be purchased are: Anastrozole, bleomycin, capecitabine, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, cyproterone, Dacarbazine, Imatinib, Paclitaxel. For HIV, has been included to Abacavir, Efavirenz, Stavudine, Lamivudine, Ritonavir, Saquinavir, Zidovudine, among others. And diabetes, glibenclamide and metformin.
The total amount of the first Inter-Corporate Purchase of 2011 (which includes drugs for other diseases) is S/.344 '076, 132.87.

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S/.20 million Peru: cancer, cause of death

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Peru and seven in ten patients diagnosed with this disease are at an advanced stage, reported the head of the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases (INEN), Carlos Vallejos, held today at the World Cancer Day.

During the talk about cancer prevention, Vallejos said the government invested 30 million soles for the construction and implementation of prevention centers of this disease in the country.

also the head of Pediatrics Institute of Endocrinology, Clara Perez, said that changing bad habits, like smoking and excessive drinking, exercising three times a week, walk for half an hour a day, eating fruits and vegetables or leave run contribute to avoiding the presence of any of this evil in the body.

indicated that lung cancer generated by smoking and in other cases to smell the smoke emanating from the consumption of cigarettes represent 40% of diagnosed cases. It also recommended to leave this product because nicotine addiction creates and produces premature aging, wrinkles, thrombosis, bad breath, angina pectoris, cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat and stomach. He said

stop drinking in excess purchase helps keep liver cancer, and found that the vaccine against Hepatitis B helps protect the liver from any disease, whether cancerous or otherwise.

noted that people should guard against the sun's rays, especially the babies from a years of age, who can purchase to be unprotected skin cancer 10 to 15 years after purchase or eye diseases such as retinoblastoma.

For breast cancer, admitted that most women with a lump in the breast area are not a check on time, and he invited women to have a mammogram to rule out malignant tumor this area.

urged men over 45 years to be a touch rectal examination to rule out prostate cancer that is generated by drinking alcohol, obesity, poor diet and sedentary.

preventive Talks are held in the auditorium INEN every Friday at noon throughout the year. Those interested can attend free of charge or call 201-6500 for more information.

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And "independent media"

The positive political country saw the return of the opposition to the National Assembly because it was thought, in principle, that she would return the height debate and criticism of the Government for it to take the necessary corrective measures in case any, and thus continue to benefit as many citizens as is the proper purpose of a democratic system.

More than a month of installing the new parliament, Venezuelans have seen that the opponents of President Chavez came to the legislature to take his violent speech and in the least one pair of occasions, which have been televised live, have attempted to physically attack the President of the Assembly, Fernando Soto Rojas. The forum is just to discuss ideas for confronting them and this can not be confused with physical confrontations in which a Julio Borges or exalted will Alfonso Marquina slapping in the face and disrespect Soto Rojas or any other Member. In these early

regular meetings and seen the behavior of the opposition bloc might well ask what could be playing? Do you really want to act as deputies or arrived there to kick the table, retiring en masse and try to discredit the government instances with international and trite story that the "rrrr ... regime" autocratic does not allow free speech and thought?.

also adds the focus on speech exhausted that what they call "free and independent media" is not broadcast live parliamentary sessions. When launching this sort are referring to Globovisión on misrepresentation through most hypocritical and unethical that has ever existed in history. And then we ask Venezuelans, is that the channel of the National Assembly-no ANTV broadcast live all parliamentary debates, uncensored airwaves for all the nation?, because its signal is uploaded by the subscription television business. Obviously

ANTV transmitted the debates and interventions of each and every one of the members so far and its signal can be broadcast, even live in the country through other channels, including Globovision, said "news channel" and what it does is take him covering the news and ANTV Venezolana de Televisión, mostly without pay to staff so that it covers the same, ie, technicians and journalists. Relaying the official channel is easy to put together a so-called "news channel." Ethics to lose Globovisión when they use that material to twist and try to generate population-psychotic dissociation. How sad antivalores game!.

