Interview of ministers in the social. Round by round description:
First round: The opposition MP Alfonso Marquina A New Era stars in a verbal confrontation with the United Socialist Party MP Henry Ventura Venezuela's PSUV.
Second round: Marquina is directed to the chair so rude to complain about the quotations made against the opposition.
Third round: Oppositional Marquina tries to give more hits to pesuvista Henry Ventura.
Fourth round: Punches directly to the head and face peseuvista.
Fifth round: Bank abandoned its "dougout" and think of a similar clash that happens when there are quarrels between two baseball teams.
Sixth round: heat died down.
Comment: Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro recommends oppositional "take a valerian" to "calm the aggression."
In the next session of the National Assembly could well invite the son of the late sports broadcaster Tovar Carlos Bracho, the speaker also Ostos Carlos Tovar, so that instead of having someone to state the facts concerning discussions, it has a sports broadcaster that tells what happens in fights Marquina deputy, who has not understood that it is in the National Assembly to legislate for the people and not for the neighborhood bully. The full weight of law and legislative rules of the forum should be granted because it is cheating Marquina the nation, gaining good pay with cash for all Venezuelans and far from fulfilling their sacred duty, what it does is degrade Member of Parliament.
After the incident in which Rep. Julio Borges of the Primero Justicia had the gall to slapping in the face of the President of the National Assembly, Fernando Soto Rojas, to express disagreement, unless a month this happens another violent event that features another opposition MP, coincidentally another disrespectful to the highest authority of parliament.
What are they looking for oppositionists?. They may be triggering a battle in the National Assembly, which leave several injured as balance to create an atmosphere of chaos on the legislative floor and continue with his unpatriotic attitude of devaluing the country's image before the world. It is worth remembering that these same people was the one who commanded the anti-Chavez against Chavez, on April 11, 2002, that is, people against people counter-revolutionary, when the gears of such collective politicians had completely different routes and destinations.
First round: The opposition MP Alfonso Marquina A New Era stars in a verbal confrontation with the United Socialist Party MP Henry Ventura Venezuela's PSUV.
Second round: Marquina is directed to the chair so rude to complain about the quotations made against the opposition.
Third round: Oppositional Marquina tries to give more hits to pesuvista Henry Ventura.
Fourth round: Punches directly to the head and face peseuvista.
Fifth round: Bank abandoned its "dougout" and think of a similar clash that happens when there are quarrels between two baseball teams.
Sixth round: heat died down.
Comment: Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro recommends oppositional "take a valerian" to "calm the aggression."
In the next session of the National Assembly could well invite the son of the late sports broadcaster Tovar Carlos Bracho, the speaker also Ostos Carlos Tovar, so that instead of having someone to state the facts concerning discussions, it has a sports broadcaster that tells what happens in fights Marquina deputy, who has not understood that it is in the National Assembly to legislate for the people and not for the neighborhood bully. The full weight of law and legislative rules of the forum should be granted because it is cheating Marquina the nation, gaining good pay with cash for all Venezuelans and far from fulfilling their sacred duty, what it does is degrade Member of Parliament.
After the incident in which Rep. Julio Borges of the Primero Justicia had the gall to slapping in the face of the President of the National Assembly, Fernando Soto Rojas, to express disagreement, unless a month this happens another violent event that features another opposition MP, coincidentally another disrespectful to the highest authority of parliament.
What are they looking for oppositionists?. They may be triggering a battle in the National Assembly, which leave several injured as balance to create an atmosphere of chaos on the legislative floor and continue with his unpatriotic attitude of devaluing the country's image before the world. It is worth remembering that these same people was the one who commanded the anti-Chavez against Chavez, on April 11, 2002, that is, people against people counter-revolutionary, when the gears of such collective politicians had completely different routes and destinations.
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