On Thursday 20 May, the Movement for Water Quality peitoria appropriated another letter addressed to the Marine Engineering was, Manager of Collection, Treatment and Maintenance of Hydrologic CA Center specifically requested information from the data of the last 10 years of the parameters that define the water quality, given that Mr. Manuel Fernandez in his communication dated 04/21/1910 express any cities could request the information requested in the offices of the medlar, said company hydrology.

Considernado that Mr. Manuel Fernandez has publicly and repeatedly to the media data of water quality values \u200b\u200bare completely public and available to "any person who approach asked "the headquarters of the Nísperos Hidrocentro not understand why é in practice, to the many complaints and our right to know provisions of the Law, Hidrocentro still insists on the refusal to make public the information we are requesting. We believe that making public the values \u200b\u200bof the physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbiological current drinking water distributed in the Central Regional System I, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof effluent quality of WWTP La Mariposa and Los Guayos, contribute substantially to clarify the doubts we have about water quality and restore the confidence of all Carabobo in public water system.
Aquilez Mr. González
Movement for Water Quality
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