The deputies of opposition are down his speech that are not covered by "free and independent media" for journalists in the most public and private media statements contained on site of the Federal Legislative Palace. Or does not the fellow journalists of private media companies Venevision, El Universal, Televen, El Nacional, Latest News or the same Globovisión, to cite a few cases, covering the parliamentary source? Members who say journalists then, as the oppositional Miguel Angel Rodriguez. Are they or are not?. Well

noted by the director of Ultimas Noticias, Eleazar Diaz Rangel, in its opinion page on Sunday 02.13.2011, saying that "come in handy Conatel recent antics which disclosed the Minister Andres Izarra ( ...) In 1998 there were 331 private FM stations and 11 of the State, in 2010 the private sector increased by 135 stations and are now 466, the state rose to 82 and a new spectrum emerges, the community: 243. If added to the state are 325, while the "independent private" are 466 ". Continues the renowned journalist expressing "In terms of AM radios in 1998 there were 180 commercial and 25 state and 12 ads in 2010 disappear outside the law. Consider the TV: in 1998 there were 32 private and 8 state, and in 2010 there were 61 private, 13 state and 37 community. "

saw the picture above, numbers in hand that the opposition has been denied, we affirm that in twelve years of revolution, one of the sectors of the economy that has grown has been precisely that of social media. Here no one has censored his right to be heard, say, express or disseminate issues of national importance. In this government, freedom of speech and other constitutional rights are more relevant than ever, like all means "free and independent" claims that both the bourgeois opposition.

Friday, February 11, 2011

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A cowardly spectacle was caused fistfight on Thursday February 10, 2011 in the National Assembly deputy Alfonso Marquina A New Time. Everything indicates that the opposition in parliament will continue to practice and provocation guarimbera which it administers around the country since Hugo Chavez took over the presidency of the republic and has caused such harm to the nation.

Interview of ministers in the social. Round by round description:

First round: The opposition MP Alfonso Marquina A New Era stars in a verbal confrontation with the United Socialist Party MP Henry Ventura Venezuela's PSUV.

Second round: Marquina is directed to the chair so rude to complain about the quotations made against the opposition.

Third round: Oppositional Marquina tries to give more hits to pesuvista Henry Ventura.

Fourth round: Punches directly to the head and face peseuvista.

Fifth round: Bank abandoned its "dougout" and think of a similar clash that happens when there are quarrels between two baseball teams.

Sixth round: heat died down.

Comment: Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro recommends oppositional "take a valerian" to "calm the aggression."

In the next session of the National Assembly could well invite the son of the late sports broadcaster Tovar Carlos Bracho, the speaker also Ostos Carlos Tovar, so that instead of having someone to state the facts concerning discussions, it has a sports broadcaster that tells what happens in fights Marquina deputy, who has not understood that it is in the National Assembly to legislate for the people and not for the neighborhood bully. The full weight of law and legislative rules of the forum should be granted because it is cheating Marquina the nation, gaining good pay with cash for all Venezuelans and far from fulfilling their sacred duty, what it does is degrade Member of Parliament.

After the incident in which Rep. Julio Borges of the Primero Justicia had the gall to slapping in the face of the President of the National Assembly, Fernando Soto Rojas, to express disagreement, unless a month this happens another violent event that features another opposition MP, coincidentally another disrespectful to the highest authority of parliament.

What are they looking for oppositionists?. They may be triggering a battle in the National Assembly, which leave several injured as balance to create an atmosphere of chaos on the legislative floor and continue with his unpatriotic attitude of devaluing the country's image before the world. It is worth remembering that these same people was the one who commanded the anti-Chavez against Chavez, on April 11, 2002, that is, people against people counter-revolutionary, when the gears of such collective politicians had completely different routes and destinations.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Former Mexico President Vicente Fox and others embarrassed to hear or read their statements. In a ceremony at City Hall in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, instead of talking, what he did was swear, saying without any basis, the lie that President Hugo Chávez, is facilitating the drug trafficking from our country to the North American continent. To make matters worse, Mr. Fox, if you can call it sir, also "suggested" that Chavez has a "partnership" with the cartels.

