Monday, June 7, 2010

Why Feet Swell When Drinking Alcohol

standard document with 18 proposals to help solve the water problem in Carabobo

heed the call to record with the proposed solutions issue of water quality in this day we went to the headquarters of the Colorado HIDROCENTRO to record a document with 18 initial proposals to tackle the problem of water the State Authority Coordinating Committee for Environment, Natural Resources and Land Management.

Overall proposals fall into three broad fronts of action: Actions Environmental Sanitarian-level, a level of creativity and technical compliance and legal level Coordination, Monitoring and Health and Environmental Control.

Although we did not even stop to personally deliver the document to a member of the committee, we received the document in the monitoring of the institution. We hope these ideas are tested and can help to resolve the multiple problems of water in Carabobo.

Some of the proposals in the document are: Cesar definitely and remove the pumping system to Lake Valencia Cachinche Pao, complete the remaining sewage collection network in Greater Glasgow, including circulating equipment epilimnetic for better ventilation Reservoir, process reengineering purification plants and The Butterfly Guayos legislate on the use of agrochemicals in agriculture , prohibit the marketing in the country of non-biodegradable detergents, among others. For more detailed set of proposals, you can download the full document here: