Friday, July 16, 2010

Nintendo Event Philippines


The Movement for Water Quality, which is a civic organization that arises from the obvious open and notorious bad quality of drinking water we have received the citizens of Great Valencia, aware of the extreme importance and responsibility that has to handle the issue because of its implications on the health of the citizenry, we have always had the fundamental values adherence to the Law, the institutionalization of the Venezuelan State, total transparency and scientific truth, and these values \u200b\u200bhave always guided our actions and statements, hoping with this procedure can give such responsibility to the institutions, especially institutions State.

is why, yesterday, July 14, 2010, in view of having passed 84 days since we made our first application, to Mr. Manuel Fernandez that was made public the values \u200b\u200bof water quality parameters as laid down in Article 66 of the Organic Law for the Provision of Potable Water and Sanitation , having completed all the stages and administrative lapses to the Organic Law on Administrative Procedures, and having completed 49 days without receiving a reply to the same application diagram by Mr. Cristóbal Francisco Ortiz, resorted to the Supreme Court, where covered in the Laws and rights under the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, mostly ask:

"That immediately to ensure the right of access to information enshrined in Article 28 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which stipulates that citizens" will have access to documents of any nature containing information whose disclosure is of interest to communities or groups of people, "just the right enshrined in Article 117 of the Constitution to" provide quality goods and services, as well as adequate and not misleading about the content and features products and services they consume, and the right of users and users of water service provided by HIDROCENTRO, enshrined in Article 66 of the Organic Law on Provision of Potable Water and Sanitation, to be regularly informed, and therefore make public the current values \u200b\u200bof the parameters established water quality in the "Health Standards for Drinking Water Quality."

also take this opportunity to point out that in view of the repeated refusal of Hidrocentro and the Ministry of Environment to comply with the obligation to publish the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of water quality and to the apparent poor quality of itself and the lack of participation of other scientific and academic institutions, we were forced to take a sample from their own resources to scientifically proven that the water delivered by Hidrocentro not meet at least two of the parameters set in the "Quality Health Standards Potable Water, "showing that the values \u200b\u200bof residual chlorine and aluminum in the water are outside the parameters established by the Health Standards. These measurements were performed by 2 independent laboratories certified by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, with very extensive experience and credibility in the Carabobo State, and have not been tampered with in any way. These laboratories, whose services have been recruited multiple times by state agencies and the industrial sector Carabobo, ensuring that errors in their measurements are less than 10%.

is also necessary to explain to public opinion in these studies did not participate or intervene at the University of Carabobo, but were made for 2 private laboratories. The University of Carabobo if you have formed a committee to investigate the problem of Water, chaired by Dr. Jacqueline Loyo of Sardi, who leads a multidisciplinary team of faculty researchers of the University, however, has not yet issued official statements analyzes have been doing.

It should be emphasized that true to our commitment to total transparency, all technical details regarding the studies and / or copies of the reports are available on request for those who want to analyze with due detail. However, it is necessary to clarify, that is NOT us as citizens and users who conduct studies for us to verify the quality of our water, but is required Hidrocentro and other public institutions to meet its responsibilities established by Law Rinse with evidence, not statements, the veracity of the allegations made by citizens.

has never been our intention to create alarm in the population, but to denounce responsibly, always based on empirical evidence and verifiable by anyone with a sincere willingness to do so, the problems we have identified in both plants treatment, Pao-Cachinche in illegal discharges, the real reason of rationing, in drinking water with non-standard parameters and repeated breaches of the Act, among others, some of which have been tentatively recognized by Hidrocentro.

is also necessary clarify that it is completely false that we have not participated in the Commission has been studying water issues in Carabobo because lack of willingness of the Movement. In the May 21 meeting at the headquarters of Minab in Carabobo, thanks to pressure from the community and the willingness of officials of the Environmental Nursery, were allowed to enter one of our members, and a timetable had been discussed Inspection of the plants, which would allow us to participate, and also invited environmental organizations interested in participating. However as of May 27 when we come to inspect the Wastewater Treatment Plant Wastewater "The Guayos" Dep. Maria Carrasco, we are denied access to it, despite being the only environmental organization that was present, a fact that was outlined in the regional media. Again, on May 28, we went to inspect the Wastewater Treatment Plant "La Mariposa" and we were prevented from participating, despite having made very specific allegations about the many problems in the plant.

Then on June 7 this year, the commission publicly invited environmental organizations to submit proposals, we went to the headquarters of the Colorado Hidrocentro where he would meet the commission, to record a document of proposals contentivo of 18 points that we consider important steps towards solving the water problem in Carabobo, we were not even allowed access beyond the surveillance, where we were forced to surrender the document. Later on June 14 along with officials of the Public Defender of Carabobo State, including the Defender Theobald Zamora, Pao-Cachinche, signed a record where Hidrocentro, represented by its President Manuel Fernandez, undertook to convene during the first week of July, as recorded in the minutes, to a meeting where we would all the information requested and would lead to an inspection of plants. Unfortunately, to this date, Hidrocentro has called us not breach its commitment. So it is false that we have not participated in the commission because they would have liked, but because we have been repeatedly prevented from participating.

We will take the floor to the Deputy Minister of Water, Mr. Cristóbal Francisco Ortiz, to engage in a "healthy debate" where they can clarify and discuss tests based on the actual size of the problem of water in Carabobo and the actions to be taken for their solution. Under this, we is necessary before such a dialogue, at least they should make public the actual values \u200b\u200bof water quality within the parameters established in the Sanitary Regulations, which have been formally asking for 86 days. Therefore invite the Vice Minister of Water to come to Valencia, and we encourage you to inspect in the presence of the media and communities, Treatment Plant, Pao-Cachinche Dam, the Diversion and tributaries: to corroborate some of complaints we have made.

From the Movement for Water Quality, we believe that a situation of such importance to all citizens, without distinction of any kind, should be taken more responsibility on the part of officials who have the duty to guarantee our right of access to a vital public service such as water, and has the moral and legal duty to provide a science with verifiable evidence response to various requests that we have done. We also call for more civil society organizations and research institutions to join the study of water issues in Carabobo, and reiterate our commitment to continue to act civilly Carabobo, above any particular interest, the quality of the liquid more precious to life, the water we all drink.

Movement for Water Quality

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Christian Thank You Quotes For Cards

Remedy of Delivery to the Supreme Court to require Hidrocentro comply with Section 66 of the Organic Law on Provision of Potable Water and Sanitation

Today July 14, 2010, members of the Movement for Water Quality, along with representatives of the National Alliance of Users and Consumers ( Anauco) and movement science, we filed an amparo in the Supreme Court by the publication of water quality parameters in the state of Carabobo.

Being the request:

FIRST: immediately to ensure the right of access to information enshrined in Article 28 of the Constitution of the Republic Bolivariana de Venezuela, which stipulates that citizens "will have access to documents of any nature containing information of interest to communities or groups of people," just the right enshrined in Article 117 of the Constitution to "provide goods and services quality, as well as adequate and not misleading about the content and characteristics of the goods and services consumed, and the right of users and users of water service provided by HIDROCENTRO, enshrined in Article 66 of the Organic Law on Provision of Potable Water and Sanitation to be regularly informed, and therefore make public the current values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of water quality set forth in "Health Standards for Drinking Water Quality."

SECOND: That in order to implement the provisions of Articles 65 and Article 66 of the Organic Law on Provision of Potable Water and Sanitation in the Hydrological duty "to provide timely information to users, to report" periodically and free distribution material "and" make known directly to users' current information on levels of service quality " provided, is included in your monthly billing service to provide drinking water, a summary of the current states of the main physico-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic quality of water supplied, and which clearly indicates the 22 minimum and maximum permissible levels for each parameter as set in the "Health Standards for Drinking Water Quality."