Fox showed an ignorance of a very high level because obviously unaware of the achievements made by the national government in the fight against the distribution and consumption of illicit substances.

Statistics show that Fox is not telling the truth. Last year in our country, the government seized 63 tons of drugs for dealing with it 13 000 people were arrested, while 17 international organizations lords were deported to the United States and Colombia. Also, on the border of the latter country were dismantled 18 laboratories drug processing.

Between January and February so far have been apprehended in Venezuela, one thousand 531 people for drug trafficking in a total of $ 36 procedures performed by the National Guard (GNB), the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Bolivarian National Police (CICPC Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN), regional and municipal police. It is noteworthy that three of those arrested are drug traffickers sought by Interpol red alert.

So far, so far this year authorities have seized a million 203 000 653 kg of drugs throughout the country.

"Vicente Fox feel sorry for his appeasement to the U.S. empire, "he said on one occasion the president of Venezuela, Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, who also regretted that the heroic people of Mexico have had a president like Fox who kneels before the United States.

Former President of Mexico, Vicente Fox, is still bleeding from the wound because it failed imperialism seeks to impose the Free Trade Area of \u200b\u200bthe Americas (FTAA) which was one of its thrusters. Fox

instead of raising calumnies against the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez and trampling and tarnishing the image of our country, should reflect on the plight of actaul drug trafficking in Mexico, where drug gangs like the Zetas and Sinaloa, have infiltrated all areas of national life and keep terrorizing its citizens, through public threats and blatant, abductions, torture, assassinations against government officials, police and military, as well as massacres. What Juarez, my buddy?, What did you do when he was president of the United Mexican States, against the excessive power of drug traffickers, so that now they are the masters of the lives of their fellow citizens?. Sorry but I think you have not, or base, moral or judgmental.

smells when blasts Fox when to order, against a real leader like President Chavez, who struggle for dignity, nobility and integrity of its people, instead of leaving it exposed to the clutches of drug trafficking.

I Weigh More After Pooping


in the National Assembly began the questioning by the Cabinet Report and Statement of 2010 that launched last January, the President of the Republic, Hugo Chávez, to legislature itself. On that occasion, the president urged the members to ask what they wanted to high administration officials and thus began to take from Tuesday.

The first representatives of the executive to reach the Chamber of Federal Hall to be questioned were the Vice President Elias Jaua and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Nicolás Maduro; of Defence, G / Ex Carlos Mata Figueroa, of the Interior, Tarek El Aissami, and the Communication and Information Andres Izarra. There were all the MPs in full, to the deputies, willing to listen carefully to each intervention.

All present did their homework listening: Ministers and Vice President elaborated on the government's progress last year and listened attentively to generate parliamentary debate of ideas, in harmony with the democratic spirit of the nation. Of course, the ideas found were the common denominator, which is an indication of the richness of the debate in the organ of choice for the confrontation of ideas: the Venezuelan parliament.

As a matter of national interest, both the National Public Media as the main channels and private radio stations in the country, as well as electronic media that included the major national newspapers, broadcast live the impact of this historical interpellation. It was a golden opportunity to learn about the different visions of the country within the framework of ideological pluralism. The town also starred, as they opened various media forums and urged the public to ask this or that official through social networks.

These questionings, with open gears and no commercial breaks, leading to strengthening participatory democracy as a form of civic expression of free thought and opinion. This conference will be held for three weeks and the rostrum of the National Assembly parade every one of the members of the Cabinet. Maybe they do not have the huge media coverage had yesterday, but the intention is to invite the public to have more prominence in government and parliamentary issues, since it is the daily life of the nation in general.

