Reactor WWTP "The Butterfly II", with an aerator damaged. Photo January 2011. |
The most recent measurements of the control parameters of the effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) "The Butterfly", "The Guayos" and "Taiguaguay" show that their effluent water " treated " continue to exceed the maximum allowable in Decree 883 of "Rules for Classification and control of bodies of water or liquid effluent discharges, these discharges being illegal, which is a repeated violation of Article 28 of Law Environmental Criminal , which were first reported in a Press Conference on 25 March 2010.
These results presented to the public under the analysis by the laboratories HIDROCENTRO to WWTP effluents in December 2010, and again made public Hidrocentro will not, but hydrological staff concerned about the situation, sent us the following information.
WWTP In "The Butterfly I" parameter of suspended solids recorded a value of 97 mg / l, where e is the maximum allowed by the standard 80 mg / l, bringing the value by 21% exceeded the maximum allowable, thereby becoming an illegal dumping. This is mainly due to the malfunctioning of Polish Lagoon. It ignores the current parameters of the "Mariposa II", but is presumed to be constructed only partially by 40% and there is evidence of their state of deterioration and past violations, also pouring water can continue to "Paito" without complying with the rule, despite the dilution effect brought by the rains. With Phosphorus and nitrogen are major pollutants that encourage excessive growth of aquatic plants such as Lemna , which in turn decreases the dissolved oxygen in the reservoir, breaking ecological balances, degrading its quality, and hindering purification.
The WWTP "The Guayos" whose effluents are indirectly Pao-Cachinche Reservoir Diversion via a rate approx. 5,000 liters per second, had a value of the parameter "total phosphorus" of 8.3 mg / l, the maximum set for the discharge to a body of water of 1 mg / l, representing an alarming excess of 730% over what allowed, constituting another flagrant violation of Article 28 of the Criminal Law of the Environment.

settler WWTP "The Butterfly II." Photo: January 2011 |
These non-standard values \u200b\u200bin 3 plants Wastewater Treatment largest in the region, shows that there is a specific problem in a plant, but a general state of neglect infrastructure. Hidrocentro Board has failed to maintain the operation of the Regional Water Supply System in recent years, and worse, has failed to take action to recover.
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