THIRD: That immediately to ensure the right of access to information enshrined in Article 28 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and that same shall guarantee the right of users and users water service provided by HIDROCENTRO, enshrined in Article 66 of the Organic Law of Provision of Potable Water and Sanitation, and thus make publicly known historical values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of water quality set forth in " Health Standards for Drinking Water Quality ", since the entry into force of that law

FOURTH: immediately to ensure the right of access to information enshrined in Article 28 of the Constitution of the Republic Venezuela and thus becomes public knowledge of the values \u200b\u200breturned by scientific studies technical parameters specified in Annexes 5 and 6 on the historical measurements of the last 10 years of control parameters of the discharge of treated wastewater into bodies of water set out in Official Gazette No. Extraordi3naria - 5021 on "Standards for Classification and Quality Control of Water Bodies and Liquid Effluent Discharges or "dated 18/12/1995, Plant Waste Water Treatment" The Guayos "and" Butterfly. "

FIFTH: That immediately to ensure the right of access to information enshrined in Article 28 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and therefore make public knowledge of the values \u200b\u200breturned by the technical scientific studies on the parameters specified in Annexes 5 and 6 on the historical measurements of the last 10 years of control parameters of the 23 discharges of wastewater treatment process Water Treatment Plant "Alejo Zuloaga" as stipulated in Gazette Extraordinary No. - 5021 on "Rules for the Classification and Quality Control of Water Bodies and Liquid Effluent Discharges or" dated 18/12 / 95.

SIXTH: We consider it relevant and formally request that you notify the Attorney General of the Republic and to the Ombudsman, the existence of this process, in order that if they wish, to participate as third parties.

SEVENTH: We also call to order the publication of an edict calling for all third parties who have an interest in intervening in this case.

End of request.

water supplied to the inhabitants of the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bValencia, Carabobo state, through the Pao-Cachinche, is said to comply with the rules and parameters, physical-chemical and bacteriological required for human consumption, but in most 10 years, has ignored Article 66 of the Organic Law on Provision of Potable Water and Sanitation, which provides that regularly publish scientific-technical studies carried out into the water.

laboratories used by the Movement for Water Quality, enjoyed a long career and reputation, so that on occasion have been questioned by state authorities. The values \u200b\u200bof equity study of the Movement for Water Quality, which by the way is available on the blog of the movement: residual-y.html

of 26 sites sampled by the committee of Hidrocentro in Carabobo, 80% of the samples are outside the norm.

The Movement for Water Quality still consider top priority to begin to solve this environmental problem, stop the pumping of polluted lake water transfer from Valencia to our Cachinche Pao water reservoir, water that after be addressed by Alejo Zuloaga treatment plant comes into our homes.

For more detail amparo, download the HERE.

Member Organizer Movement Water Quality by
Padoan Fabio Delgado

Monday, July 12, 2010

Signs A Scorpio Male Loves You

Residual Chlorine Concentrations and aluminum in the water in Valencia are out Delivered

On Thursday July 7, 2010, physicist Edison Durán, Mr. Manuel Pérez Rodríguez Sanitarian and Chemical Engineer Jacqueline Rodriguez, along with the Bloc. Lucio Herrera Gubaira of Anauco, in a joint press conference set position on the results so far made public Hidrocentro sampling and released the results of independent sampling, which found values \u200b\u200bof residual chlorine and aluminum in drinking water values average well above the maximum allowable Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water Quality.

Posición sobre el muestreo de Hidrocentro

Los valores publicados por los medios de comunicación de las  27 muestras analizadas por Hidrocentro y de la Comisión Estadal de Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio  pueden verse en la Gráfica 1. En el eje vertical la concentración de Cloro Residual en unidades de mg/l y en el eje horizontal el lugar y fecha de la toma de la muestra. La franja horizontal verde muestra el rango máximo permitido de Cloro Residual, el cual  se encuentra establecido en el Artículo 6 de las Normas Sanitarias de Agua Potable, which specifies that the provision of potable water at any time and anywhere in the network must have a pussycat 0.3 mg / l maximum of 0.5 mg / l of residual chlorine.

Figure 1 clearly verifies that the vast majority of the samples, the residual chlorine is outside the allowed values. Specifically, 78% of the samples found outside the permitted range, with values \u200b\u200bor well above or well below. 45% of the samples have concentrations of chlorine that are up to 120% above the maximum allowable, ie are hyperchlorinated. While 33% of the samples are subcloradas and have virtually no residual chlorine. Only 6 of the samples, ie 22% had values \u200b\u200bconsistent with that established sanitary standards., While 78% of them do not.