The parliamentary day was an achievement of our nascent socialism, social street parliamentarism and people legislator, was developed strong contrary opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the Bolivarian Revolution, which should be cause for deep reflection for opposition and the government. So that as was natural in a candid conversation, stepped on one side, the defense made Members revolutionary socialist government and their criticisms of other colleagues who have assumed opposition boldly and wisely, fulfilling the goal of making the failure strengths for the benefit of the country and each and every one of the most 28 million citizens who live in our beloved Venezuela.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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was a cold morning warm Saturday after the conclusion of the February 4 (4-F) throughout the country and the Child Cardiology Hospital corridors would be little little infected by the enthusiasm of members various Cuban Mission Barrio Adentro: Health, Sport and Culture. Celebrated the III Scientific Meeting of the Integral Health Center (CSI) Maria Guerrero Ramos, ASIC Montalbán, Caracas, which unlike the above would represent an opportunity for doctors, nurses, Bachelor of Physical Culture, engineers, artists, hobbyists, students and teachers a unique way to share the same space and share experiences and emotions experienced, on par with their stay in the communities where they work and live, well away from the asphalt and majestic buildings but close to the roofs and cardboard houses to offer his heart in every action and transform reality that the Cantor of the People speak Alí Primera.

The day promised to be very interesting, although the extent of the program. An exceptional witness took a seat in the auditorium so as not to miss a moment of the event was Dr. Gilberto Rodríguez Ochoa himself had abandoned his post at the entrance of the Hospital, at the same time he welcomed the last of the participants to arrive , an attending physician be delayed by a sick person, despite having completed their duty and of responsibility and humans are the Cuban doctors, the teacher justified it with a smile as invited him to pass, as not going to understand who was regarded in his time a Don Quixote by their moral and ethical precepts through fourth republic rife with flaws and injustices as he struggled to achieve health strategies that favored the neediest because according to him "worst disease is the life we \u200b\u200blead, never gave a private practice, chose the path of public service to be near the community of those who need a doctor, but would lack even a few years so he could see the Bolivarian Government through the Misión Barrio Adentro would bring professionals to think of the people, rather than private gain and to help out the rain with his hands and his soul to pass the suffering, to restore hope to those who every morning down the hills and get lost in the maze of the city.

event was inaugurated after a little cultural activity and the official words of welcome began the lectures given by prestigious professors Drs Ivan Moyano, Alexis May, Isnel Martínez, Manuel Jesus Perez and Isidoro Padilla was ordered torn between Today's diverse issues and how they apply in their daily work, so we came novel information on the use of blood products, the management of sepsis and parenteral nutrition in patients critical to human exposures interesting about the intensity of pain for the patient, communication as a source of satisfaction and motivation.

On the other hand while defending a score of works in the version of Print in the hallways and Professor Gilberto struggled painfully between conferences continue to enjoy comfortably sit or leave the room and go into the hallways, but true to his style to avoid being behind desks in offices or enclosed preferred, at least for a few minutes, attend and enjoy the Poster and the defense of such varied topics and was wondering how to ignore the sacrifice of so many professionals who give everything for a grateful smile? Why is the Child Cardiology Hospital Hospital the only institution able to foster a professional exchange of this magnitude?.

The fact is to host the event while being a source of pride for all is also an oasis in the rejection of the national medical intelligentsia in the practice of the Cuban doctors, who do not take more than patients who simply can not afford their services.

After a well deserved lunch, the event continued with the presentation of the Brief and those were the results of the surgery departments of CSI Montalban Ramos Maria Guerrero presented by Professor Dr. Manuel Jesus Perez and Dr. Daimi Ricardo; the Gastroenterology Service of the center uncovered by Dr. Luis Fausto Sevilla, reaching Clinical research method and errors in the management of arterial hypertension was lectured by Professor Dr. Arnaldo Rodríguez León, Cardiologist Military History Museum, ASIC Sierra Maestra. They all carried the approval of those present and the jury of the event to be rewarded.

