1 .- Cachinche and its tributaries
parameters indicative of pollution in the Pao Cachinche and its tributaries, especially the Rio Pait, the reported values \u200b\u200bcontrast with the reality that every day is observed in the river , where the whole year may be floating a thick layer of foam detergents and a strong odor of putrid water. The commission reports that it was detected in detergent worthless "Puente La Virgen" and a value of less than 2 mg / L at the point of confluence of the transfer of Lake Valencia and Rio Paito. We wonder: How much foam is then observed if there is no presence of detergent?
strong in relation to permanent odor in that river pollution indicators called BOD and COD, the commission is below the values \u200b\u200bset by the Environment Dec.MPP No. 883, ie less than 60 mg / L in "Puente La Virgen" and 5 to 9 mg / L at the point of transfer. From experience we know that the water with these low levels of BOD and COD have no unpleasant odor or odorless.
We wonder:
• If the rivers that bring the water to the reservoir are not contaminated, because the reservoir is contaminated and hipereutrofizado for over eleven years?
• Pao Cachinche If not contaminated, as the report of the Commission, why HIDROCENTRO plans to expand the existing aeration system installed in the year 2,000?
• If you know that the current ventilation system resuspended phosphorus accumulated in the bottom of the reservoir, causing a negative impact on water quality in the same Why it will expand, rather than apply more appropriate technologies such as the Movement for Water Quality "and they suggested?
We can not fail to mention that all samples taken in the Pao Cachinche were taken just within the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of the aeration system, which is why the values \u200b\u200bof BOD and COD were low, however, paradoxically, the Commission reported COD values \u200b\u200bin the distribution of the aqueduct, where it is assumed that this value should always be zero, because otherwise evidences the presence of oxidizable chemical elements and compounds that should not be present in drinking water under any circumstances.
2 .- Water Supply Network of Great Valencia
The values \u200b\u200bobtained by the Water Commission, confirmed the claims raised by the "Movement for Water Quality" in relationship to control in the residual chlorine, which has default values \u200b\u200band excess in different parts of the network. According to the official report on "B. Monte Bello, Trigal South Central Naguanagua Town, La Esmeralda, El Molino and Libertador not detected the presence of free residual chlorine. " This means that in six (6) of the 28 items sampled by the Commission did not find any value for this parameter, while the other twelve (12) points out of 28 the value of free residual chlorine ranged between 0.50 and 1 , 3 mg / L, ie outside of the quality standards of drinking water.
As for aluminum, the Commission acknowledges that the "Santa Rosa, South Goldenrod, Naguanagua, Valencia Park and Los Chorritos "found values \u200b\u200bwell above the limit set by the drinking water standard, since the foil is in the range between 0.10 and 1.10 mg / L. Valencia Park acknowledges that presented the highest value, ie 1.10 mg / L.
Finally, the "Movement for the Quality of Water" wants to show public opinion that the improvement seen today in water is due to the effect of dilution by the water of the rainy season started from last June and is being extended even to the month of November. Upon the return period of drought to suffer the same ills that we live this 2010 and we have not advanced in addressing the many causes and bad practices that we as a society, against the water resource and for its part, the responsible authorities who are conducting the programs and projects in this field has advanced little since that last December 2009 was published the first of the complaints.
Director of Technical Development and Environmental Assessment