Residual Chlorine sampling Movement for Water Quality

The measurements were made on 5 and 13 May and 18 June 8 points of the distribution network that geographically covers the great Valencia, whose results are shown in Figure 2. These tests were performed by 2 laboratories duly certified by the Ministry of Environment. In Figure 2 shows clearly how most of the samples have values \u200b\u200boutside the norm, with the aggravation of having extremely high values \u200b\u200bas 710% achieved during the month of May, in the La Isabelica, just as complaints about excessive chlorine content in water were almost daily. However, you can see how May and joined the values \u200b\u200bfall drastically, as measured at the same point of the city, as in the case of La Isabela, a drop of 92% over the May value. Such as abrupt changes in the concentration of chlorine residual may be due mainly to lack of continuity in the output parameters of the effluents from the plant as a result of inefficiency purification processes, and add to the evidence that we have previously shown that treatment and purification plants are not operating at optimum operating conditions and the Deputy Minister for Water, Mr. Cristóbal Francisco Ortiz, and the President of Hidrocentro, Mr. Manuel Fernandez, have stated on many occasions.

These results of the analysis both Hidrocentro as the Movement for Water Quality, demonstrate beyond doubt the chlorination of drinking water in the Great Valencia. Show that there is an excessive concentration residual chlorine in the water coming to the homes of the Valencian, and all show that the multitude of complaints from citizens about the water that cause itching, irritation of mucous membranes, skin lesions, and even respiratory problems, not a sensation , is a subjective assessment as stated by the Deputy Minister of Water and Hidrocentro officials, but a sad reality that we are suffering the Carabobo.

What other effects can have on health the chlorination of water?

As is known, provided that combine organic matter with chlorine used in the purification process, it generates some byproducts called Trihalomethanes, two of which (The Clorformo and bromoform) are considered carcinogenic when exposed to them high concentrations for long periods of time. Given these high values \u200b\u200bof residual chlorine and the huge amount of organic matter in the Pao-Cachinche Reservoir, which feeds raw water to the purification plant Alejo Zuloaga (which makes the process of chlorination) is also expected to Trihalomethanes are very high (as already demonstrated that it has been in the past) and are possibly at concentrations that pose a health risk and can create serious problems for the turn of the decade.

Concentration Sampling Aluminum Movement for Water Quality

The second parameter analyzed for their potential impact on health population was conecntración aluminum in drinking water consumed by the Carabobo. The sampling was conducted in 15 points in the low and high network covering the municipalities Valencia, Naguanagua, San Diego, Libertador and Los Guayos, on May 7, 1915 and June 18 this year, the date for which had reportedly stopped the draining of Lake Valencia and two months ago.

In Figure 3, it can be seen on the vertical axis Aluminum concentration in mg / l on the horizontal axis takes place and date of the sample. The green band indicates the maximum permissible concentration, corresponding to 0.2 mg / l as set out in Table No.1 of Drinking Water Health Standards.

Graph 3 we see that 12 of the 15 samples, ie, 87% of the samples have concentrations of aluminum than the maximum permitted values, arriving to find peaks where the concentration of aluminum in water, for example at La Isabela, , has reached values \u200b\u200bover 2600% more than those considered safe for health.

While this bill would present a statistically significant abnormality (and whose cause should explain Hidrocentro), the average of the samples excluding the maximum value gives an average concentration of aluminum of 0.75 mg / l, which is to say that in general the water that supplies the great Valencia Hidrocentro has a concentration of aluminum that exceeds 275% the maximum allowed by the Health Standards. It further appears that the same point in the Isabelica a month after the first measurement, the concentration of aluminum dramatically dropped to 0.49 mg / l, although still outside the norm by 145%.

why these values \u200b\u200bare of concern? Because Aluminum is a neurotoxic metal that when ingested in high concentré causes damage to the central nervous system, causes dementia, loss memory, apathy and severe tremors . In addition, a WHO study found that a positive correlation between the aluminum present in high concentrations, water consumption and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, which has been reported in several epidemiological studies, although there is no consensus in the medical community on its causation.

The intention of the Movement for Water Quality is not to cause panic or alarm the population, but if you speak out and demonstrate the reality of the problem: that there is aluminum in concentrations well above the maximum allowed in rules that supplies water to the Great Hidrocentro Valencia, so that appropriate precautions can be undertaken later, more thorough research and that this problem does not continue to grow.

is why it is important to clarify Hidrocentro demand that how is it possible that the presence of these peaks as high as 2600% higher than allowed?. How many times these high concentrations have happened in the past?. "Seguries these peaks appear in the future." "They will remain at levels similar averages almost 300% of the maximum established in the Health Norams Water Quality?