would come after a long day when the closing unwanted and with it the surprising presence to present several members of the House of Culture Caribbean (FUNCARIBE) by first Speaking the renowned painter Ruben Cantu who appreciate sublime form of delivery of the Cuban doctors, especially Dr Mario Sánchez Pérez Libanys after several years as Coordinator of the CSI Montalban Ramos Maria Guerrero ended its functions, to return in Cuba shortly to the satisfaction of accomplishment, he received a picture of the artist, titled "Heroes" and Mayito, as we affectionately call him all the doctor would appreciate the gesture to the humility that characterizes the Cuban doctor, then the poet and President of Judith House Villamediana intervene with his usual tenderness giving us two of his poems to remind us Marti 130 years ago visited the land and leave a message of thanks that today thrives on the daily happenings of the protagonists of Barrio Adentro, to complete a sentence Cantillo reminded us born in the wake of that historic visit, "Give me Venezuela that serve: her I have a son "(José Martí, Letter to Theodore Aldrey Fausto, Caracas July 27, 1881). Today on behalf of Marti's sons are serving Venezuela Cuba!.

Thus ended a wonderful day full of emotions and feelings, commitments fulfilled and conviction to do it better every day, but we still have a gift and it was that everyone stayed out of the amphitheater King dazzled by the sun, a compelling presence in the Caribbean, such was the heat of the scientific and cultural exchange between two sister nations that Professor Dr. Gilberto Rodríguez Ochoa took advantage to fire with his kind smile to all participants and ratified the validity of Martí a phrase that leaves your lips taste of that days like these can be eternal, "Love is repaid with love."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Quinceaneras Center Pieces


revolutionaries know for some time that Chavez is crazy but then the skinny on the ladies of high society, opposition supporters, mostly, I imagine a husband is another matter. Whoever did this year was no more and no less than Maria Corina Machado Parisca, the same deputy of the far right, representing the high-born and the "good people, or whatever."

imagine that Maria Corina, despite his smile from ear to ear always displayed before the media had a fit of jealousy or anger or had a marital fight in his imagination marriage, cohabitation or arrejuntarse, as they like to call the union dummy. She said Chavez "is behaving like a bad husband." Well, well.

Pearl threw in an interview that he made the Ultimas Noticias newspaper that was published this Sunday, 06 February 2011. Chavez said Maria Corina misbehaves as husband because "one day offers love and promises and the next day it disappears and does not reach." A Mary likes to sing serenades and the President of the singing and, as the popular saying, a lady or the petal of a rose.

Maria Corina She complained that her husband Chavez has not done anything in 12 years of marriage and that the "balance of sadness, poverty and violence," she sees "on the streets, in businesses, schools, in hospitals and the family. " Popular saying goes that a husband and wife fight no one should get, but we're going to take that dare to do so. Maria Corina, do not you think that "your bad husband" Chávez succeeded in Venezuela was recognized by the United Nations to exceed the Millennium Development Goals concerning poverty reduction, improvements in the health system and inclusion of more citizens in the system education that gives you so sad?.

Let's take a little more confidence, Maria Corina. Would you Mari I can call Cori? You say that you also feel sorry business balance your "bad husband." Indeed, Mari Cori, to be your area of \u200b\u200bcompetence, know that Chavez regained many companies today are models of production and market leaders in their respective rows. Can you mention some? If you are going. Movilnet, CANTV, Metro de Caracas, Banco de Venezuela, Sidor, Dairy Los Andes, Electricidad de Caracas and Mercal, which has great food at low prices to the public. By the way, we invite you to go and do a little market Mercal resolved. They'll pay more real than you have in your bulging bank account, probably in U.S. and abroad.

Ay, Maria Corina, those close together your own business with the deputies, Eduardo Gomez Sigala ("Goat" of Polaris) and José Manuel Gonzalez (former president of Fedecamaras) you are not leaving anything good. Until you see Alfonso Marquina, which should at least be yours corduroy ideological pragmatism as a form which should not have near him a lot because your lineage.

