In view of the foregoing wise is very difficult, especially in these times to talk about pure socialism, much less pure communism or the strengthening of the communist utopia in the world, nothing is further from the truth, especially in our country.
capitalism is so entrenched in Venezuela that not only defines the national economy in structural terms, but has turned over our contemporary history into a philosophy of life. Especially Venezuelans in XX and XXI century, think and act according to the patterns of consumption taxes by a superstructure of alienation particularly supported by the mass media. A further weakening the ideological bombardment is strengthened every day when not only the language of advertising exploits basic human needs, but creates other man to promote the use of new products, which are obviously not necessary to live.
Moreover, the economy is and will be mixed, therefore, what you should do is try to reconcile the existence of private enterprises with state-owned enterprises, establishing the appropriate mechanisms to control these activities , as have other socialist nations such as China and Cuba.
The consolidation of a socialist state does not pass through the outright elimination of the property. In the case of China after they were returned to the territories of Hong Kong and Macao former colonies of Britain and Portugal respectively, did the government administration model called a "country, two systems", which is attributed to Deng Xiaoping.
The private sector continues its rapid growth in China, in fact, has become the largest employer in the country, between 2001 and 2006 generated more than 5 million jobs.
The term includes private companies all non-state and are in private hands, which provide about 60% of national GDP and 75% annually open new working places of China.
Administration of Industry and Commerce of China said the number of companies registered in the official body, reached 7,878,000, of which private companies have 3,984,000, corresponding to 50.57%.
People's Republic of China became the world's second largest economy in the second quarter of 2010, displacing Japan who held this position since 1968. In the period April to June last year, China's GDP reached 1337 billion, while the Japan was 1288 billion. If this trend is repeated regularly, it is likely that in two decades China will be the first economic power in the world. And to all you, that is the life of orthodox communism? Obviously lags behind the dynamics of the market economy and the Chinese who are characterized as one of the world's smartest people, have fully understood without losing basic social privileges for its more than 1000 million people, including health, education, housing and food, which obviously are a legacy of socialism.
In Cuba, the government announced the creation of a new code tax that favors small businesses. The country's President Raul Castro said he is looking to increase to triple the number of private companies for this purpose have been freed from regulatory constraints, 178 work activities, that will gradually absorb 500 thousand public sector employees, whose positions will be eliminated as part of a policy to reduce the state bureaucracy and public spending.
changes to stimulate private enterprise in Cuba are not only substance but also in form, the urban environment around the shops, its facades and windows are being modernized, including the use of technological resources such as LCD, which does not mean consumerism is simple marketing, because people buy with the eyes.
In Venezuela, President Chavez has made repeated calls for dialogue with employers and many private companies, both domestic and foreign, with healthy attachment to the laws have been and remain members or state insurance providers in the 12 years of Bolivarian Revolution, and even long-term projects in the future, of course, many who have committed extremely serious irregularities and tax evasion, speculation and smuggling have been seized or fined.
The government of President Chavez is an enemy of private enterprise is a just sanctioning of private activity without state control, arbitrary, monopolistic and illegal speculative. And forget the specter of communism, because neither in the minds of the leaders of the great socialist regimes is, first of assholes because they have no hair, know that they are forced to adapt fully to the economic reality, reaffirming since then the achievements and core values \u200b\u200bof its political system. Also, are aware that they can not lose ground in the economic field, because it would mean falling behind with the machinery of the capitalist powers, just as we are in search of a multipolar world in which including developing nations have a role.
It is time to say goodbye to the old specter of communism, raised by the extreme right to terrorize the masses, especially when winds of socialism constructive, progressive and dynamic people power in Latin America.
capitalism is so entrenched in Venezuela that not only defines the national economy in structural terms, but has turned over our contemporary history into a philosophy of life. Especially Venezuelans in XX and XXI century, think and act according to the patterns of consumption taxes by a superstructure of alienation particularly supported by the mass media. A further weakening the ideological bombardment is strengthened every day when not only the language of advertising exploits basic human needs, but creates other man to promote the use of new products, which are obviously not necessary to live.
Moreover, the economy is and will be mixed, therefore, what you should do is try to reconcile the existence of private enterprises with state-owned enterprises, establishing the appropriate mechanisms to control these activities , as have other socialist nations such as China and Cuba.
The consolidation of a socialist state does not pass through the outright elimination of the property. In the case of China after they were returned to the territories of Hong Kong and Macao former colonies of Britain and Portugal respectively, did the government administration model called a "country, two systems", which is attributed to Deng Xiaoping.
The private sector continues its rapid growth in China, in fact, has become the largest employer in the country, between 2001 and 2006 generated more than 5 million jobs.
The term includes private companies all non-state and are in private hands, which provide about 60% of national GDP and 75% annually open new working places of China.
Administration of Industry and Commerce of China said the number of companies registered in the official body, reached 7,878,000, of which private companies have 3,984,000, corresponding to 50.57%.
People's Republic of China became the world's second largest economy in the second quarter of 2010, displacing Japan who held this position since 1968. In the period April to June last year, China's GDP reached 1337 billion, while the Japan was 1288 billion. If this trend is repeated regularly, it is likely that in two decades China will be the first economic power in the world. And to all you, that is the life of orthodox communism? Obviously lags behind the dynamics of the market economy and the Chinese who are characterized as one of the world's smartest people, have fully understood without losing basic social privileges for its more than 1000 million people, including health, education, housing and food, which obviously are a legacy of socialism.
In Cuba, the government announced the creation of a new code tax that favors small businesses. The country's President Raul Castro said he is looking to increase to triple the number of private companies for this purpose have been freed from regulatory constraints, 178 work activities, that will gradually absorb 500 thousand public sector employees, whose positions will be eliminated as part of a policy to reduce the state bureaucracy and public spending.
changes to stimulate private enterprise in Cuba are not only substance but also in form, the urban environment around the shops, its facades and windows are being modernized, including the use of technological resources such as LCD, which does not mean consumerism is simple marketing, because people buy with the eyes.
In Venezuela, President Chavez has made repeated calls for dialogue with employers and many private companies, both domestic and foreign, with healthy attachment to the laws have been and remain members or state insurance providers in the 12 years of Bolivarian Revolution, and even long-term projects in the future, of course, many who have committed extremely serious irregularities and tax evasion, speculation and smuggling have been seized or fined.
The government of President Chavez is an enemy of private enterprise is a just sanctioning of private activity without state control, arbitrary, monopolistic and illegal speculative. And forget the specter of communism, because neither in the minds of the leaders of the great socialist regimes is, first of assholes because they have no hair, know that they are forced to adapt fully to the economic reality, reaffirming since then the achievements and core values \u200b\u200bof its political system. Also, are aware that they can not lose ground in the economic field, because it would mean falling behind with the machinery of the capitalist powers, just as we are in search of a multipolar world in which including developing nations have a role.
It is time to say goodbye to the old specter of communism, raised by the extreme right to terrorize the masses, especially when winds of socialism constructive, progressive and dynamic people power in Latin America.
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