Where does this excess aluminum in the water we consume?

Alejo Zuloaga On the ground using aluminum sulphate to clarify the water, as aluminum sulfate dissolved traps particles and helps these are deposited as sediment that can be easily removed. However, in the presence of large amounts of dissolved organic material, as actualemnte with water from the Pao-Cachinche Emlbalse, process loses efficiency and aluminum sulfate dissolved passes distribution network, thus reaching our homes. This shows once again that the treatment plants and water treatment are not operating efficiently, where there are flaws in the processes of flocculation, filtration and chlorination.

nothing With these encouraging results, we continue to ask why hidrocentro refuses to publish the values \u200b\u200bthat show water quality over the past 10 years and above, because they have refused to publish values \u200b\u200bduring the two years while it has been working through?, teimpo during which which has been public knowledge deteriorating water quality.

Implications of Aluminum in the water for health

Due to the high concentrations of aluminum in the water we drink, and most stocks a dozen of proven cases of children living in the Gran Valencia have high concentrations of aluminum, has been held responsible to appeal to parents if they see their children have certain symptoms that do not go according to development cognitive, speech problems, motor impairment, loss of staring, isolation (among others), is appropriate to rule out contamination by metals, which can be in urine, blood, and through a mineralograma of hair, which is the recommended diagnostic study is the most complete.

needed is clear that metal poisoning, particularly aluminum, can come from various sources and not just water, but it is also true that there has been an increase in cases of false diagnoses within the autism spectrum in Carabobo State, from poisoning metals, aluminum being the most common in mineralogramas to hair, which has been certified by Dr. Lorena Benarroch, Carabobo being the second state in the country with more cases reported, especially in the last 3 years. That is why it is of vital importance for the participation of agencies and institutions related to health, to conduct epidemiological studies to quantify the potential impact on health in the Carabobo of these high concentrations of chlorine in the water.

Proposed Solutions

also gave released an initial set of proposals that if implemented, would help reduce the problem of water in Carabobo. Among them are:

1) Cesar definitely and remove the pump system of Lake Valencia to Cachinche Pao. The water of Lake Valencia is not fit to be drinkable. The Environment Min must find another outlet for the surplus of the lake. This water does not even meet the quality required by the Environment by Dec. 3219 min. How is it possible that you are polluting Cachinche ruthlessly? The alleged natural purification that can occur within 40 km of journey should be measured over time as to derive representative of valid conclusions. The water treatment plants are not designed to eliminate all forms of pollution, especially when it comes to toxic elements and compounds dissolved in water.

2) TREATMENT Pao Cachinche: The Cachinche Pao reservoir should not be extending the current ventilation system. Aeration is being used at this time creates a turbulent flow upward resuspended phosphorus and nitrogen are in the background which is the fuel for the algae to grow. Instead we recommend the installation of equipment specially designed to set in motion horizontal circulation of water bodies located in the epilimnion, can promote the dissolution of atmospheric oxygen in the water,

3 ) Apply best practices of modern management in the operation and maintenance both treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants in La Mariposa, The Guayos and Taiguaiguay. Is a clear lack of management attention to operation and maintenance of these treatment plants that do not fully meet the secondary aeration processes and stabilization of sludge, or given importance to the deplorable state of neglect of these crucial facilities.

4) law on the use of agrochemicals in agriculture and manufacturing and marketing in the country of detergents biodegradable.

5) Restore natural wetland status was intentionally removed in 2000 and was known as the Paito or Laguna desparramadero El Paito. The desparramedero of the pait was shared by the Rio Cabriales and Caño La Yuca and there stirred a lot of organic pollution that now reaches Cachinche Pao.

6) Convert landfills open pit located in the Valencia Lake Basin - Pao, in processing plants as a source of contamination of groundwater and surface water courses in their respective municipalities. It is important to repeat that water treatment plants are not designed to eliminate all forms of pollution, especially when it comes to toxic elements and compounds dissolved in water.

7) Activate Hydrographic Region Council referred to in the Water Law published, and develop Comprehensive Management Plan of the Waters of Lake Valencia Basin and Rio Pao.