A Maria Corina, despite his feigned smile, everything stinks, even to the Bureau of the Ultra Right (MUD), because it has not yielded to their decisions, preferring to form a business and bourgeois fraction. Maria Corina use the MUD as their platform to become the "beans" opponent of the 2012 presidential election and for this, if necessary, go to the same house White, but not to be photographed with George W. genocidal Bush, but perhaps with the hawks that have surrounded the black man Barack Obama. She is the candidate of the empire and the oligarchy to challenge Chávez and may not have Bean, but, again, beans. Maria Corina

While still with his idea that "Chávez as husband misbehaves, the people told that is wrong. Mari Cori, you must remind you that your President, our President, is played to his own life in trying to consolidate the revolutionary process, peaceful, democratic and Bolivar, which has brought inclusion, socio-economic improvements and has enlarged the homeland of Bolívar, real fighting for its independence and will never again be anyone's colony.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Building Makeshift Pontoon Boat


in 1993 in a lecture at the UCV, Professor José Rafael Nunez Tenorio, one of the most knowledgeable on the subject of Marxism and socialism in our country, he said categorically that there had been "socialism of the people," but "state socialism" in an allusion to the Soviet bureaucracy and its impact. He also stated that there was no communism, because communism was an advanced stage of socialism and socialism should be understood precisely as a transition phrase it.

In view of the foregoing wise is very difficult, especially in these times to talk about pure socialism, much less pure communism or the strengthening of the communist utopia in the world, nothing is further from the truth, especially in our country.

capitalism is so entrenched in Venezuela that not only defines the national economy in structural terms, but has turned over our contemporary history into a philosophy of life. Especially Venezuelans in XX and XXI century, think and act according to the patterns of consumption taxes by a superstructure of alienation particularly supported by the mass media. A further weakening the ideological bombardment is strengthened every day when not only the language of advertising exploits basic human needs, but creates other man to promote the use of new products, which are obviously not necessary to live.

Moreover, the economy is and will be mixed, therefore, what you should do is try to reconcile the existence of private enterprises with state-owned enterprises, establishing the appropriate mechanisms to control these activities , as have other socialist nations such as China and Cuba.

The consolidation of a socialist state does not pass through the outright elimination of the property. In the case of China after they were returned to the territories of Hong Kong and Macao former colonies of Britain and Portugal respectively, did the government administration model called a "country, two systems", which is attributed to Deng Xiaoping.

The private sector continues its rapid growth in China, in fact, has become the largest employer in the country, between 2001 and 2006 generated more than 5 million jobs.

The term includes private companies all non-state and are in private hands, which provide about 60% of national GDP and 75% annually open new working places of China.

Administration of Industry and Commerce of China said the number of companies registered in the official body, reached 7,878,000, of which private companies have 3,984,000, corresponding to 50.57%.

People's Republic of China became the world's second largest economy in the second quarter of 2010, displacing Japan who held this position since 1968. In the period April to June last year, China's GDP reached 1337 billion, while the Japan was 1288 billion. If this trend is repeated regularly, it is likely that in two decades China will be the first economic power in the world. And to all you, that is the life of orthodox communism? Obviously lags behind the dynamics of the market economy and the Chinese who are characterized as one of the world's smartest people, have fully understood without losing basic social privileges for its more than 1000 million people, including health, education, housing and food, which obviously are a legacy of socialism.

In Cuba, the government announced the creation of a new code tax that favors small businesses. The country's President Raul Castro said he is looking to increase to triple the number of private companies for this purpose have been freed from regulatory constraints, 178 work activities, that will gradually absorb 500 thousand public sector employees, whose positions will be eliminated as part of a policy to reduce the state bureaucracy and public spending.

changes to stimulate private enterprise in Cuba are not only substance but also in form, the urban environment around the shops, its facades and windows are being modernized, including the use of technological resources such as LCD, which does not mean consumerism is simple marketing, because people buy with the eyes.

In Venezuela, President Chavez has made repeated calls for dialogue with employers and many private companies, both domestic and foreign, with healthy attachment to the laws have been and remain members or state insurance providers in the 12 years of Bolivarian Revolution, and even long-term projects in the future, of course, many who have committed extremely serious irregularities and tax evasion, speculation and smuggling have been seized or fined.

The government of President Chavez is an enemy of private enterprise is a just sanctioning of private activity without state control, arbitrary, monopolistic and illegal speculative. And forget the specter of communism, because neither in the minds of the leaders of the great socialist regimes is, first of assholes because they have no hair, know that they are forced to adapt fully to the economic reality, reaffirming since then the achievements and core values \u200b\u200bof its political system. Also, are aware that they can not lose ground in the economic field, because it would mean falling behind with the machinery of the capitalist powers, just as we are in search of a multipolar world in which including developing nations have a role.

