Delivered Report prepared by the Movement for Water Quality to the Ombudsman's Office in Caracas
On Wednesday 13th of October, we honor his word, we completed and presented the 100-page report with all the evidence that has been collected. As well as studies, analysis, action laws and proposals from the Movement for Quality of water we have been doing. Members of the Movement, Fabio Padoan, Frank Vera, Manuel Perez, Lucio Herrera and Edison Durán, moved to the Ombudsman's office in Caracas to record the document where they were gratefully received by Dr. Nahomi Figuera, ombudsperson Caracas Metropolitan Area, along with other officials of the institution.
For about an hour more than had the oportundiad to explain in sufficient detail the serious water situation in our region and to identify the key findings of the report. Advocate Figuera said a sincere interest in knowing more about it, realizing the gravity of the situation and the importance of the institution he represents is involved in it. Dr. Figuera contacted the Ombudsman of Carabobo, Dr. Teodardo Zamora who arranged a meeting for Friday October 15 at the headquarters of the Ombudsman in Carabobo.
addition, the Ombudsman asked his good offices to secure an appointment being made environmental tax which focuses its efforts to investigate in depth the multiple causes of the problem and prevent further commenting on environmental crimes documented in the report. Similarly, Dr. Figueroa was committed to us personally present the report to the Ombudsman Gabriela Ramírez and explain the case. From the Movement for Water Quality expect the Ombudsman to take responsibility for their moral commitment legal and Constituación him by the Venezuelan laws and in favor of defending the basic human right of access to drinking water all Valencia.
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