It is time to say goodbye to the old specter of communism, raised by the extreme right to terrorize the masses, especially when winds of socialism constructive, progressive and dynamic people power in Latin America.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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4-F: Genesis of the Bolivarian Revolution

On 4 February 1992 (4-F), heroic and idealistic soldiers tried to restore the dignity that Venezuelans had lost by the hegemony of the leaders of the so-called representative democracy, in over thirty years of successive governments. Given the constant blunders exhausted political system, incapable and corrupt, those young officers reacted to earn a fair and memorable in the history of contemporary Spain.

The military (4-F) with their courageous actions showed they are worthy of carrying the blood and genes in the ancestral heritage of the forefathers who forged the liberation of Venezuela. In a dark moment with deep nationalist conviction, decided to take up arms against a rotten political class in all its structures. It was then, when they set out to rescue the values \u200b\u200bof independence, sovereignty and the struggle for the nation, not to be crushed at any neoimperio or foreign power and playing a popular cry, act with the firmness required by the circumstances, but supported by the civic principles of equality, fraternity, health, strength and union Republicans, exalted by the Father of the Nation, Simón Bolívar, in his unforgettable exploits.

Operation Zamora, who were involved in the linings of the states of Aragua, Carabobo, Miranda and Zulia, began when returned to our country's then President, Carlos Andres Perez, after attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Five led military actions, Hugo Chavez, Francisco Arias Cardenas, Joel Acosta Chirinos, Jesus Urdaneta Hernandez and Jesus Ortiz Contreras, all members of the Bolivarian Movement MBR-200.

"... Partners unfortunately for now, the objectives that we set were not achieved in the capital city, that's us here in Caracas we can not control the power. You did very well there, but it's time to avoid further bloodshed, it is time to reflect and come new developments and the country must definitely will fly to a destination better, so I hear my word, hear the commander Chavez , sends this message to them to please think and lay down their weapons ... " were words he said, television and other media, in this honorable day, now national president, Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias.

In 1992 the country was given almost entirely to the northern empire "destined by providence to plague America with misery in the name of freedom" to paraphrase Bolivar. The exploits of these soldiers made the Venezuelans we took the most fateful decision of struggle to have a revolutionary government, Bolivar and is now possible, thanks to the management, that the hand of the people, carries on President Chávez.

drops that overflowed the glass and pushed the Bolivarian soldiers trying to seize power to give to the sovereign, were the possibility that once again the country losing territory to cede approaches to Colombia of the Gulf of Venezuela and as the collective bitterness generated by the administration of Pérez, who in his second term, he changed the country's economic model of a traditional capitalist state a neoliberal capitalist.

Perez was condemning the nation to poverty by eliminating the preferential rates for the agricultural sector, increased gasoline price liberalization, free offer and demand that favored monopolies and other recipes from the International Monetary Fund debt require states to reduce public spending and orient their economies toward exports, implementing high interest rates, privatize state enterprises and raise taxes, among other measures very harmful to people.

The sacrifice of those who gave their lives, this February 4, 1992 with the objective that we had a decent government, revolution was not in vain. Simón Bolívar National Project is underway. We are laying the groundwork for the final and solid construction of a new Bolivarian nation in line with the aspirations of the Venezuelan and the international scene with food for all, ensuring individual and social freedoms, proper application of justice, mass education and free top-level sport, reaffirmation of our national identity, fighting for a optimal environment, without exception opportunities (creative, artistic and scientific), improvements in public transport, health, economic self-sufficiency, sovereignty, political freedom and participatory democracy on the road to the State Community.

not lose heart in the fight, now more than ever we move forward. President Chavez you have a town with a contingent of men and women he wants, he estimated. Here we are with you communities, students, indigenous people, workers, workers, youth, housewives, athletes, artists, scientists, leaders and leaders of different parties, social groups, political groups supporting the revolution as well as other instances of popular organizations, social organizations. Long live the people! Viva la patria !.... February 4, 1992: Genesis of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Avoid a possible world hunger resulting from a strong pressure inflation in food products is one of the objectives of the Mission Agro Venezuela, announced by President Hugo Chávez. The Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO) has already admitted that the spiral in rising food prices can worsen dramatically in the coming months.

According to the international organization, 845 million people worldwide suffer from extreme hunger, if not permanently consume the minimum calories needed for the body to perform
vital functions. Furthermore
hand, two billion, one third of the world's population, is facing severe nutritional deficiencies. This is what is called hidden hunger, it is also estimated that 925 million people are undernourished.

A Department of Agriculture, FAO, entitled "Human Nutrition in the Developing World", indicating that starvation is considered a severe lack of food that most often affects a large geographic area or a significant group of people. The result usually is death by starvation of the affected population, preceded by severe malnutrition or malnutrition.

For global famine did not affect the country, Prime National President, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, has launched the Mission Agro Venezuela and its government and plans to spend a billion Bolivars to the agricultural cooperatives and small farms that conform to the program. The amount will come from the Independence Fund, administered by Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). Five

consolidate strategic food sovereignty of the nation to make war on world hunger: Grand National Alliance for the production of food. Intensify efforts in the production of basic agricultural items, which are vital in the diet of Venezuelans. Expansion of agricultural land, initially to 150 hectares. Optimal development of urban agriculture. Involve the People, with a greater depth, in the Food Sector. Mission Agro

Venezuela will increase, notably, the production of oilseeds for the manufacture of oils, as well as corn, vegetables, rice, vegetables, soybeans, black beans, sugar cane, beans, meat, milk, chicken , pork and other foods, which contributes significantly to international inflation.

Producers, this mission will have public support with loans, seeds, tools, machinery, irrigation systems, etc., And to fix roads and farm access roads. Markets

municipal and other State agencies as Mercal, Mercalitos, Abastos Bicentennial, etc., Will also drive the mission successfully Agro Venezuela. They help to put an effective, fair prices and decent, and in sufficient quantities to supply the entire population, the fruits of labor of the producers devoted to food area.
With this mission, government and people, once more, join forces and demonstrate the will and mobilization to continue to raise the homeland and defeat global hunger.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Body Influence Watch Online

More than 3 000 children abused in Peru

In 2010, 3 000 257 children were abused. However, only 651 offenders were arrested the same year.
In Ica, two brothers raped a 5 year old. (F. America) By Lourdes Fernandez
The youngest of seven months, was brutally raped by her own father, I have had to rebuild the entire genital tract that may have life expectancies. The creature must undergo surgical procedures to achieve recovery from the brutal attack suffered by Elvis Egoavil Julcarima (22), now known as the 'Monster Satipo. " This case has brought to the fore the issue of sexual abuse that many children suffer in our country.
Last year alone, 3 000 257 children under 17 years were violated, the Ministry of Women and Social Development (MIMD). Most victims were female (2.888) and the other male (312).
A worrying picture which shows the lack of protection that is our children. In the year 2009 were 3 000 200 children under age 17 who suffered sexual abuse. The figures also reveal that children aged 12 to 17 years are most vulnerable to being abused.
ALARMING. According to the legal representative of the NGO Action for Children, Yolanda Llanos, increasing the figure in this type of crime is that victims have begun to report abuse. However, Llanos warns that despite the willingness of the victims to accuse their abusers, the institutions fail to protect them. Therefore, some families prefer silence.
NO JUSTICE. Although the law punishable by the maximum penalty for rapists of minors in the country cases of detained offenders are minimal. In 2010, only 651 offenders were arrested, according to the National Register of Detainees and sentenced to a Custodial Effective.
It should be noted that most depraved are relatives of the victim. Freddy Vasquez Institute for Delgado-Hideyo Noguchi, the lack of values \u200b\u200beducation subjects and the poverty in which children live are factors that influence the growth of this problem. Http://